All you GUN toting Christians...Chime in here

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How about... anything that is true in the bible should be evident without the bible. Anything that is true of the bible should be able to be answered in natural law. It's plain to see why killing is wrong. You don't want to die, you don't want others to die. We all know the suffering that comes from murder. It's obvious that one must stop this from occurring. It is easiest to stop this occurring by arming oneself. The most effective arm currently available is the gun. Tada. Carry a gun, you can protect yourself and your community. I'm sure some of you will find some bible verses to support this. You'd probably also find similar ones in the Koran, Gilgamesh, and any other ancient text. Why? Because it's evident in natural law and people have known this for tens of thousands of years.
Just for conversation:

'Thou shalt not kill'

The reason (at least as I understand it, please correct me if I am in err) is that suicide is considered to be a sin against God because you are determining when your time on Earth shall end.

On the other hand, if someone kills you. They are committing a similiar sin by deciding (for you) when you shall exit life.

The question is:

If someone, in the act of trying to murder you, is sinning. By choosing to die or choosing to kill in self-defence, you are in both ways, choosing to take a life. Which one is righteous? Perhaps you are supposed to choose to die, and forgive the person whom commited such a sin?
The often misquoted thou shalt not kill is a misquote. The actual hebrew text says thou shalt not commit murder.
And as I live by this creed (see sig line)
Lacoochee beat me to it,
"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends" (John 15:14).
So much for avoiding religion on THR. OP asks a question of Christians, and atheists and non-practicing individuals show up to answer? Coupled with pejorative terminology? Lovely.
As I have learned in many years of Christian schooling.
To be following the word, you must provide and care for your family.
How can you care for them if you allow them to die at the hands of an attacker.
I also learned in my schooling that the whole deal with if a Roman makes you carry his pack a mile, then carry it two.
This was because as a ruling class of warriors, it was best to show them compassion and help them out.
Romans are no longer the ruling class, and we not only have the right to defend our selves and our family, we have the responsibility of it.
Oh and my good book says thou shalt not commit murder.
Last time I checked, self defense was not murder.

Just how I see it, with my eyes wide open.
Who has let him say this? I'll tell you, the men and women of the US Military who have fought and some have died. Pick up a gun and fight against those that don't believe in Christ or the ones who follow Christ. The thought of "Christians with guns are not Christians" gets me boiling. My parents, grandparents and their parents were all great Christians, probably more devoted than I, and they all fought and some died so you and I could talk about this krap on the net!!!!!

The Dove
In a recent conversation with a follower of Christ (I also am Christian), the topic of lethal force in self-defense came up. The question was asked about God's provision in protecting us in a violent situation. I replied that, in a voilent situation, I was perfectly willing and capable of meeting force on force for the protection of myself, my family, and my loved ones.

He asked if that bothered me, the possibility of sending someone to eternity (by shooting and killing them) without having one last opportunity for redemption (this is a thread for Christians....:)

I responded that their actions led to their demise, not my actions. When he countered with the statement that he wold rather trust the protection of the good Lord, I asked him if he ever went to the doctor.

In my opinion, the actions are the same. Yes, God very well may protect your life from cancer, from diabetes, and any number of physical ailments. But generally speaking, He chooses to let us grow in our faith through those trials. We can choose to not go to the doctor, and pay the physical price for that choice. If I get sick, I'm gonna trust the Lord to equip physicians in my area to help heal my body.

If confronted with evil that may cause harm, I'm gonna trust the good sense the Lord gave me to protect myself, my family, my loved ones.
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As a Rather Bad Christian,

I concur with shootemup. When in a situation where one's survival, or the survival of one's family members, is instantaneously doubtful, one is thrown back on his animal instinct of self-preservation.

Sometimes it's better to to be a Jew. I think someplace in the Pentateuch, it says that if somebody busts into your house at night and you kill him, you are exempt from a suit for wrongful death.
I'm by no means religious in any way, let alone Christian, but it seems to me that if one were of the mindset that a higher power did create us, and gave us the gift of life, it would be an affront to that higher power to not do one's level best to preserve that life, and the lives of others.

That's pretty much what Catholicism says about it. We were even teaching shoot to stop before it was cool; i.e. that as long as the force used is not excessive, and that it is legitimately used in defence, any harm resulting to the attacker is weighted on his conscience, not the would be victim. And, as mentioned above, Catholic teaching is that all humans, by their nature of having a sacred right to their lives, not only have the right, but also the duty to protect themselves and others, to do otherwise is to disrespect God's gift of life. I'd imagine most other Christian denominations have similar teachings (at least the real Christian churchs, and the modernist 'Christians' that happen to reject damn near everything that Christ actually taught).
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Two cents worth....

First penny.

I recently finished converting MS Word files to Quark Xpress for the Orthodox Study Bible. The Commandment is translated from the Hebrew into English as You shall not murder.

Second penny.

God can move mountains! But bring a shovel...

One of the Sinbad movies had the running line Trust in Allah but tie up your camel.
I believe that my faith and my choice to defend myself and my family are independent of each other. Neither has any business interfering with the other as far as I am concerned.
Luke 22:36
King James Bible said:
Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.

The sword was the gun of its time. If Christ's Disciples had access to guns, you bet your biscuit they would have carried them.
Ditto Ford :)

also I say I think those who will do harm to me are evil ! and I am not about to just give into evil and hand my family over to them

to be more hardcore about it
ask those others that just dont get it this question
if a criminal did not have a gun but came up and said give me your children so I can abuse them and take them from you !
would you just say sure and let me go get the other one out of school for you !!!!!
of course not

many Christians went to their death to stand up for what they believe in !
I will not go down without a fight till my last breathe to protect myself & family !

also ask those pastors or others to explain the story of David and Goliath then ?

I have not meant to many good Christian leaders to say turn your cheek when defending your life and family
Would Jesus would not carry a gun if he could? One cannot be a Christian of high order and carry a gun IMHO. Nor can there ever be heaven on Earth if on fear his brothers. I never heard of Mother Theresa did packing heat either.
But they said: Nothing. Then said he unto them: But now he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise a scrip; and he that hath not, let him sell his coat, and buy a sword.
XD Fan and CountGlockula expressed my opinion on this matter. I do hope our moderators allow this thread to continue for a while longer since it is gun and culture related. Personally, I believe this thread raises a legitimate question that needs addressing. Hopefully, I have taken the high road in this response. Thanks for allowing me to post my position.

My pastor basically spelled out what makes a lot of sense to me when I asked him the same sort of question.

It's hard to imagine a situation where God would be ok with standing idly by while a BG inflicts harm on others. He is the shepard, he would leave the 99 to save the 1, etc.

We are not to be vigilanties, however, we do have a duty to protect our families, loved ones and innocent people around us.

Sorta like God gave doctors knowledge so they can heal us when sick, as opposed to just laying around thinking "God will heal me" and doing nothing to improve your situation.
I am a Christian. I strongly believe that when Jesus said to turn the other cheek, He meant to give the person another chance, not stand there and let them smack the snot out of you.

If I am asked why I carry a gun, I just tell the questioner that I would be remiss in my duty to protect my loved ones from the evil in the world, as Christ said to His desciples when He sent them into the world," Let he among you who has no sword, let him sell his cloak and buy one."
Christ knew the world was a dangerous place.
As a Christian I usually counter that argument with:

Do you wear a seatbelt? Have Life Insurance?

It reminds me of the story often told about the man perched on his roof during a raging flood. A boat came by to rescue him and he turned them down saying, "God Will Rescue Me? Then as things were getting worse a helicopter came and his response was the same. Finally the flood overtook the house and the man died. Standing before God, the man questioned why God had let him die in spite of his enormous faith. God responded, my son, I came to rescue you and you turned me away.

Guns are tools. When the Almighty comes back we will longer need them. In the meantime boys, keep your powder dry and your Colt's ready!
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While it is not a command for everyone to carry a sword, Luke 22:36 clearly authorizes self defense. No Christian, and I am a dedicated Christian, need shirk at defending himself, his family, and others as necessary.

Some have believed that a Christian should not go to war, but that is in no way scriptural.

As has been clearly said, the command to turn the other cheek is about taking vengeance and pride.

I once had a Christian brother who asked me why I had an alarm on my doors, and I asked him why he did not leave the keys in the car. End of that.

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