We lack a Point Man

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May 17, 2011
Columbia, SC
From the Pro Gun standpoint, I believe one of our biggest hurdles is we lack a Point Man or Point Person. Who is our torch bearer? Who is going on TV and presenting a comprehensive, cohesive, intelligently and calmly articulated Pro Gun message? I am anxious to see that person emerge with that message.
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So far the only people that have really come out and said anything has been Uncle Ted, Alex Jones, and Dave Mustaine... but very few else have been willing to stick their neck out. I think this is simply because they know as I do that any of them that speak out will become "targeted" by the Media as blood thirsty radical right wing nuts, or just turn it around and make them look foolish. (For any of them, talking to any liberal media about guns would be like= :banghead:

Kinda like this: (it's on the sarcastic side of the liberal media anyway.)
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We're amateurs and hobbyists

They're pros with a clear "bottom line" in mind.

There's the NRA, GOA, and SAF, among others, who are semi-pro, and mainly reactive. Note I said "mainly," except for SAF, which is, through Gottlieb, pretty pro-active. The NRA is partially crippled by its Board of Directors, whose members range from glossy-wood-and-glossy-blueing Fudds to "The Second Amendment is my pistol permit" types.

Dave Kopel gives a pretty good account of himself, but has never to my knowledge faced one of those anti "interviewers" who usually won't let the interviewee get a lucid word in edgwise.

Aaaaand, aaaand, we're facing a generally anti press (bred and cultivated by "Journalism" schools) whose employers buy ink by the railroad tank car load.

So point men usually get shot down by the ever-present scouts and snipers diffused through the jungle.

Terry, 230RN
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That's what happens when the GOP Presidential nominee is a RINO and the true conservatives in the party who could lead either did not run or could not win for various reasons. I think our only hope is people like Ted Cruz and Mark Rubio who can appeal to the huge Latino voting block. I'm not Hispanic, but I am Texan, and in the Border States and FL the Hispanics will soon be a majority. Legal or not. It does not matter. They will all be voting.

And we have the media stacked against us. Decades back when young people were asked why they wanted to be journalists is was because they wanted to report the news w/o bias. Now when you ask young people why they want to be journalists it because they want to make a difference by promoting some agenda based on their worldview. Investigating and reporting the facts objectively are not even taught anymore based on the quality of reporting we have now.
Mabye we can talk Jeremy Clarkson to come to America and get it going again toe to toe with his rival Piers Morgan that way you got two British guy's going at it instead of P. Morgan attacking Americans! :D
Just like with this issue, the right really needs to groom someone to be President if we don't want someone to come in next term and further the anti-gun agenda. The right is just too divided for that to happen, though.

In regards to this issue, what is going to get national press coverage is anti-gun sentiment. Pro-gun sentiment will be read by us, and filtered by the press to get out to the masses. Our arguments will be filtered as "crazy" with statistics analyzed with bias that we can't refute until after it hits the press.

We need to be vocal, we need to be heard. We don't need one point man. We need millions of people to say "get your heads out of your rectums and give me my rights back!"
U.S. Rep. Todd Rokita (R.-IND.), who is my representative and who also happens to be a college classmate of mine, just posted the following on his public Facebook account. Let's hope he remains true to his word.

President Obama’s gun control proposals are a radical overreach by a power-hungry executive branch that is committed to restricting the 2nd Amendment rights of law-abiding Americans, without any concern for either the constitution or how this plan would actually work in the real world.

More laws and regulations will not and cannot stop evil – only strong families and communities can. Instead of focusing on the real reasons for criminal and violent activity, the White House wants to restrict the rights of conscientious, patriotic and responsible gun owners who, quite often, deter violent criminals. I will pursue each and every constitutionally-available means to stop new gun control measures from taking effect and will help lead the conversation in the halls of Congress, where such debates ought to be held, on what should be done to protect our communities and our Constitution.
This guy seems pretty good....

Good interview... What I would like to know is where the idiot interviewer got his info. about what he calls "Assault" weapons have no place in our society and have never been used in self defense and have only been used to kill people? > huh... I heard that right... right? :barf:
Wow, one person to absorb the full brunt and fury and character assassination of the anti-gunners and their compadres in the 24/7 Mainstream Media Propaganda Machine. You would have to made of some stern stuff, Heston was, not sure who would be these days. Nugent, perhaps, but I don't think he is the right man for the job.
I think Wayne LaPierre does a good job." Alan Gura, Alan Gottleib, and Eugene Volokh." Who are these people? I've never heard of them!
Eugene Volokh is a UCLA law professor who has been influential in advancing the individual right interpretation of the Second Amendment. His work was cited by Justice Scalia in the Heller opinion. Volokh and other legal experts blog at The Volokh Conspiracy.

Alan Gura is the attorney who argued our side in Heller.

Alan Gottlieb started the Second Amendment Foundation.
Saw (Lt. Col. [ret]) Oliver North on the NRA News (Sportman's Channel) yesterday. He summed things up rather well.
I saw Sarah Palin it the NRA Convention in Charlotte and she would be at the bottom of my list. Not that she was bad but the rest of the speakers were so much better, Gingrich, Beck, Pence, Boltin, Barbour...

Gingrich's speech was like watching a movie of the true history of the US. His words made me proud to be an American. He would get my vote.
I don't agree with one person, I really think we need a core group that's vocal and getting press time. Sadly conservativism doesn't lend itself well to beating off a coordinated attack from the left. The left knows it which is why they so often win.

Its time for conservatives to get in faces or lose. Love them or hate them, Beck and Limbaugh would sure help in that department.
Alas, the pro-gun rights community seems to be fractured and niche-oriented, the Second Amendment has been relegated to a "special interest" represented by a "gun lobby" and there is no evidence whatsoever of any Militia doing its job to secure our free state.
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