Abusive ex-boyfriend, threat & unannounced visit

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Sep 16, 2006
Reminiscing the Rockies
A ridiculous situation I'm dealing with....

I met my current girlfriend about 3 months after she was dumped by her abusive ex boyfriend. We've been inseparable for about a year. For months after he dumped her he didn't give her the time of day but he went psycho when he found out that she was "cheating on him" with me. Basically, he decided that he never dumped her. He seems to forget what he says every 30 minutes or so. In a way it's kind of amusing. For most of our relationship he's been on the other side of the planet calling her up to 15x a day just to call her curse words which usually begin with A, B and C. He's tends to say them in alphabetical order and we jokingly refer to his harassments as the "ABC" club. He constantly tells her how worthless she is and how there is no way she can survive without him. She puts up with it partly because she is un-confrontational as they come. I am constantly telling her she needs to learn how to defend herself.

A problem soon to be resolved is that she can't lock him out of the house yet because they co-own the house. The funds to buy him out were only recently raised and delivered to him. Now it's just a matter of paperwork which could take up to 6 weeks processing time. Then she won't have to put up with him in any shape or form. Unfortunately he realizes he's losing what little grip on her he has and his erratic behavior is getting a little out of control. He says he wants nothing to do with her but his claims of her incompetence and his magnificence are growing more and more ridiculous and intense. I wish I had his arguments on tape as some of them are so disconnected from reality it makes for a good laugh. The only good sign is that he's not calling every day like he used to, it only comes in spurts. The frequency at which he bothers her is decreasing but his disconnection from reality is increasing. He has a job interview coming up in America (he works in Puerto Rico) and decided to lie about when he would be in the country and stopped by her house while we were at work. During his unannounced visit he went through her and my stuff. I keep sensitive medical/patient data on my laptop so his unannounced visit was particularly unsettling. Despite the fact that he's never met me or even heard my voice, today he told my girlfriend he would put me in the hospital if he ever met me in person. I no longer find his rants funny.

Now, he's a successful person (he has obsessive compulsive disorder) that works for a fortune 500 company. Despite his mental disconnect with reality he's not dumb. He has a $100,000+ paying job as an engineer. He also has a history of bullying men and women he feels he can walk over but is terrified of anything he can't control. Some examples of things he doesn't control and scare him are Roller Coasters and dangerous looking teenagers in wealthy sections of Chicago. I joke with my girlfriend that if her ex-boyfriend was a fictional character in a movie nobody would believe it.

This situation isn't gun related and with any luck I'd like to keep it that way. But the members of this forum are probably those that are most likely to give me good advice. At this point I'm thinking the best thing for her to do is when he threatens to "put me in the hospital" is for her to tell him "if you do attack him then things are very likely to spiral out of control and bad things are likely to happen to everyone involved". Right now she simply remains silent.

That phrase plays on his fears of a lack of control without bruising his ego or posing a challenge that he feels he has to step to. My goal is to disarm the situation with neutral language.... if that's at all possible. I'm not totally comfortable with bringing in the police as of yet because a legal battle could do serious financial harm to her and she desperately wants to avoid making things worse. She insists that he won't do anything. I don't share her confidence and her ability to judge him in the past has been piss poor. Once the paperwork, which is just now being processed, is finalized he won't be able to touch her financially. Given he has a lot to lose financially by breaking the law there's a good chance nothing bad will happen. He should be in Puerto Rico for most of the next 6 weeks anyway. Getting that rubber stamp on the paperwork can not come soon enough. Still, this situation is not easy to deal with and if I didn't care about my girlfriend so much I would simply leave. It's almost embarrassing to talk about this situation and the mess she's gotten herself into. It is a great motivator to be financially independent though.

Thanks for any advice THR.
That's a terrible situation to be in, for all parties involved.

I think you're right to say that she needs to learn to stand up for herself. You won't always be standing right next to her to defend her. However, it doesn't sound like that's something she's willing to, or going to do, or else she'd have done it by now, right?

I'd do your best to avoid confrontation. After the paperwork goes through, if he continues the harassment, then I honestly think it's time to either call the police or take out a restraining order.
You don't state where you live, so I can't say what kind of defensive options are available to you, but to start...

1. She needs a PFA from the courts against him NOW.

2. You need a restraining order against him NOW.

3. Every time he calls, visits, (whatever) either one of you the cops are called.

Keep recording him if legal, etc., but you guys need to start building proof that this clown's off his rocker that is bulletproof in court, which is a far cry from being bulletproof in the mind of a normal person.

That way if you are required to defend yourselves there's a documented pattern of abuse and irrational behavior on his part.
I'd bring in the police. Having a paper trail will be damned useful if you or she has to stop him with lethal force. Restraining order, etc. Insane ex's will go to any length to do stuff sometimes, no matter what their personal cost- they simply don't care.

Maybe YOU need to get a restraining order against him, if he is threatening to "put you in the hospital" as you say.

This guy seems very dangerous to me. He's going to hurt somebody in a future relationship, that's for damn sure. Maybe even kill them. Can you live with that on your conscience? Get this nut in jail, IMHO.
You mention that he is disconnected with reality several times. If this is truely the case that does make him potentially very dangerous and i would definatly advise getting the police involved. A risk to your lives is far more important than a risk to your bank accounts.
Sadly, it's time to start documenting everything you can. Check the wiretap laws in your state, and start recording if you can. Do not let him know that you are doing this, if the law allows. (Not that I care what the regulation says, I only mention the law for practical reasons of covering your butt.)

The guy sounds like he is on an ego-trip. Getting a restraining order will likely send him over the "this is it, nothing to lose now" edge, so be careful on that route. And everyone in the self-defense world knows that they do nothing. We've all read the stories, over and over again... "She had gotten a restraining order, called 911, etc." It always ends badly. Either way, he is easily capable of becoming violent.

He is probably more likely to take out his anger on her, not you. Get both of you armed, and convince your friend that this guy is capable of violence, no matter how much she may deny it. She'll likely still deny it, after she gives you a half-hearted "I know."

Keep your radar on, and be safe. The guy sounds about as stable as a gyroscope.

-Sans Authoritas
You got that right jholder
Dude start documenting everything -phone calls -Visits -Any contact especially threatening contact--REASON=If he comes to you with bad Intent and you Have to CAP HIS A$$ you need to show a pattern of Hostility and a lack of protection from the authorities. So the police report reads -Self defence No charges brought !
Sounds like my girlfriend's situation except for the financial dependence & housing issue. Her ex calls her infrequently, stops on where she works, even though she's told him not to, and has cut her off in traffic. Either involve the police or don't, but DEFINITELY start a paper trail. A friend of mine is LEO & he told me to write down any contact, what was said, times, dates, all of that helps your case. She could also change her phone number, as my gf was told, but she shouldn't be bullied into doing that if she doesn't want to, it's just the easy route out so police don't have to do much about the guy. That's what my friend said, and he thinks it's ridiculous.
out of curiosity - and not criticizing... but were you implying in there that OCD is some type of disorder that renders people disconnected from reality?

scare him are Roller Coasters and dangerous looking teenagers in wealthy sections of Chicago.

the guy sounds like an issue to be wary of.... but in his defense, those two things scare the crap out of me too. Especially the wealthy wanna-be-punks.
Record all of his phone messages, and keep them for a possible law suit in the future.

Are you armed? Is your GF armed? If not, then start looking into it, for both of you. Tell her not to bring 'being armed' up to him, so he doesn't expect it, if things go downhill, and he tries physically attacking her, or yourself.

Carry some pepper spray on you (and her) as well. This'll be nice for those situations where deadly force is not needed.
Just a suggestion: Don't stay at her place, with a gun, to protect her... both of you get out and away (if possible). Stay someplace he doesn't know about. Less chance of him finding it, possibly better legal standing if you do so.
Can't lock him out of the house? Why not? Just change the locks. co-ownership be damned. What's he gonna do?

Maybe you should involve his chain of command at work. Not in a vindictive out-to-get-him sort of way. In a I-thought-you-would-like-to-know-this, he-may-be-an-unacceptable-risk-for-your-company responsible sort of way.
but were you implying in there that OCD is some type of disorder that renders people disconnected from reality?

I was merely implying that his obsession with perfection is what makes him good at his job despite being loony tunes. Ever seen the movie As Good As It Gets?:

That guy, even with his multi-hour showers, seems more normal to me.

We currently live in Indiana. Oh, I forgot to mention when we came home from work today there was disembodied head of a stuffed Koala bear laying on the bed. It was the stuffed animal she had given him many years ago. The headless body was in a different room.
This situation isn't gun related . . .

Your words, not mine. Perhaps with some significant cropping this might be an appropriate thread in S&T, but right now its just sounds like one searching for relationship advice.
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