what country to move to?

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but, if Texas is out, then I'll gladly move to cheesetown, count me in! can I be the Chief in charge of Weapons testing... cause... I want to fir... I mean I want to make sure that all the guns in town are safe... <.< that's it.
I say we all move to the sovergin nation of Texas and use our massive numbers to have the Texas government vote to secede from the union.
I was born in Texas, so I am all for that. Florida second.
For the OP's statement that he just wants an experience, I would lean toward europe, especially the nordic countries, or consider Dubai, which is booming (but I've seen statements that the cost of living wipes out the income benefits). I'd also consider Brazil and Argentina in that order.

If you were worried about guns, I'd stay here for various reasons. But that doesn't seem to be the OP's main reason.
Hey, at least spell it right!! It would be ".Cheese.town".:D And I am starting a small village called "Oneshooterville" here in SE Texas!!!:cool::D

Livin in Texas
I'm in Deerfield Cheese, we could start elections, but they never count the votes from FL anyway
I would never move out of this country. The way I see it, if this country goes bad, anywhere else I move would change very quickly.

This is the last hope, so we better make sure that it doesn't mess up. Like others have said, "From my cold, dead hands."

Think, if every gun owner thought like this, how many dead policemen there would be if there ever were a confiscation?
Hello, first post here. I recon I have to make a few posts before I can use the quote post feature but I'll do it this way.

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Join Date: 10-21-07
Location: West Michigan
Posts: 627 If You Cant Find An Island To Claim, Or Buy, Forget About It. All The Rest Have Some Sort Of Gun Laws. If You Find An Island To Claim. Let Us Know, You Would Soon Have Company!
But Seriously: One Thing To Remember, Our Government Was Set Up In The Beginning So That One Person Can Not Have All The Power. That Said, It Would Be Very Difficult For Obama, Or Clinton To Just Say, Give Up Your Arms America, They Are Now Illegal! They Would Have To Propose A Law, Get It Through Congress, Then The Senate, And Then Sign It Into Law. If That Ever Happened, Then There Would Be Another Civil War. Because There Are Just Way To Many Of Us To Go Quietly. I Also Find It Hard To Believe That Our Own Military Would Fire On Civilians In This Situation. As They Would Have To Shoot Members Of Their Own Families. This Scenario Would Be The Absoloute Worst Time In The History Of The United States Of America. It Would Be America's Undoing!

Personally I think that the military given an order to fire upon American civilians would divide the military greatly, many refusing to obey the order. It is a DUTY for a soldier to disobey an illegal order and many of, especially the old timers officers/ NCO's would see such an order as illegal. Many of current conservative/libratarian gun owners are ex-military, there are few if hardly any staunch liberals in the military. If Obama is elected I can envision many early retirements from officers who just couldn't tolerate the idea of Obama being their Commander In Chief.
Mexico, there are jobs down there nobody wants so they come up here. There are lots of guns and plenty of shooting right on the border so you don't have to go far. Plus you can enjoy learning a new language while you get them to speak english.

Lots of drugs and cheap women and the home of Tequela and everything is cheap. Heck Americans have been going there for years for medical care because it's cheaper. Lots of our money down there maybe you can get some of it back:D:D:D

Personally I think that the military given an order to fire upon American civilians would divide the military greatly, many refusing to obey the order. It is a DUTY for a soldier to disobey an illegal order and many of, especially the old timers officers/ NCO's would see such an order as illegal.

Wonder how many of them old timers were there killing Americans at Waco??

I took an oath when I went into the military and when I got out, was NEVER told my oath expired.
Against all enemies foreign and DOMESTIC was part.
I will stay for the good of MY children!!!!!!!!!!!
My brother and his wife bought some property on the Kenai in Alaska about three years ago.
They just put loaded their trucks onto the ferry outside of Seattle, Friday the 23rd.Headed north.

Damn I wish I was with them....
That's the American way!

When things go wrong, run away!

That's what we did at Lexington and Concord! At Valley Forge. We ran away.


Or is it stand, and fight, even when things looked hopeless?

It's still time for the political fight. Could it be that you should write your representatives, and get better ones elected, and get the bad laws repealed, and better laws on the books?

Could that be the American way?
I think I'll just bitterly cling to my guns and bible and shoot any MF that comes to my door for my guns!

One would HOPE that Obama couldn't ban our guns by fiat. But who knows how many of those SCUM in Congress have drunk the coolaid.....
That's the American way!

When things go wrong, run away!

That's what we did at Lexington and Concord! At Valley Forge. We ran away.


Or is it stand, and fight, even when things looked hopeless?

It's still time for the political fight. Could it be that you should write your representatives, and get better ones elected, and get the bad laws repealed, and better laws on the books?

Could that be the American way?

couldn't of said it better
well the problem is we dont have any say so as to who is running for office,lots of people dont vote because the choices are a joke,and we all know there is no way the goverment is going to let that change,seems like the same familys have been in power for ever,and if someone that actueally did stand for the common man i truly believe he would get shot making a speech
Why not claim "Indian" status. You can set up your own reservation nation, not pay most taxes, no car reg. fee's, no medical bills, govt. cheese, govt subsidize housing and that little thing called a casino. But only if you can get by on a few million a year, for basically being born. Tough life!
My father and I have had this discussion many times (in his case he cares about other socialist crap in addition to RKBA). He's suggested other countries in the Anglosphere like New Zealand. For my part, while I'd love to live abroad in a non-hellhole country for the cool experience of being amongst a foreign people, there is nowhere else on earth where I would enjoy anything resembling the liberty I have as an American.

As many of you would probably agree, I feel that no people are truly free when their government forcibly disarms them; by that standard, there are very few free countries, of which the United States is the only one (I know of) in the first world. Sure, the Canadian government might let you have a low-cap handgun and the French might give you permission to own a rifle and a little ammo. If that's all the "freedom" you need then go for it, but that wouldn't work for me.

Sure, RKBA in this country has taken a beating in the last 100 years, but at least it still exists.

We've been through dark political times before (GCA of '68, AWB of '94, Ruby Ridge, Waco, etc), fought hard, and come out of it. We can do so again. I for one have no intention of slinking across the border on 5 November like some nutty leftist fleeing a Republican regime.

As goes freedom in the USA, so goes freedom in the rest of the world. We've lost alot to the war on drugs, the war on terror, the war on poverty, the war on grown-ups, the war on miscellaneous unsavory vices, etc. The line must be drawn HERE.

Patriotic "molon labe" rhetoric aside, do keep in mind the president is not (yet) a king. Yes an Obama presidency would be a devastating blow to freedom if for no other reason than SCOTUS nominees, but does anyone actually believe he would be capable of governing? I'm not advocating complacency, but I am urging against despair. Who knows; maybe after this reincarnation of Jimmy Carter we'll get a reincarnation of Ronald Reagan.

So, to the OP, please stay and fight. If you do go, be sure to leave us your guns (it's not like you'll be able to take them with you anyway).
Investigate Sweden.

Swedes are still REQUIRED to have guns unless something's changed there, and their bars have shooting matches like some people play darts or pool in bars here. Each town has shooting contests on holidays or any big wing-ding.

The Swedish economy is far healthier than ours. Their education is better and free, health care is free, and they don't waste tax money on foriegn wars for egos or for oil. They don't even go to war to support their huge corporations.

I know, it's hard to imagine.
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