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Defensive Chainsaw?

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When I was a kid my dad chased his brother ( my uncle) out of the yard with a chainsaw.:D I would say that they are quite effective to deter someone.
EDP - Emotionally Disturbed Person........PC term for the kind of nut case who would advance on an armed peace officer while trying to start his chainsaw....

I have a decent amount of time behind a Stihl 028...I just have one question, which chainsaw if TSHTF? :neener:
I'd imagine a cold-start on a chainsaw as a self-defense weapon would be about as reliable as a matchlock in a swamp. They make a terrific mess as any EMT, logger or careless landscaper/homeowner who has seen one that hit flesh can attest to. I've seen one fatal chainsaw accident from a kickback but there's no way gas powertools and safety chaps will replace a good blaster at my side.

BTW, never run a weedeater in sandals and short britches.


For that matter, I'd rather have a naginata than a chainsaw.

power tool repairman hat on

It depends on the chainsaw. If you have a POS McCulloch or Homelite, you might never get that thing started in time. Those are the Lorcins, Phoenixs and RGs of chainsaws. Repair for a McCulloch or Homelite? Pour out the bar oil and pour it into a Stihl. Paint McCulloch and throw away. Homelite you can use as an anchor for the bass boat.

This reminds me of a guy, he was a recent immigrant, some years back where I used to work. He wanted us to put a 7 1/4" circular saw blade on his router. We told him to get the heck outta here. Well, he found a way to do it, his buddy told us later. Fired up router, it whipped over in his hands and cut his hands practically off. That's because the router is only going several thousand RPMs faster than a circular saw. This clown was going to hold the router motor in his hands and cut flooring with it. His buddy said after it virtually lopped the guys hands off, it took off across the floor like a bat out of hell. They had to scramble, carefully, to the outlet and unplug the contraption. All this while the dude is screaming his head off, bleeding all over the place and trying to police up his hands between his legs. We saw the router later and what a mess! Welcome to America...heeeere's yer sign.
From Policeone.com (http://www.policeone.com/policeone/frontend/parser.cfm?object=News&operation=full_newsline&id=60392) - thanks to John H. of the API List for the link:

Deputy Attacked With Chainsaw


On Sunday, the 2nd of March, 2003,a Bradley County Tennessee Deputy Sheriff was attacked by a mental patient with a chainsaw.

Two deputies responded to a residence in Bradley County after they were dispatched to a call where a subject with a mental history had barricaded himself in the residence with his landlord, and was armed with a chainsaw.

Upon arrival, the deputies attempted to talk the man into putting down the chainsaw, but as he advanced on them, one of the deputies fired a taser into him twice, with no effect.The subject, who supposedly had taken approximately 60 valium, again advanced on the deputies, and struck one of them in the arm as he was trying to push the subject away. The second deputy was able to fire at the suspect,and he was struck in the chest area.

Both the deputy and the suspect were airlifted to Erlanger Hospital in Chattanooga, where the suspect died of his wounds. The deputy sustained severe damage to his arm, and required approximately 400 stitches to close the wounds he received.

400 stitches?!?!?! :what: :what: :what:
somehow I'm thinking of...

...that scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark except instead of fancy sword handling the bad guy is frantically trying to start his chainsaw while Indiana Jones coolly shoots him with his M1917 Smith.

All kidding aside, I think a mean, but unarmed person would have a rapid change of heart if confronted by a chainsaw. Assuming, of course, you got the damn thing started in time. :banghead:
People always say that no sound sends a bad guy packing like that of a pump shotgun being chambered.

I have always said, "You're crazy. Nothing is scarier than breaking into a house and hearing a chainsaw start up in the bedroom. Not only does the bad guy know that you're armed, but he knows you're crazy too."
Ah yes the Demolition saw. That is one wea.. I mean tool I have a huge heap of respect for:uhoh:

I was working on my cabin up north and my father-in-law asked me if I wanted to fire up the demo saw and cut a notch in the recently poured foundation. I thought sure sounds like fun. I started up the beast of a saw and it quickly got to be really frightening. The first time I hit the gas it torqued sideways nearly 90 degrees. I quickly put the saw down and backed away from it. :what:
With all the chainsaw-wielding maniacs in the movies, one wonders - can you actually use one for CQC/Self-Defense?
Train yourself to be able to improvise a self-defense weapon out of anything. Even if you are simply employing that weapon in order to fight your way to a better weapon.

I once used a flower pot to save my own life.

The most powerful weapon in the universe weighs a shade over three pounds, and it rests between (some) people's ears.

Here's a hedge trimmer:

Here's a "weed whacker":

Note the business end. Has a spinning "wheel" with plastic "whips" that cut grass and weeds at a few thousand RPMs. ouchie!
I know of one case of murder by chainsaw. Shortly after Pulaski, TN was named All American City (1993 I think), a man by the name of Red McClusky chased down and murdered his nephew by hacking at him with a live chainsaw. I feel sorry for the victim, the family (other than Red) and whoever had to clean up the mess.

You can put blades on weed trimmers for "heavy duty" use.
Someone need to post a pic of the Ferris Wheel of Death for dealing with the Zombies :D

400 stitches?

Probably included all the internal layer repair sutures. By the time you get finished suturing individual muscles, tendons, arteries, veins, nerves, and fascia back together...then you get to start on the skin. It adds up.

Glad I wasn't assisting the repair...that took a while.
Flower pot? Do tell!
A person (known to me) jumped me and began to choke me out. The person was a former Marine, and I had no doubts about his ability to kill me.

In struggling to break contact, I managed to get my hand onto a flower pot. I struck the person as hard a humanly possible on the side of his head. Fortunately for him, the dirt had fallen out of the pot in my struggle to grasp/swing it. Unfortunately for me, the relatively light flower pot had a diminished effect (from the one that I had hoped for), and he continued to choke me.

As I lay there on my back, with this jarhead gorilla on my chest choking me, I swung at him again. This time, the only thing that remained of the pot was an incredibly nasty - and extremely sharp - curved shard. The blow from the shard cut my attackers upper lip almost completely off of his face.

Long story short, blood everywhere, I said my goodbyes to grandma and Elvis as they admonished me to "Go back to the light", and then I had to endure an interrogation at the scene by the police as to why my former friend's lip was hanging off his face like a piece of liver flapping in the breeze.

The door blown off the hinges, the destroyed couch (collapsed during the attack) and the death-grip bruises on my neck told the tale.

Moral of the story? Never give up, never give in, never say die. Fight. It might save your life.

And, of course, that anything can be used as a weapon if necessary.

Epilogue: The person who attacked me had his lip re-attached. It didn't take 400 stiches, but I bet it felt like it did.

Moral of that story? Think really hard about how much you like your lip(s) -the next person might be even more savage than I am - before attacking another person unprovoked. Your lip(s) will thank you for it.
The Stihl 066 probably would be best to use on a power to weight ratio

for best results, use "ripping" or skip chain (every other tooth removed, & teeth have more aggressive cutting angle. :neener:
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