.45 Doubt

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I only regret not reading this thread sooner. Nice to see a good sense of humor.

My grandfather was born in Tennessee and talked about 'possums. Wish I could ask him questions after reading this.
Since humans can survive quite well on a vegetarian diet, killing a moose is *not* a "need".

Tell that to someone who's an adherent of either the Atkins or Paleolithic-style diets, or anyone who has any interest in building muscle bulk.

On top of that, given the industrialized form of farming that modern vegetarianism requires for it's continued existence, I'd dare say that going out and hunting a moose is likely better for the environment in the long run, too.
Did I say muscle bulk? Did I say Atkins fans?
I said "survive" ;)
And survive quite well, if you look at the statistics for longevity and quality of health.

And I'm fine with hunting, I'm fine with killing varmints etc. I just thought it was funny that eating moose was somehow a necessity, going back to the response to this post:
You justify killing as long as it suits your wants (not needs). Anyone else is a barbarian. Nice double standard there....
If I don't eat muscle of animal kind, I cannot function well.
What sort of decreased function have you seen in the absence of animal muscle, but with a diet that still supplies plenty of protein and other nutrition? Usually when people say that you find out that for some reason they didn't function well on a diet of Doritos and candy :D
What sort of decreased function have you seen in the absence of animal muscle, but with a diet that still supplies plenty of protein and other nutrition? Usually when people say that you find out that for some reason they didn't function well on a diet of Doritos and candy :D

I tried vegetarianism.

Too much cooking, prepping, etc ... not the same full feeling return on investment; energy low, hungry all the time.

And I am Argentinean.

I was pretty much raised on beef.
Armadiller vs O-possums

Armadiller vs. O-possum.


Don’t have any armadillers in ‘Sconsin, either, but a messo Opossums.

I will recount the Great New Years Eve Opossum Massacree:

It was late afternoon on a cold New Years Eve ’bout 20 years ago, and I was flying in to my home airport. I opened the hangar door in the dark and proceeded to the rear to get the winch line to drag my beast in. I had a box under it with oily rags and some bottles. As I reached for the winch I heard a hissing noise. Couldn’t see anything - too dark. Fetched my car and parked it pointed into the hangar for light. Found a dreadful-looking possum curled up in the rags. Didn’t have so much as a cap gun or ball bat with me.

Called the animal control people who, as NYE was getting closer to the moment for excessive drinking and outrageous behaviour, told me the possum is not a protected critter and I could deal with it as I wished. They were not concerned with my lack of means.

Sooo, I called the local constabulary. First one shows up, used his coal shovel(!) to lift the critter out of the box and pitch it onto the taxiway. He then draws his revolver and shoots it. Six times. It keeps on running. He reloads, shoots it six more times. It keeps on moving, somewhat slower.

As he is reloading, another squad car pulls up. The guy pursues, flashlight in one hand, revolver in the other, until he is beside the critter. Puts the muzzle about 2 feet over its head, pulls the trigger. I will spare you all the gory, very gory, details, but the critter finally stopped running and the officer headed for home to change clothes.

I was most disappointed the local paper didn’t print the story with screaming headlines “LOCAL RESIDENT DIES IN HAIL OF GUNFIRE AT AIRPORT! AIRCRAFT DELAYED!”

So, yup, shot placement counts. I’d also consider distance from the target . . ..:barf:
- Backpacker
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Ha! Opossums are a durable creature. Apparently they can withstand doses of rabies that would kill a human 10x their size with ease. Also high doses of .45ACP it would appear...
Why are people so surprised that poking little holes in critters only makes them die fast if the hole is in something really important?

I just don't get it... :banghead:
You shoulda used an F150. I never had a diller move a muscle after a solid hit with THAT. :D

I've killed dillers one shot DRT with .22 rifles. Accuracy, accurate shooting, that's the key. I haven't shot one since I was a kid. I like to watch 'em mill around when I see one. Harmless little critters unless you have 'em in a garden or flower bed. And, I find wild hogs and deer and assorted game birds more palatable and more fun to shoot.

They are also skinny under that shell.

But, lean is good, healthy. :D I haven't tried diller, but I'd eat one in preference to say, a possum. :barf:
My opossum took only 2 9mm to bite it. Fist one he played dead, but his eyes were following me. Second one he curled up and stayed there for 6 hours. Never did see a drop of blood on the ground or him from either shot.
Why are people so surprised that poking little holes in critters only makes them die fast if the hole is in something really important?

Because they think Jeff Cooper is God. :rolleyes: Yep, hit 'em in the shoulder and blow 'em off their feet. :rolleyes:

The lesson should be that caliber size doesn't make you more viral. A .380 in the heart beats a magazine full of .45s in the extremities. Also, short of large magnum revolver calibers, no handgun is going to approach a high powered rifle's terminal ballistics.
Why are people so surprised that poking little holes in critters only makes them die fast if the hole is in something really important?
Because they think Jeff Cooper is God. Yep, hit 'em in the shoulder and blow 'em off their feet.

You wouldn't happen to have anything in proof that Col. Cooper really said that the only self-defense round was a .45 ACP, would you? He advocated it, much as Keith advocated the heavily loaded .44. What you attribute to him is more the result of deliberate distortion of his words by the usual idiots, than what he actually taught.
Thankfully, we don't have Panzer Possums in Central Ky yet. I can imagine the mess they'd make in the horse pastures. On the other hand, we have plenty of possums, skunks,coyotes, coons, and stray dogs and cats. .223 seems to fit them all.;)
Most farmboys and some others understand the concept of "pests."

These critters, by nature, are fair and constant game for those of us who have reason to eliminate them.

They interfere with livestock, gardens, crops, and myriads of other things.

I really take no enjoyment in shooting them, but they ignore my signs.

I dropped a big male possom last week using a HD-Military .22.
One each HP to the head.

You can live trap them and take them down the road and dump them on the neighbor.
He will take a dim view of this.
I guess you could dump them on an animal hugger-see how far that goes.
The BBQd some Coon at the Legion last year-stunk up the place and few ate it.

I don't hunt, anymore, but guns and hunting are pretty inseperable.

Making fun of, or desparaging legitimate hunters or enthusiasts is kinda funny.

It's still a free country for most of us.
I shoot Armadillo's year round here. .22 S/A revolver with .22 WRM . Walk right up to them and shoot them. Sometimes they run around a bit and drop but usually one shot and they are done.
Damn things make a mess out of your yard/flower beds.
I agree due to the holes in pastures, gardens and flowerbeds I kill them anytime I can. I began shooting them with a 9mm FMJ. I then decided to purchace a 22 pistol. I have had better luck with 22 velocitors from CCI than anything short of a 12 guage. I might point out a 12ga is highly effective.
I've not read much of Jeff Cooper's stuff, but can anyone cite an instance where he said shot placement was not important when using a .45? If not, why are ya'll slandering a dead man? Talk about low road... :scrutiny:
...why are ya'll slandering a dead man...
Wow, talk about a mischaracterization.

Unless you're seeing something I'm not. Where do you see anyone slandering anyone on this thread?

Maybe a better question is: What do you think the word "slander" means?
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