An experiment un-censored expression.

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Oleg Volk

Moderator Emeritus
Dec 19, 2002
Nashville, TN
I just turned off the "bad word" word filter for this forum. Do you think that we can get by without it?

I hope that we all can expression strong sentiments and emotions without oscenities or needless vulgarities. It isn't that I object to one or the other, but that some forum members would be offended. That's the same reason why ethnic, sexual or religious pejoratives are not welcome, to avoid giving needless offense to others in this multi-sided conversation.

Let's see what comes out of this: cusswords running in the streets and assaulting children or reasonable, civil adult conversations appropriate to the High Road.
"Anybody want popcorn?"

As long as you don't start charging as much as those bandits at the theater do, I'll take a medium popcorn, plenty of butter & a large Pepsi.
Good to see we can be trusted to not act like children.

After all, more serious matters are discussed here, and barely any of them require flamboyant use of cursing.
At times, such as describing a bumpersticker I'd seen in LA with the F bomb on it, I used astericks to denote the missing letters and the message got across. I'll do my part.
Oleg, I think your only mistake is announcing the disabling of the censoring.

Although it will be nice to be able to use some common non curse words without being censored.

Words like assess, cockpit, pussycat, Bruce Dickenson ... in the past would be all ***ed up.
I just turned off the "bad word" word filter for this forum. Do you think that we can get by without it?

**** yeah! Don't need any candy *** ************* text filter ******* up our ******* freedom of speech. I'm sure we'll **** well keep ourselves out of ******* trouble caused by that ****, like saying ********** or **********.

**** straight. :D
I didn't even know there was a filter..

I assumed what you wrote would be shown, therefore I chose my words accordingly. Anyways, the profane mostly adds very little to the conversation.

Do you think that we can get by without it?
In a word, no.

Most other fora run wild. New members join everyday and are used to posting like they talk at the garage or bar rather than at the library. If we are using those words, the filter isn't noticed anyway.

I see your point... a great utilization of available "materials" to make a point. Graphic and succinct, it's an excellent experiment!

Take Care
"Profanity is the result of a weak mind attempting to express itself forcefully." I don't know who said it, wish it were me.:D
Removing the cuss-filter is the equivalent of legalizing concealed carry...don't whip out the four-letter words, unless it is necessary.

What was L.Neil Smith's idea of swearing? If I remember correctly: "Death and taxes!"
Zundfolge - your statement: "Words like assess, cockpit, pussycat, Bruce Dickenson ... in the past would be all ***ed up" is incorrect. All of those words would have been posted intact. The word list was made up so that those and similar words would not be changed.

I believe you may have been correct about "ass..." words in the early days of THR, but that was soon corrected.
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

Now there was a man who understood and appreciated a good (occasional) blue streak. :cool:

All jokes aside, I sincerely believe that when used in the right company, in the right context, and with the right emphasis, a liberal sprinkling of profanity can definitely jazz up a conversation. Unfortunately, the internet often reflects real life, and in real life those who use profanity are simply doing it because they think dropping two or three f-bombs in each sentence makes them sound 'grown-up'.
Removing the cuss-filter is the equivalent of legalizing concealed carry...don't whip out the four-letter words, unless it is necessary.

I have no problem with curse words. But unlike the case with states and CCW, internet forums have proved over time that there will be "f*** running in the streets". ;)
Some people think I will eat crow on this. Seems we already tried this approach and it did not work out well. What do you think?
Neighborhood I grew up in, all the six year old yard apes
used all the four letter words to impress other six year old
yard apes. Hope I have grown up since then.
Me? I have a 4th degree black belt in cussing but I always try to pay attention to the terrain and situation. I'm in someone else's house here, so I will do my best to respect his rules. I suspect that most here feel the same.
I think that a letter followed by a bunch of asteriks is nealry the same thing, and is just a cleaver way of being profane/vulgar. When one reads g-d***, it is quite clear what is being said. I hope this does not denigrate into a forum where asteriks rule the day. I personally don't like reading a bunch of symbols representing profanity sprinkled throughout the text. In private conversation I am known to use some blue language, but have never found it appropriate in written conversation that is open to all to see.

I remain optomistic, however.

George Carlin walks into a gun store and wants to buy a 1911. The clerk, a big fan of Carlin, asks, you've done all kinds of bits, from the hippy dippy weatherman to "Stuff". I'm wondering though, what is your most popular bit, the one that made you the most money, allowing you to buy stuff like this fancy customized all engraved diamond gripped 1911.

Carlin replies..."7 words you can't say on T.V.

The clerk asks him, would you remind me what that was?

Carlin, while fillling out the purchase form for his new gun says......."****, ****, ****, ****,**********,************ and ****!

But of course I can't relate that gun story on THR :neener: :neener: :D :D :D

Edit: Hoping I didn't get this thread shut down, but that's funny, I don't care who you are
Some people think I will eat crow on this. Seems we already tried this approach and it did not work out well. What do you think?
My guess?
Same as always. Those who would otherwise be polite, will be polite. Those who otherwise would be impolite will continue to be impolite.

A few people will abuse the freedom and the mods will have to crack down on it again. After a few spurts of banning and a few pages of locked threads the filter will be turned back on with much regretful head shaking

I'm going to guess two to three weeks.

Won't affect my posts either way. I'm insulting enough without profanity. ;)
A few people will abuse the freedom and the mods will have to crack down on it again.

My plan is to crack down on the offending individuals, not on the forum members in general. It would be a hassle, so I would prefer self-moderation. Remember, THR's utility as a reference library for the RKBA newbies would be much improved if the language used within is adult and not "adult".
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