Senate gun control meeting today with Gifford's husband and the NRA attending.

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I think that the Giffords formation of yet another gun grabbing organization that testifies at these hearings is a terribly misguided attempt at solving these kinds of violent acts. Lets make sure to donate to the NRA-ILA and keep the heat on our legislators to make sure that they know that these organizations are not representative of their constituents.

We have a passion for our rights on our side. How many antis do you think are calling their congress people weekly and demanding action compared to us?
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NRA's Lapierre testifying today in Senate

HE calls for 2A supporters to pack the senate floor to show support. CNN is reporting it right now.
Mark Kelly is "politically whoring" his wife against our rights to own whatever weapon we want/wish to own. she is merely a puppet, she can not walk by herself, she can not speak coherently, her spoken words are all prompted by her handlers, she has no original thoughts of her own, someone must plant an idea in her half a brain before she can mumble a reply.

in my OPINION she is a living (?) breathing human vegetable !! i have never met her, but i know people who have, some say that her being warm blooded is the only proof she is one step above Howdy Doody or Charlie McCarthy
Do you read what you post, or do you simply throw things at your keyboard and believe that everyone is out to get your guns?

Gabrielle Giffords is literally none of those things. Yes, she is now disabled. She has trouble expressing herself as most people can. She has trouble walking, talking, and holding a conversation. This does not mean that she is any less intelligent, or that she is any less of a person.

Mark Kelly and Gabby Giffords had a very large, very important part of their golden years together stolen from them by a criminal with a legally-obtained pistol. Their opinions may not match yours, but they know first-hand the dangers of America's mental-health problem and the problems inherent with the easy and cheap access to firearms that we have today. They have lost a part of their lives together because Loughner was able to legally acquire a concealable, controllable, and deadly weapon.

I would even go so far as to say that his opinion may carry slightly more weight than yours.
I don't agree with all the mudslinging comments but they are an anti-gun group. The main reason they bring her to press meetings is for emotional response. It just like Obama bringing kids on stage with him. I feel sad for her situation but do not support their actions against lawful people.

They are not going to push for crazy people control. They are going to push for gun control.
Yup..........or school safety for our kids......strictly a political gun grab.....1/2 this crowd would make a good sample for a Mental Evaluation......IMO.
Rather than having a debate that focuses on gun violence, the POTUS and his minions are focused on gun control as the only ”solution”.

Feinstein had this to say about the committee meeting today:

“The California Democrat on Tuesday said she will hold her own hearing on gun control because she was unhappy that three of the five witnesses testifying Wednesday are "skewed against us." Feinstein is a member of the Judiciary Committee.”
2ifbyC said:
Feinstein ... she will hold her own hearing on gun control because she was unhappy that three of the five witnesses testifying Wednesday are "skewed against us."
So antis will hold their breath and throw temper tantrum if they don't get their way and take guns away from law abiding citizens?

That's not how democracy under the US Constitution works Ms. Feinstein and even President Obama said how the AWB finalizes will depend on the voice of the people. And I tell you, people are voicing loudly across the nation ... are you listening Mr. Obama/Ms. Feinstein?

I will be interested in how the meeting goes today ...
That's not how democracy under the US Constitution works Ms. Feinstein and even President Obama said how the AWB finalizes will depend on the voice of the people. And I tell you, people are voicing loudly across the nation ... are you listening Mr. Obama/Ms. Feinstein?

I( wonder if Mr Obama and Ms Feinstein will turn their Belltones on.

Yes, the committee meeting will be interesting to hear about.
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The hearings are underway right now.

From the ones that have spoken so far it's obvious that the antis are relying heavily on emotions instead of our God given rights and the Constitution. They are also focusing on a chunk of metal and not the fact that our society has gone down the tubes.
My respect for Gifford(s) went "out the window", or "down the toilet", (depending on my frame of mind) when she took up the banner for gun control. Poof! Gone! They're no better than Brady(s) now as far as I'm concerned. :barf:
I feel bad for what happened to Mrs. Giffords, and I even understand how such an event would change her viewpoint. However, I don't believe it validates her views....
Gabrielle Giffords is literally none of those things. Yes, she is now disabled. She has trouble expressing herself as most people can. She has trouble walking, talking, and holding a conversation. This does not mean that she is any less intelligent, or that she is any less of a person.

If she's basing her arguments (via her husband) on the fact that she happened to get shot, and is therefore now biased against guns as a result, then I would say that this makes her argument less intelligent. The gun, an inanimate object, did not shoot her by itself, and should not be blamed. If she had been stabbed in the head instead, would she still be trying to take guns out of the hands of law-abiding citizens? Heh, I doubt that she'd even go after knives in that case. Why is that? :scrutiny:

It's not that I don't understand how a person's emotions can overwhelm their intellect, especially after having experienced a traumatic event and debilitating injury. But laws must be made on a rational basis, not an emotional lashing-out at inanimate objects.

Mark Kelly and Gabby Giffords had a very large, very important part of their golden years together stolen from them by a criminal with a legally-obtained pistol. Their opinions may not match yours, but they know first-hand the dangers of America's mental-health problem and the problems inherent with the easy and cheap access to firearms that we have today. They have lost a part of their lives together because Loughner was able to legally acquire a concealable, controllable, and deadly weapon.

That's too bad, but I don't see people going after alcohol for destroying the lives of thousands every year, for example. Our justice system barely even punishes drunk drivers, but nobody cares. And on the average about 700 children lose their lives in swimming pools every year (based on government statistics), but nobody appears to be interested in banning pools. At least Giffords and her husband got to live to adulthood and achieve more than most people could ever dream of--in contrast, nobody (publicly) gives a crap about those 700 (per year) children except for their families, of course, who suffer in private because their loss does not serve an agenda.

I would even go so far as to say that his opinion may carry slightly more weight than yours.

Actually, I would say that it carries less weight. There is a reason surgeons generally do not operate on members of their own family, for comparison. It's a matter of avoiding excessive emotion that could understandably cloud their judgment, and the same goes for the biased anti-gun arguments of the victims of shootings.
I even understand how such an event would change her viewpoint.

It didn't change her views she was always anti-gun. As early as 2000 she stated that all semi autos should be banned.
Wayne did a good job, IMHO. I'm not sure anyone is listening though, sadly. I'm afraid this is just going to turn into an expensive boondoggle at our expense.
and every 20 years or so history has the habit of repeating itself if action against it isn't learned. Can we say BRADY? At least with todays technology (thankfully) there is the means to speak back much more loudly!
The problem wasn't the gun, it was the shooter.
The problem wasn't the fact that the shooter pulled out a pistol, the problem was the fact that someone else, nearby, did not pull out a legal pistol and drop the shooter on the spot before any or many shots were fired!

Take away or in any way restrict guns and those who need them to do their dirty-deeds will not be affected one bit. Only the law-abiding citizens will be affected, that is, those who wish to protect themselves, their families and those around them at any given time.

If the laws worked (which apparently don't) why is it that cities that have banned guns altogether have death rates due to shootings? That in itself proves that 'when guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns.'
Bad people will sometimes do bad things. It takes a good guy with a gun to stop them. A million lives saved by guns vs 20 children lost (extremely sad) but how many other children/elderly/every day citizens are alive today because of guns? It's a tragedy what happened but move on. The gun grabbers were on the air that same day taking up their political agenda, they don't care about people just their agendas. The Constitution gives us the Right to keep and bare arms and that Right shall not be infringed. End of discussion in my opinion.
It is clear that kelly is there as a poster, he said the gun used to shoot his wife was purchased legally, then said lets suppose it wasn't. Then goes on to say he could have purchased it illegally.
Wayne seemed to faulter when leahy kept pressing him about gun show back-ground checks.
So far it is exactly as scripted.
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