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A plea to those voting 3rd party

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Aug 12, 2003
This is especially aimed at those in states that are in the balance, but it applies to all of you.

This November 2nd, ask yourself a question. Are you prepared to deal with john kerry as president? Are you prepared to have a socialist in office? Are you prepared to, at a moment's notice, either give up your guns, or lie to law enforcement, or fight in the streets? Are you willing to accept UN sovereignty over our country? Are you willing to accept the increase in taxes that comes with socialized medicine? Are you willing to accept someone who would open our borders? Are you willing to see a traitor sit in the Oval Office and defile our country and rape our constitution?

I realize that Bush has his problems. I know he supported the AWB. I know that he has done nothing to close our borders. I know that he is not very fiscally competent.

But I also know that this election is close. It is not in the bag. It is not guaranteed either way.

However, one thing that is guaranteed, is that this year, we will not have a Libertarian or Constitution president.

"One vote won't make a difference," you may say. But realize, thousands of others say that as well. Thousands of votes do make a difference.

Go ahead and vote third party congressional and local candidates. Lord knows we need more third party officials, and some of those seats could be won.

But for the sake of this country and its future, please vote Bush. I don't agree with him either, but I know that he is infinitely better than kerry. You know it too. We cannot afford to lose.

And remember, if you disagree with him, you may think that voting against him is punishing him, but it's really punishing this nation.

(Note: if this looks familiar, that is because it is a ctrl-c ctrl-v off my post on ARFCOM)
I think this only applies to states in which the battles will be close, or matched. Then, you really should (in this man's humble opinion) chose the slightly lesser of two evils. If you are in a solidly red or blue state, then it really won't matter that much.

I'm in Massachusetts, and I'm trying to get everyone I know to vote 3rd party. Can you see Massachusetts, in this year above all years, being affected by this? I don't.

Don't trust those polls. Just play it safe and vote Bush, whether you're in swing state or not. Keep Kerry out of the presidency! Get off your butts and go vote! I've done my duty already.
"One vote won't make a difference," you may say. But realize, thousands of others say that as well. Thousands of votes do make a difference.
Even if I knew ahead of time that my vote would be the deciding one between Bush and Kerry, I'd still vote for Badnarik.
But for the sake of this country and its future, please vote Bush. I don't agree with him either, but I know that he is infinitely better than kerry. You know it too. We cannot afford to lose.
That's your opinion, personally I see them as being equally worse. They differ on which parts of the Constitution they want to destroy and what agencies they'll use to submit the public, but deep down they're different cuts from the same cloth.
And remember, if you disagree with him, you may think that voting against him is punishing him, but it's really punishing this nation.
Either one of the major candidates is a punishment to the nation. If one disagrees with Bush so much, then what sense does it make to vote for him? You're just enforcing the idea that they can do whatever they want and you'll still vote for them.
I'm voting for Badnarik - he's the best choice I can make. Voting for either Bush or Kerry would require I take an air sickness bag into the booth with me, and I'm not going to do that. I voted for Bush last time, I'm not making that mistake twice.
Vote Kerry! After all, he went geese hunting last week in Ohio, so he must be a hunter, right? A vote for Badnarik is a vote for Kerry.

I think your appeal is well intentioned, and more than a few folks who've been paying attention have already decided that voting strategically is the right move.

Don't be put off by the ideologians who always swarm these posts, replete in their ethical purity.

In an Ideal world, I'd still be a big L Libertarian.

The world, however, is not ideal, it is real.

It is a dirty place, and you can be reasonably certain that they guys standing around without any mud on their hands have contrived to avoid contributing to making anything worthwhile happen.
Every four years an election occurs that is "the most important election of our generation." If you take the long view, whether any particular four-year period has a Democrat or a Republican in the White House doesn't really matter. We still end up with a 150-year period of two-party system. No good news there--vote Libertarian.
A vote for Badnarik is a vote for Kerry.

This reasoning is ridiculous. A vote for x is a vote for x - nothing more, nothing less. I just got back from voting for Badnarik, I managed to keep my breakfast down.
I voted for Badnarik this morning.

I live in Colorado, which isn't likely to hand its electoral votes to that Kerry creature. If I lived in a state that stood a chance of turning out for that shameless leftist extreme leftist, I proably would have held my nose and voted for Bush.

He did the wrong thing when he signed the so-called "campaign finance reform" law. He did the wrong thing by advocating amnesty for illegal aliens. He did the wrong thing by sending thousands upon thousands of American young people to fight yet another land war in Asia instead of winning the war against Islamic terrorist savagry the same way we defeated the Japanese in August, 1945. He did the wrong thing by failing to defend our nation's borders. He did the wrong thing by stating his willingness to sign a so-called "assault weapons ban" that reestablishes the principle that some guns look too military for commoners to be trusted with.

Badnarik isn't my idea of an ideal candidate, either, to be sure, but he at least has principles.

I predict Bush will win by at least five points, which won't, however, prevent that Kerry creature from unleashing his assault lawyers to try to muck up the election. I predict the Republican party will pick up additional seats in both houses of Congress, and will continue to roll over and play dead whenever representatives of the Democratic (sic) party threaten to express their displeasure. I predict we'll continue to sacrifice precious American lives on the ground in Iraq instead of winning World War III.
As I said else where, voted straignt Libertarian 'cept for one where it was R or D, went with the R.

Could not vote for George, as I have to look at myself in mirror each mornining. No slam on those who did vote for Bush, Kerry, or any of the three :what: outright Socialists on the ticket. Vote your beliefs.
I voted for Badnarik last week during early voting and was proud to do it. I also voted for other libertarians running for various state offices wherever they appeared on my ballot.
"One vote won't make a difference," you may say. But realize, thousands of others say that as well. Thousands of votes do make a difference.

Which is exactly why one should vote their conscience. The primary reason the there are no viable third-party candidates is because of opinions like yours. "A Libertarian will not be elected!" Logically, the reason for this is that not enough citizens will vote for the Lib. So, the reasoning is to convince people not to vote Lib because they won't win. It's a nasty sort of circular logic.

If it's any consolation, I was really torn between voting for Badnarik or Bush.
jamz, you and I are in the same boat. I've been fairly good so far at convincing people to vote third party, and it seems that "my generation" if you will is more open to voting like that.

Hopefull within 20 years we'll see some real changes in attitude.
Damnit, just let everyone vote for who they want to vote for. We're all informed. We're all on the same side. Quit guilt-tripping each other. Meh.
For all those who are spouting the "a vote for Badnarik is a vote for Kerry" nonsense :

There's no way in blue blazes I could have brought myself to vote for Bush. So if I hadn't had a choice to vote for Badnarik, I would not have voted at all.

So no, it's not a vote for Kerry. It's a vote for Badnarik. For liberty. For my being able to sleep at night knowing that I didn't help foist another four years of statism and diminishing freedoms upon my countrymen.
Voting Badnarik here. Alaska's 3 electoral votes are going to Bush. Those in other non-contested states should consider third party. Here's why, if a third party candidate can get 5% of the popular vote then their party qualifies for federal campaign funds during the next election and would probably be included in the debates. Something to think about.
And that little box on your income tax return........ I've been checking NO for the last three years. I grew tired of partially financing the Two-Peas-in-a Pod No Choice Party.
I am however also voting for our current Republican congressional delegation.
I voted Libertarian... on all the local races. W and Tom Delay got the other votes. Even the co-founder of the Libertarian party endorses Bush, because the alternative is so bad. Plus Delay and W did let the AWB go away. They do me a solid and I will return the favor.

If the Libertarian movement is going to grow I think it needs to happen at the local level first. No 3rd party is going to take DC by storm overnight.
If Bush had been remotely interested in getting the libertarian vote he should have adjusted his policies accordingly in the last four years. Don't blame me for voting according to my political principles, blame Bush for failing to push more libertarian policies if he wants to get the libertarian vote.
Mag, this Libertarian, and his entire family voted Bush this morning. I can live with four more years of Bush, but I could not handle four or more years of Kerry.

I was gung hoe for Badnarik in the early going, but the more I saw of the man, and heard him speak, the more I realized that he was a babbling idiot. I proudly voted for Browne and many other Libertarians in the past, but I'm not drinking Koolaid and pulling the party lever, when the man we have running is a nut case. How the heck we ever nominated Badnarik is beyond me.
Ohio is a swing state, voted for Bush he is not my idea pick for president but he is far superior to Kerry in regards to the 2A.
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