Would you stay or move, if gun laws changed in your state?

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I'm with Deanimator on this one. Ask any anybody that has fled a communist state if they ever regretted it and would they move back to the communist state.
Invidiously racist gun controls are merely a symptom of a more fundamental rot.

Anybody who could hear the names Emma Hernandez, Margie Carranza, David Perdue and Kate Steinle and still WANT to live in California is as alien to me in their worldview as any of the North Korean guards I saw at Panmunjom.
Let's cut the gratuitous use of terms like communist and racist. The question seems to want a "Heck, yes - rkba is my guiding light". However, as folks have clearly pointed out, life is more complex.

Is there anymore to say that is rational? Rants not acceptable.
Pennsylvania has a State Constitution where the Right to Keep and Bear is repeated “The right of the citizens to bear arms in defense of themselves and the State shall not be questioned.” So if they ever actually try to revoke our Rights....they'll have a literal fight on their hands. Must be something in the water around here....remember the Whiskey Rebellion?:) There seems to be a large group of Citizens who are just 'this' far from revolting at all times...and our gun ownership shows it. The politicians that hate guns are very afraid of armed citizens who might take to the streets....and come after THEM! Let's keep it that way. A worried politician is a good politician.
Oh dear, going nowhere to armed rebellion instead of moving issues.

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