Recent content by Invalid

  1. I

    Is this safe?

    Eh, who cares. We do stuff like that sometimes- the older folks call it 'effing around.' Not the brightest idea, but not certifiably dumb if they indeed had the weapons checked. I doubt it, but whatever.
  2. I

    Omaha - What Went Wrong And Whose Fault Is It?

    No, it's not, but he could be on any number of prescription anti-despression/anxiety/ADHD/Aspergers that may have triggered such a psychotic break. if you want information on the differences between speed, coke, and Ritalin (Methylphenidate).
  3. I

    Liberals like guns too

    I'm a "Liberal Democrat" and I like guns. \:)/ Hell, most of my friends are pretty left too, but we all want to keep our guns- and our medicinal pot and income, too. Like where your dominant hand holds the grip and trigger while you other hand is wrapped around the opposite side, making you...
  4. I

    no need to carry anymore...

    Police state, no tin foil hat needed. Maybe they'll start having parades soon.
  5. I

    Anti-Gun Mural

    I wish I had a reactionary response, but I just see it as art. A lot of you seem to dig making fun of the work of others, so have fun mocking a mural someone did. Sheesh.
  6. I

    A specimen of gun culture

    Seems like it's missing something in context- can't place it, but it's just not typical Oleg material.
  7. I

    The funniest thought just hit me...

    Render Thugs Facilitating Malice Right, Those Friiiiiigin' Marxists Rather, The False Mimeograph Ryan, They Fear Manliness Rookies, Them Fray Mine Reeboks, They Fit Magnificently Rats Taste Foul Man Righteous Tattoo, Frat Moron Really Too Far Mashed ROOR Take Four Months Ryan Thinks Four Much...
  8. I

    Gun stuff.

    I'd sticky the hell outta this thread. Nice job :)
  9. I

    AK47 variants with folding stocks

    I have a feeling I'll see you on the news somewhat soon. Thanks for the free ACLU fodder, too.
  10. I

    Hit this Poll

    Um, don't we all complain when antis throw polls too? This is dumb.
  11. I

    Opinion on Tazers

    Yeah, someone's gonna get hurt, but in this case the force was too much. Wrestling someone to the ground is one thing, shooting them with a potentially lethal weapon for convenience is disgusting. Abuse of power, clear and simple.
  12. I

    Best Caliber Against Monkeys?

    1. Barrel full of Tannerite. 2. Monkey-feast on and around barrel. 3. YouTube video. (4.) Get shot in turn by PETA.
  13. I

    Opinion on Tazers

    Agreed. To cite a ridiculous example, the 'bro tazing' incident is a good illustration of the acceptable level of force allowed to the law. Was he causing harm? No. Was he attacking innocent people? No. Was he being obnoxious? Sure. Was he tazed because it was that much easier for a group of...
  14. I

    K98 Id

    No X anywhere on it, nor a serial on the stock. Anyone have any information pertaining to it? Value? Can I restore it?