Just in case--------

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They not only hate the NRA, they fear the NRA and I like that. I despise the ilk of Michael Bloomberg, so what is their point?

My take on the "Main Scream Media"
ABC Assorted Bastids & Communists
CBS Communist Broadcast System
NBC Nothing But Communists
C-NBC Certified-Nothing But Communists
MS-NBC More (of the) Same-Nothing But Communists
CNN Communist Nooz Network
I couldn't make myself read beyond the comments about Senator Cruz.

The author reveals in every paragraph that he clearly has no interest in objectivity or intellectual honesty, so I disregard his rant.
Thanks, Gary Busey. I love when people apply their 'wit' to come up with alternate explanations of acronyms. It ranks right up there with the uber-clever ones who call Obama 'Obummer'. At least try and spread a little originality around. Every 'C' shouldn't be for 'Communist'. Perhaps something like:

ABC - Always Be Censoring
MSNBC - Mostly Snivelling Neophytes Behaving Cowardly
NBC - Now Belittling Conservatives
FOX - Forbes Owns Xylophones

You know... something like that. :neener:
It's not just the media, go to any left leaning website (buzzfeed, etc.) and read the comment sections to get an idea of how they view gun owners.
"Reporters" who write articles with that much bias and emotion have about as much journalistic integrity as a teenaged girls twitter feed.

Oddly enough, some of the most unbiased reporting towards guns and the 2A I've seen has come from the BBC......who'd of guessed.
at least they put it in the 'opinion' section and not the 'news' section
My take on the "Main Scream Media"
ABC Assorted Bastids & Communists
CBS Communist Broadcast System
NBC Nothing But Communists
C-NBC Certified-Nothing But Communists
MS-NBC More (of the) Same-Nothing But Communists
CNN Communist Nooz Network
At the risk of being serious downstream in this thread, it concerns me that folks that are pro-RKBA and anti-<insert issue( s ) here> seem to put FOX somehow above the mainstream media label. I get that they have made an "editorial choice" to pander to what we have come over the past 25 years to label as "conservative" audiences. But I think it wise to take anything one hears on FOX with the same amount of salt and downright skepticism as what one hears on MSNBC or CNN. FOX is no less "lame-stream" media than the others...they just have a different "editorial agenda". Make no mistake what their corporate agenda is...making money off of the television viewing masses with as little regard to the truth as their competion. They are ALL the same. Yes, the do often present pro-RKBA stories and editorials but quite frankly, I don't believe half of what they say even about that. They are so strident that they are preaching to the choir and making no converts.

Our cause of RKBA would be better served by getting all the various news agencies back into journalism mode rather than entertainment mode.
Just more liberal/socialistic claptrap drivel that if it were on printed in a newspaper would be best suited for lining the bottom of a bird cage.
The various media outlets are businesses. They report what (and in a manner which) obtains the highest ratings and the most ad sales. Sensation sells, it's infotainment.
CNN succeeded in their objective, they got you to read the article and spread it around. ;)
It is just an opinion. Everyone has one, or two, or three. Not everyone has the same.
"The annual festival of conspiracy theorizing, belligerent fist-shaking and anxious masculinity known as the National Rifle Association..."

Yea, if only the NRA gatherings were as peaceful as those liberal occupy protests were in the past...
he believes the freedom to buy an AR-15 at a gun show without having to fill out a form is as important as freedom of speech or religion.

This one is pretty valid... because the freedom to buy an AR-15 is in the bill of rights like speech and religion are... wait... what.... oh yeah, it is isn't it? Nevermind.
Good to see the Celebrity News Network making an attempt at reporting something about real world issues. Instead of Lindsey Lohan or some such going back to rehab.
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