A teacher raised an interesting statement today...

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Dec 24, 2002
Bakersfield, California
My forensics teacher today was talking about self defense and philosophy. He said that if you have a gun for self defense, and plan ahead for defending yourself, he proclaimed that that is pre-meditated murder. Your thoughts?
That's ludicrous; it's pre-meditated SELF-DEFENCE, and if the other party didn't wish to be defended from, all he'd have to do is not do anything worth being defended against (if you see my meaning).
He is absolutely right ...

Of course, this line of reasoning would also apply to all police and military personnel who have been hired and trained by the state to carry out government sanctioned 'pre-meditated murder'. Interesting point of view isn't it ???
So just what exactly is this guy advocating? Is he putting forward a premise that people have no right to self defense? Is he suggesting shooting for the kneecaps? What, precisely, is his major maladjustment?
Well if that isn't a harsh and strict interpretation of the Code of Hammurabi. Even the English Common Law allows for self defense (and I'm sure Hammurabi would agree).

General murder is the slaying of another human with malice aforethought. Gee, unless I'm mistaken, self defense isn't malice aforethought.
And if you decide to be defenseless, knowing that you could be killed as a result, shouldn't you be committed to a mental institution for suicidal tendencies?
Pre-meditated "justfiable homicide" is more like it and a "more" correct answer.

A flippant answer might be, "some people just need killin".

Murder is a considered to be an offense against the peace and tranquility of the community. Defending your life could be so construed, but if your P's & Q's are aligned, most DA/Grand Juries will give you a clean bill.

That's a good thing.

My thoughts, in no particular order:

1. If I'd been there, I'd have felt compelled to raise my hand and ask exactly how he figures such a thing. This has gotten me in trouble before, but I can't seem to help it.

2. If this guy is teaching criminal forensics (studying physical evidence, etc.) watch him carefully. He may know what he's talking about, but he's not off to a good start.

3. If this guy is teaching forensics as in debate and logic, either get out of that class or resign yourself to a long semester. This man will do damage to his students.
He has a basic misunderstanding between 'killing' and 'murder'. Unfortunately this is common since most translations of the ten commandments are wrong. The original is 'thou shalt not murder". Killing is acceptable in the bible and in the courts. Our supreme court has stated that you have a right to use lethal force to prevent death or serious injury. It's sad when people permit themselves to be murdered without any attempt to prevent that murder.
Great, so now we have this guy AND that CSI show making experts out of everybody.

Can I ask where you're going to school?
I've been frustrated lately because I see so many idiots who are able to get their pontifications published and make money at the same time. In frustration I demanded to know how I can be an idiot and get paid for it.

Weeeellll, seems to me I don't have to limit myself to journalism. Seems I can become a forensics instructor, be an idiot, and get paid for it.

OK! I'm off to implement Plan B.
A well educated person in a crime-fighting related profession who doesn't know what murder is...

I don't know whether to laugh or cry.
He said that if you have a gun for self defense, and plan ahead for defending yourself, he proclaimed that that is pre-meditated murder.

Killing is not always murder.

Self defense is one of those cases where killing is not murder.

Therefore your teacher is wrong.

Your teacher's village called...they want their idiot back. :rolleyes: :scrutiny: :uhoh: :barf:

The fundamental principle of forensics is discernment. If one cannot discern between moral (right action) killing i.e. defensive killing, and immoral (wrong action) killing i.e. pre-meditated, unprovoked murder, then one has no business teaching.

Call him on it. If he did it to test the class, fine. If he believes it, then he is a certifiable moron. You should then take immediate action to leave him and his BS behind.
In that case, every officer involved shooting amounts to murder/attempted murder.
Don't the police carry loaded weapons and practice using them regularly?
Why doesn't it bother him that the government is training law enforcement officers to murder citizens without even allowing them to have their say in a court of law?
Ask him about that one.:neener:
Check and mate.

Also, what about the criminal?
By attacking you, isn't the criminal acutally trying to commit suicide?
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