642 in a pocket?

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A Different Opinion...

Just a few thoughts to add. Body type seems to make a huge difference here and I don't just mean it's tough for the skinny guys. I'm FAR from skinny and I find front pocket carry a bit tough. I believe it's partly because I have large thighs, particularly my quads. This creates a large and uncomfortable bulge in my pocket from the cylinder. The J frame just doesn't seem to find a comfortable resting place on my leg but rather seems to rock-around on the cylinder. I don't worry that the pocket bulge will be recognized as a gun but it's more obvious than I'm comfortable with especially when sitting.
That being said, I'm not about to stop carrying my J, I just use different means; ankle holster, side cargo pocket, etc...
642 in pocket

I also carry a 642 in my pocket, I think, for me it's the best way to go. I don't really know it's there most of the time. Sometimes after I leave the house I have to reach down and feel to make sure i didn't forget it.
I pocket carry and I do EDC. I carry 642 in warm months and 640 in colder months. (Need suspenders with 640 in pocket!) I have found that Haggars Relaxed fit and Dockers Relaxed Fit work best for pocket carry. I wear corduroys (Again Haggar and Dockers RF) in winter. Ribbed material covers any outlines. Sweater or sweat shirt cover pocket opening and help hide suspenders (I wear Perry suspenders, not real dressy!)
Forget jeans, I can't find any that look good that aren't too tight sacross pockets to hide gun. Pockets are also too shallow.
S&W 642 + factory wood grips + T-Grips + DeSantis Nemisus Pocket Holster + Speer Gold Dots = Easily Concealable Pocket Canon.

Or, depending who your with, you might just be very happy to see them.:evil:
For those fixated on losing their roscoe to the floor while in the seated position

I have a Hedley holster for my NAA Mini-revolver which I had made with a button hole attached. A single button sewn to the bottom of a pocket holds the holster in place.
What ammo do you carry in your 642?

I used to carry a Kel-Tec .380 but really didn't trust it that well after a few stovepipes at the range. I now carry a 642 (without the internal lock) with Crimson Trace laser grips. I'm presently carrying Winchester 110gr Silvertip HP but would love to hear what you more-experienced carriers use in your 642 for personal defense. TIA.
Stuff it in the pocket and go. I don't use a pocket holster, but did when I carried in a back pocket. But the front pocket of Carhartt canvas trousers or any "relaxed fit" jeans, which together are pretty much all I ever wear, completely masks the outline.

Skinny, tiny grips help a lot.

Long time back I channeled half an inch out of the grip frame and welded the butt back on, making the tiniest pocket .38 ever. Wish I still had that one...

I put a J-frame (M37 "no dash" Airweight) in an Uncle Mike's pocket holster and toss it in my front pocket every day and NEVER, EVER worry about it being noticed anywhere I can legally carry concealed.

Tonight, I tossed it in shorts and went to an out-of-town big band rehearsal with 17 other guys present . . . and I stood in front of 'em during a meeting for about five minutes and moved around quite a bit as I handed some recordings out.

Half the group is either active or retired military musicians and NO ONE has ever noticed I carry all the time . . . and I've been with the group for seventeen years!

A J-frame in a pocket holster (Uncle Mikes, Nemesis or Mika) is a good and economical way to exercise your 2nd Amendment rights and protect yourself to discretion! The DeSantis Nemesis and the Mika are a bit better but the Uncle Mikes is easier to find locally for most folks.

I've toted a lot of stuff, but the Lightweight J frames are best.

The type of trousers (and pocket) make a huge difference.

I have one pair of jeans that can easily conceal a Glock 27 in a Galco pocket holster. (A tight belt is required, however, to keep the jeans from falling down...)
As you have probably already gathered, the selection of trousers is most important decision in pocket carry. Pretty much all of the pocket holsters will work and any lightweight J-Frame will work, but you have to be wearing a pair of trousers that have a pocket that conceals everything! Lots of Relaxed Fit wearers among pocket carriers! Pleats also help a lot.
I carry a 642 in a Mika pocket holster. Most jeans would work. I use Buffalo Bore 158 swchp's. I also carry it in my vest pocket when I ride my bike. The gun is light and small, there are a lot of carry options.
Sorry for the stupid question as I don't own a J frame...yet. Why does the holster conceal the cylinder in the pocket? In other words why not cut the holster around the cylinder area and cut bulk and printing?
Why does the holster conceal the cylinder in the pocket? In other words why not cut the holster around the cylinder area and cut bulk and printing?

The additional "bulk" of the holster-covered cylinder is negligible. If the holster were cut in that area I can't imagine the cylinder not hanging up on the holster during the draw.

I carry a Smith J-frame in a Kramer Pocket holster, right front pocket. The Kramer retains the gun, so holster and gun are one unit. Got the Kramer after a gun dumped out of a pocket holster that does not retain the gun, getting into a car with loose slacks. The Kramer won't let this happen, or it's less likely, anyway.

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