My home defense rifle set-up.

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Its funny cuz no matter the rig people mention for self defense here theres someone that can't wait to tell them it wont suffice. to small, to big, to bulky, slow reload, under penetration, over penetration, etc
I couldn't get enough firepower, and no matter what I bought I still couldn't sleep. I'd sit in the living room surrounded by pretty heavy weaponry, the alarms set and the dogs loose out roaming my 12 acre plot of ground watching all seven seasons of "The West Wing" over and over, wishing it could be true. It wasn't enough no matter how much PTSD therapy I went to at the vet center. Even their Thorazine didn't help me sleep.

Four packs of Marlboros every night got kinda' expensive so I decided to start digging a bunker to sleep in. I have a good backhoe tractor so every day I'd make progress, until the sides of my hole started caving back in all the time at about 20 feet down. That meant shoring and when each side got deep enough the shoring could be filled with cement. So that's what I did - forty feet down, and now under my house, I decided to close it all in. I built framed pour molds eight feet thick and called the cement folks. They were only too happy to help and seemed to understand my problem with sleeping. I felt like I wasn't the only one in the area who had done a project like this.

Then water and plumbing, electricity and air pumps, and it's all such a long story but as it is now I'm forty feet below my house while my wife is making dinner in the kitchen. She'll call me when it's ready.

I keep adding to this, making it better. I now have a driveway into it and park my truck inside. There's a steel door, sorta', that's fourteen feet thick and able to withstand a 20 megaton blast, according to the vault guy who sold it to me. It's an amazing thing, really, you can swing it with one finger but don't get that digit caught in the door, boy howdy!

So now I'm getting about three hours a night. I sleep pretty good until I have to piss again. Somehow I got old building this underground fort of mine.

We'll know from alarms if they're here but they'll never be able to get us down here. We'll be able to sit here and laugh at them. I've even got a mike and system set up so I can talk to the AH's who come to rob and kill me, but I wish they'd come soon.

I've spent my entire life's fortune to be safe but you know, no one has ever even come to the door to peddle religion.
A revolving BP cannon, with cannister shot. A shoulder stock to go with it would work well too.
Nah, no firearms needed.

You just need a quality ghost or some upper class zombies. Everybody knows that crooks and home-invaders of all stripes are terrified of ghouls and spooks, right? So just go get friendly with some and invite them to hang out at your place and frighten the nogoodniks to death if they come around uninvited.

Problem solved. ;)
You guys made me laugh!

I've got a group of these boys trained up, hardest part was finding weapons they could handle and still do some damage.

Best part is they work for peanuts!

At first I used dual automatic shotguns, using nothing but 00 bucks and rifled slugs. Then I upgraded to the aformentioned rocket propelled chainsaw. But to save on the cost of ammo, and fuel, I now use the following:
Upon tripping the infared beam that crosses the hallway door, the crazed body-builder meth addict axe murderer falls through the pit-fall into a room filled with west-nile infected misquitoes, who also have mad cow disease.

You might need that in one or two rural counties just southeast of Memphis.
Many of the criminals commute across the state line, and some country roads are in bad areas, as witnessed by some people we know.
Squirrels? Really?

Mine have opposable thumbs. :rolleyes:

Sounds like a flamethrower's needed. Zero recoil, and an almost guaranteed immolation of your target.....especially if your target involves your house in any way.
Ive got a bamboo pitfall at the front door. the saferoom has a RARDEN cannon with a FLIR scope. At any given time there is no less than 3 satellites giving me realtime intel to my blackberry. When all else fails lets just say when I go swimming I dont hold my breath..... I hold air hostage.. if ya catch my drift.
Somewhere near Tacoma, WA there IS a house with a 40 ft deep underground shelter that was built to be safe in a nuclear attack. It had a huge steel vault door and eight foot thick walls and top cover with a somewhat mundane looking ranch style house above it.

I know of it because it was listed for sale in ebay some eight or nine years ago. The pictures showed a very extensive layout of underground rooms with a fully filtered air system, sewage system, and electrical system with self generation - all invisible from the street. It really was huge down there.

Not too far from Boeing, it had been built by some very concerned citizen. At the time it was listed, for $369,000 as best I remember, I was fascinated by it and joked with my wife about us buying it as we were in the middle of shopping properties up here in Southern Washington.

Now sometimes I wish I had gone for it even though I can't much stand the Tacoma area traffic and crowding. It had room for an underground range and it must have been nice and quiet down there.
my HD is currently a full auto 105mm cannon that i can carry in my pocket, but i feel that is not sufficient as home invaders have been known to come in battleships, i'm thinking of upgrading to a rifle that fires nukes, i'll have to get the .22 conversion so i can practice cheaper.
Best thread in a long time! :D:D:D

Sad thing is, I bet you some people take the original post seriously ... plenty of paranoids out there, living in constant dread of zombie attacks.
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