Senate gun control meeting today with Gifford's husband and the NRA attending.

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Wonder if the lame-stream media will pick up on Sessions suggesting the admin. asking Holder about gun law enforcement.
Im watching them discuss the background check. It baffles me how they claim they want more extensive background checks to catch ineligible buyers yet dismissed LaPierre's comment that illegal gun buyers don't make their purchase at an FFL, LGS, or gun show. They make their purchase on the street or steal them where they circumvent the already in-place process that would catch them. Unbelievable how they only hear what they want to hear and are only going through these motions to spread feel-good emotions.
I ve watched LaPierre, he did good. But once the questions were thrown out, the mass media stopped covering it. They are more focused on the Alabama kidnapping, so hopefully CSPAN will have it sometime later today.
Rather than having a debate that focuses on gun violence, the POTUS and his minions are focused on gun control as the only ”solution”.

Feinstein had this to say about the committee meeting today:

“The California Democrat on Tuesday said she will hold her own hearing on gun control because she was unhappy that three of the five witnesses testifying Wednesday are "skewed against us." Feinstein is a member of the Judiciary Committee.”
She's unhappy because she didn't get to hold a 'debate' that would be one-sided in her favor?
Is there no low to which this woman will not stoop?
Im watching them discuss the background check. It baffles me how they claim they want more extensive background checks to catch ineligible buyers yet dismissed LaPierre's comment that illegal gun buyers don't make their purchase at an FFL, LGS, or gun show. They make their purchase on the street or steal them where they circumvent the already in-place process that would catch them. Unbelievable how they only hear what they want to hear and are only going through these motions to spread feel-good emotions.

It doesn't baffle me because I realize that they have no interest in stopping criminals, only law-abiding citizens (universal checks require registration to be practical, and registration can obviously be used against law-abiding citizens by the government). That is because their agenda is to disarm us, and armed criminals are evidently a great help in that effort.

What baffles me is why some people think that I'm paranoid or even crazy for making such a suggestion, as it makes sense and would explain a lot. The reason Wayne and the rest of us struggle to argue against universal background checks is that we cannot use the only really true argument.
Ted Cruz nailed it! Good job for a freshman Senator.

But the comedian (Franken) is not very funny. He should go back to his old job.
Well they just arrested my neighbor Friday for falsifying documents required to purchase/secure delivery of a fire arm, so they do have time to do it, he is mentally ill.
Ms. Giffords had a traumatic brain injury and is now disabled because of it. I think we should probably show some sensitivity after what she and her husband have been through.

That being said, I think that their formation of yet another gun grabbing organization that testifies at these hearings is a terribly misguided attempt at solving these kinds of violent acts. Lets make sure to donate to the NRA-ILA and keep the heat on our legislators to make sure that they know that these organizations are not representative of their constituents.

We have a passion for our rights on our side. How many antis do you think are calling their congress people weekly and demanding action compared to us?
On one hand you are right but lets be honest here. There is an attck on our Bill of Rights and I cannot and will not undermine the Bill of Rights. His wife got shot. I lost my brother and 3 other family members of my family to a Drunk Driver and you dont see me trying to ban booze.
This was clearly a win for us. The only "arguments" on the gun control side were emotional pleas. As much as I felt sickened by the "statistic" that a girl scout troop went from 10 to 5, it should have no bearing on national legislation. Unfortunately, there's no way to say that without sounding like a callous jerk.

This should be required viewing for any legislator before voting on gun legislation.
apparently "optics, pistol grips, and barrel shrouds" allow for a perp to "spray-fire bullets" ?? Listening to these guys is making me sick :banghead:
There is a way to say it without sounding like a callous jerk; tell the truth.

If banning guns really would stop all mass shootings, the antis might have a point.
The problem is that they 'beg the question'
'Begging the question' does not mean 'raising the question' as is commonly thought, it means asking a question in such a way as to predetermine the outcome.

The issue of gun control to prevent violent crime is a loaded one, because it presupposes that gun control can prevent violent crime.

The antis deliberately turn the debate from 'can gun control prevent violent crime?' into 'would you prefer to own guns or prevent children from dying?'

That isn't the question at all. Gun control does not prevent violent crime, so their argument is invalid.

We all want to prevent violent crime, but we recognize that gun control is not the answer, or indeed even part of the answer.

That is not being a callous jerk.
Congressional hearings, anymore, are more of a dog & pony show.

They rarely, if ever, lead to any new info. It is for showing off for TV

Real information is already believed/not believed. More often than not, instead of asking ?, the pols will use most of their time praising the chairperson and thanking the witness for coming & their work.
If 'spraying bullets from the hip' is effective, why aren't soldiers and cops trained to do it?

If someone was shooting at me, I'd vastly prefer it if they tried to do it from the hip instead of aiming carefully at me. Might give me a chance to shoot back!

And if I really could spray bullets from my hips, why would I need a gun in the first place? :D
This was clearly a win for us. The only "arguments" on the gun control side were emotional pleas.

This indicates that you are a thinking, reasoning person, which sadly puts you in the minority. I wish that we could use stupid emotional arguments like they can.

As much as I felt sickened by the "statistic" that a girl scout troop went from 10 to 5, it should have no bearing on national legislation. Unfortunately, there's no way to say that without sounding like a callous jerk.

You don't sound like a callous jerk to me, but then again we are both in the minority among the general population. As for the statistic in question, did they find a way to count some of the bodies more than once? If so, then give our opponents some points for being ruthlessly clever.

Now we need somebody to testify that he saved his son's life using an AR-15, and therefore saved the lives of his yet-to-be conceived grandchildren, as well as their children, and so forth. Then we could play clips from "It's a Wonderful Life" to show how many lives would have been ruined if he hadn't had an AR-15 to save his son, a loving, caring, giving boy. :D
Blumenthal and others make the "Sandy Hook Promise"... how about upholding your oath of office to defend the constitution

and Yes LaPierre speaking the truth about the call for background checks for nearly 20years but politicians not following through.
Just saw a rerun on the news and caught Giffords' husband referring to 'special interests'.
Nice to see that protecting your family is now just some niche 'special interest'.

Seems that Loughner, the guy who shot his wife and several others, was detained by bystanders.
Perhaps if one of the bystanders had had a CCW and ended the massacre early by shooting Loughner, Mr and Mrs Giffords wouldn't be so rabidly anti-gun.
Just saw a rerun on the news and caught Giffords' husband referring to 'special interests'.
Nice to see that protecting your family is now just some niche 'special interest'.

Seems that Loughner, the guy who shot his wife and several others, was detained by bystanders.
Perhaps if one of the bystanders had had a CCW and ended the massacre early by shooting Loughner, Mr and Mrs Giffords wouldn't be so rabidly anti-gun.

In this case, there was a CCW holder that arrived on scene very soon after the shooting, while Laughner was still being wrestled with by bystanders. Unfortunately, he arrived too late to do anything, and his actions were taken out of context due to an unfortunate and poorly worded statement he made in an interview very soon afterwards, when he said he "almost shot the wrong guy"....the guy who had wrestled the pistol from Laughner and was holding it. When interviewed again later, he clarified his statement, and it turns out he didn't really "almost" shoot anyone...(His gun was still holstered when he initially saw what was happening, he told the person holding the gun to drop it, and then quickly determined the truth of the situation), but Gifford has made reference to that "almost shot the wrong guy" quote over and over again as evidence that CCW holders do more harm than good.
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