what country to move to?

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The "tank" at Waco was an engineering vehicle. While based on a tank frame it was owned by the DEA.

Posse comitatus or something like that says the military by law isn't allowed to assault American civilians, They were there and did assualt civilians. The national guard has always been the tool that government uses to quell the people.

Be it Waco or Kent State government has been more than willing to kill those they want. Our open borders take the lives of thousands of Americans every year and government controls that. Tons of drugs come across the border every year to addict our kids and kill Americans and government controls that.

Is there a better country with the ability to keep and bear arms, no. But then I wonder if other countries allow their cops to have tanks to assualt civilians with??

i believe we are losing the war on cime,the war on drugs and home invasions,drugs,gangs hanging at the local high schols terrorizing our children and everything else is the fact that people dont open carry ,the criminal element knows most dont have guns,thats why people see people as soft targets,show me a town that the people open carry and you will have the place that has a very low crime rate,the slime balls of society dont have the stones to take on someone that has the will and the way to protect them selves,just a thought anyway,thanks for any responces
The U.S.A., while not as free asit used to be is still the best country in the world for owning guns. There is no other country to move to in order to gain more gun rights. The only reason we still have them is the 2nd Amendment. If Obama and Congress starts taking away our rights they will get a sad awakening during the next elections, just like 1994. Better yet, don't let him in office in the first place, not that McCain is the perfect candidate.
Is South Florida still part of the USA? You wouldn't know it by looking at the population! PLEASE DIAL 1 FOR ENGLISH!!
Packing up & moving b/c your guy/gal didn't get elected & you think the US will go to crap is, in my opinion, lazy. Alec Baldwin said the same thing back in 00 or 04. You don't want to sound like him do you?

Stand your ground, fight like your life depends on it.

Your life does depend on it, your way of life, our way of life.

We will need your help.
I just remember how ridiculous a number of liberal celebrities looked when they threatened the same thing if Bush got elected, and then they failed to act on their threats.

1. For all its flaws, we still live in the best country in the world, with more gun rights than most any other country.

2. That is worth staying and fighting for.

That's just my 2¢.
Is South Florida still part of the USA? You wouldn't know it by looking at the population! PLEASE DIAL 1 FOR ENGLISH!!

If South Florida doesnt count, than neither does Texas.

I lived in Tallahassee for the past year, and still had to press when for English when calling some places
and then we'll secede.
Cheese, that was already tried. It didn't work worth a snit.

And Stauble, (or for that matter everyone) are you registered to vote? That's our best chance at not having a Democrat in the WH.
Build a nuclear submarine with a shooting range in it. Go Captain Nemo style.
The base of operations could be Cheesetown...
I'll still stay right here & God Bless America, the best Country in the world. You don't run from a threat, perceived or otherwise . . . you counter that threat. If you're inclined to desert the USA, by all means put on your track shoes and go, and quickly. How any American can propose such thoughts on Memorial Day, that day formally dedicated to remembering those who have made the supreme sacrifice for our freedoms & those who served the same righteous cause, survived, and passed in peace, is beyond me. Perhaps the old axiom IS true after all . . . everything was going well, and then we came along and ruined it for ourselves. Quitting & running in sufficient numbers will precipitate that effect . . . attack, always attack.
How about some of those African countries, you get your hands on some real military hardware there.
-just kidding

I wouldn't want to live any place other than the good ole US of A. If they try to pull something, I am sure it will only be temporary. I am just hoping that they don't get elected. What do you think McCain's chances are?
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