If you want something inexpensive (~$200 new) and reliable - the Kel-tec P32 has a good reputation, is small/thin, light, locked breech, and shoots easy. In blow-back, all stainless, even smaller but not lighter is the excellent Seecamp in 32 (continuous production), or 25 (older models from Milford, new current production from Southwick). These are excellent back-pocket pistols in a wallet holster. The Seecamp 32 is not to be used with FMJ, and has a heel mag release. The NAA Guardian 32 is a somewhat cruder version of the Seecamp, larger and heavier, but it does take a greater variety of 32 ammo compared to the Seecamp 32. It has a traditional button mag release.
For whatever reason, my Guardian 32 took a lot of effort to get it to where I was fully comfortable with it's reliability - I think it was a combination of ergonomics to my hand and spring life. It's reliable with PMC and Silvertip HP ammo, and that is what I carry in it. The trigger bar spring seems to have a limited lifetime, and I've had several break on me over the years. I now monitor round counts (including dry fire which exercises the trigger bar spring). 1000 cycles and the trigger bar and firing pin return springs get replaced. Still, I do actually love the little beast.
I have Bauer 25, stainless clone of the Baby Browning 25. It's very nice - and in testing it for safe carry, it will pull it's own trigger if dropped on the rear of the slide with the safety off. With safety on, the sear is locked. Needless to say, empty chamber is safest, but chambered, the safety on is a must.