Ammo Acountability Legislation.

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Feb 2, 2008
You ain't from around here, KY
If this one is real we must definately fight this, write you state legislation or congresman!!!

I recently recieved an email form my father describing a new bill that will cause a whole heap of trouble for gun owners across the country.

It says that a bill is being passed (or in the process) that will require all ammunition sold after June 30, 2009 requires ammunition to be encoded with the manufacture data and will be recorded in an data base of all ammunition sales. So the government will have acess to what, how much and where you bought any ammo.

It also says that all uncoded ammunition must be destroyed by July 1 2011.
It will also have a .05 cent tax on every single round of ammunition.

This legislation is being pushed in Alabama, Arizona, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, New jersey, New york, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee and Washington.

Please, oh please my fellow brothers and sisters, tell me this is one of those bogus emails meant to stir up panic and paranioa. Or is this for real?

If you would like to read this email, leave me a private message with your email adress, and I will gladly email this to you. Just scan it for virus's and all that other stuff before you open it. I really dont want to mess up anyones computer.
Would they require the clerk to type in your driver's license number in or something? Otherwise they still couldn't track cash-payers. As far as paying with a credit card, there are already ways of tracking your purchases.
I really coundlt tell you, like i said, its either bogus or they would have to set up a a sort of "background check" system to track the buyer. Send me a message if you want to read the email.
I receive a lot of "interesting" emails like this. Some are created from whole cloth, some reference bills that are dead in committee, and some are the real deal.

As a general rule, if there is no legislation information cited so that the information can be followed up on, I don't pay em much mind.
Please, oh please my fellow brothers and sisters, tell me this is one of those bogus emails meant to stir up panic and paranioa.

Yep, it falls right in there with the imminent 500 percent federal tax on ammo panic.

This legislation is being pushed in Alabama, Arizona, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, New jersey, New york, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee and Washington.

There is a company that has a patent on the micro-stamping technology. That company is trying to peddle its wares with little success. With the exception of CA, no state has passed laws requiring the use of that technology.
From what I understand, the Ammo Accountability Act is real, but the email is a hoax. Most of this legislation was sponsored back in 2008, and has since either been withdrawn or died in committee. If you want more, just search "Ammunition Accountability Hoax" in the search engine of your choice, and do a little research. I found a list of the states in which it was introduced (although I can't quote the source 'cause I forgot which one it was). In no state is this bill alive and kicking, although it certainly could be reintroduced in most of them, if the powers that be chose to. Fortunately for us, the government (federal and states) tend to be slow and these things have ample opportunity to be tossed aside or die in committee. The only thing really protecting us right now is their inefficiency.
Discussed here in many many many many many other threads.

It's worth checking your state legislature web site for the status of these proposed bills and writing your legislators to explain to them the stupidity of this, but it's not really worth a whole new thread.
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