It's Happening Folks

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Dec 23, 2012
I have read posts about not panic buying, don't act like a ban is coming, no need to load up on guns and ammo, blah, blah, blah... Well here we are and the moral of the story is do not underestimate your enemy.

The executive order will ban mags over 10, "Assault Weapons", and the illeged "improvements" to the background check process will include a permanent registration of new and existing guns you own. It will also include language requiring you to officially notify them of the whereabouts of the weapons you own, i.e. if it is stolen or lost you will have to notify them officially.

The mag ban is bad, the AWB is terrible, the registration process endangers the 2nd amendment more than anything in the history of US.

The NRA needs to organize a 4 million man march on Washington. We cannot ever afford to surrender to registration. It will be the beginning of the end.

The collective NRA protest on Washington be good practice for the ultimate rally when we burn our gun registration forms. If the liberals can burn draft cards and flags surely we can burn gun registration forms.
What is happening now in really unprecedented. The attack on the 2A is mounting, i havent heard of any progun senators or reps taking the podium to resist. Its mainly antigunner P Morgan and some progun invited guests they show every night. This is ramping up as Biden is going to submit his proposals to Obama by next week.
The EO part is what really bothers me. The ''ban? what ban ? what's your source?'' crowd here and on other sites have now heard it from no less a source than Joe Biden, who brags of being the last AWB's author. Tune in Tues, as we could have the details by then.
I don't have a source on what will be by executive order and what will follow by legislature. But everything I listed has been mentioned by Biden himself. The elaboration of the registration improvement is conjecture, but it is what I would do if my ultimate goal was disarming the citizenship. Do you question if that is the goal??? Please answer that question directly. It may clear a few things up for the readers.

If you do agree that disarming us is the goal you probably agree with this. Do you?

I think these are all good things:
1 - panic buying = more armed citizens or more weapons available if they are needed so what's the problem?
2 - don't act like a ban is coming = if I draw back my fist to hit you do you wait until I hit you to prepare to defend yourself?
3 - no need to load up on guns and ammo = I don't even have a reponse for this!
All three point points make plenty of sense to me. It's called being pro active:banghead:
even if it late it's better than nothing.
Hello guys...

You all have heard a variation of this before, so please allow me to paraphrase...

One day, they came for the Jewish people. I was not a Jew, so I did not care.

Another day, the came for the inteligentsia. I am not that smart, so it did not affect me.

Yet later, they came for the gays. I am not gay, so I do not care.

I feel pretty good, as I am one of the only ones left.


Do not allow ANYONE to usurp your God given Constitutional Rights!!!
Really Chris?

"They just said on the news that Executive Order can't be used to ban mags or AWB. It has to go through Congress."

Who are they? CNN? Well you can surely trust them, but just in case they are trying to get you to relax and drop your guard.....check this out.

Source: Wikipedia

Bush called for " Going after the criminal not the gun owner". However, on March 15, 1989, less than two months after taking office, Bush temporarily banned, by executive order, the importation of various semi-automatic assault weapons.[3] That ban was extended a few weeks later to include additional firearms,[4] and was made permanent by Bush in July, 1989.[5] Clinton won the 1992 election with 43% of the vote.

Here read it for yourself:

Seems like everyone needs sources unless it makes them sleep better.

How about this (same Wiki)

Executive Orders
During his term, President Clinton also used the power of executive orders to implement gun control policies. On April 6, 1998 Clinton signed an order that permanently banned the importation of more than 50 semiautomatic "assault weapons".[12] In 1999 White House domestic policy chief Bruce D. Reed said, "The country is tired of waiting for Congress to respond to the tragedy in Littleton. The administration is going to do every thing in its power to make progress on guns."[13] In 2001 Clinton also used executive orders to ban the importation of "assault pistols" and tighten licensing rules on gun dealers.[14] Many accused Clinton of overuse of the executive power on gun control issues.
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Its going to get ugly to the point mobs are going to start hunting down weapons, warehouses and of course private sellers. If you private sell make sure its a secure place.

I have been besieged with people asking how best to actually react with the requirements of the 2A. I have been telling them to find as many movies to rent about successful operations of guerrilla warfare behind enemy lines. That there are manuals available even on Amazon about resistance fighters.

And many are saying Obama will boil the frog about this though I personally think he really wants mobs and riots against his empire, some say he needs armed insurrection so he can bring in UN troops.
Armed UN troops???

Step awake from the Kool-aid.....

U.N. Troops are about the most useless bunch of uniform wearing humans on the planet. (Unless they are US troops of course)

The biggest concern is the damn fools that keep going to school and shooting up the place...

This politics and like love and war all is fair,,m
I think now is definitely time for concern, and I've even posed the question about Executive Orders (wanting to know what can and can't be done).

But, to say that a ban is inevitable at this stage is premature. To say that an EO is imminent, with specific restrictions, is purely speculative without a reliable source.

We have many reasons to be concerned right now, but we probably shouldn't get lost in the propaganda.
I will not comply with any new assault weapons ban, nor will I register my arms.

As a free man of the United States of America, I'll not be stripped of my rights protected by the second amendment of the constitution.
We need a sub-forum for AWB speculation
And another one for Piers Morgan

Stop wasting time and energy on speculation (or watching the idiot box) and write your congress members.

EMail or fax, keep it short and simple, and make sure you ID yourself as in their district.
How many times can it possibly be stated that Executive Orders CANNOT MAKE LAW? They can provide instructions on enforcement of current law, but cannot make NEW law, hence no mag bans, no assault weapon bans, etc. They could possibly do something along the lines of cutting gun/ammo imports or some such thing via executive order, but what was outlined in the OP is legally impossible. Obama and Biden cannot unilaterally create laws on their own by simple decree, and anyone believing as such should study our system of govt more carefully before screaming that the sky is falling and that we're doomed. Import bans are not the same as the weapons/magazines/etc being banned themselves. My Chinese Norinco SKS cannot be imported any longer, but is perfectly legal for me to own and use. I'm not saying such a ban should happen or that I'd support it, just pointing out that ie remotely the equivalent to a "gun ban" of any kind
Well said Dave. That's the biggest fight we can take to them right now. There ARE representatives that are on our side! This isn't over and defeatist talk isn't going to help at all.

Of course Biden and Obama are wanting registration. Just because they want something doesn't mean they can have it. Sure, they got obamacare pushed through, but it hasn't even been fully implemented yet and the whole country is realizing what a pain it's going to be. The obamacare fiasco has already given doubt to anything else he will push as the end-all-be-all solution.
They bashed us November 7th when we said he was going to use executive orders. They continue to bash us now. Please please pull your heads out of the sand and quit acting like nothing is going to happen because we have a "republican" house.
No one s arguing that there won't be ANY executive orders, only what they can legally entail. What some people are suggesting simply cannot happen under current laws. While there may be EO's coming, nothing under current law would allow en EO to ban assault weapons or mandate mag capacity. If you feel I'm wrong in believing this to be true, please, feel free to post the relevant laws that would allow an EO to MAKE law instead of simply modifying them as every EO has before? If you can't find a legal basis for it.....don't be surprised, because there IS no legal basis for it.
There is no legal (or consitutional) basis for any gun control yet somehow we have lots. They want more, and they are going to get it. Quit assuming the old way of doing things is going to continue. This is a time of change, there have been many in the past, and this is another.
Fear mongering and a defeatist attitude do nothing to help anyone's situation. I don't have a crystal ball, but a decent grasp of Constitutional law and how things become law in this nation. You can say its "changing" all you want, but with no lawful basis, any regulations cannot stand. Executive order cannot MAKE law. The sooner that main tenet becomes clear to people, the better. There is no legal, Constitutional basis for it. Other gun control measures have been passed, but passed thru Congress. The NFA laws were approved by Congress, not thru Presidential decree. If you can't comprehend how our system of law works, you can't very well tell us how its going to be ignored or changed, IMO. You can't say its broken, when apparently you don't know what it looks like when its working.
Fear mongering and a defeatist attitude do nothing to help anyone's situation. I don't have a crystal ball, but a decent grasp of Constitutional law and how things become law in this nation. You can say its "changing" all you want, but with no lawful basis, any regulations cannot stand. Executive order cannot MAKE law. The sooner that main tenet becomes clear to people, the better. There is no legal, Constitutional basis for it. Other gun control measures have been passed, but passed thru Congress. The NFA laws were approved by Congress, not thru Presidential decree. If you can't comprehend how our system of law works, you can't very well tell us how its going to be ignored or changed, IMO. You can't say its broken, when apparently you don't know what it looks like when its working.
No, your attitude doesn't help. There are people that will read your statement and not prepare because of it.

You really think that after the immigration executive order last year, the obamacare decision by the supreme court, the republican house caving on the fiscal cliff, that ANYTHING is going our way?

Please don't attempt to "school" me on law. There is no need. The sand is shifting under your feet and you are failing to see it.
Its going to get ugly to the point mobs are going to start hunting down weapons, warehouses and of course private sellers. If you private sell make sure its a secure place.

I have been besieged with people asking how best to actually react with the requirements of the 2A. I have been telling them to find as many movies to rent about successful operations of guerrilla warfare behind enemy lines. That there are manuals available even on Amazon about resistance fighters.

And many are saying Obama will boil the frog about this though I personally think he really wants mobs and riots against his empire, some say he needs armed insurrection so he can bring in UN troops.
I think you need to double up the tinfoil in your hat there man. Some of the rays are still getting through.
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