An experiment un-censored expression.

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In my other life I was a drunken sailor that drove a truck.:eek:

I never understood why several hundred years ago, someone, somewhere decided some word was offensive and another word that was synonymous was declared OK.

Why wasn't the word poop declared offensive and s*** a sutible subsitute?
Four pages about four letter words?

"Those who are easily shocked should be shocked more often"
-- Mae West

Thanks for turning it off Oleg, I hope it works out.
I'm going to the range.:rolleyes:
I never saw the point of a filter Biker said, people simply use the profanity and just put in asteriks or exclamation points in place of the actual letters. To me, that's no different than using the words because the implication and understanding are still there and isn't that was is really offensive?

Words are just words, the meanings of those words are the problem when it comes to appropriateness. Putting in symbols instead of letters doesn't change the meaning. We can/should simply find another way to express ourselves and avoid the whole question to begin with.

Sorry Oleg.......I don't think it's going to work. Just when you think you can put faith in a human being, he'll let you down. In this day and age, you should count on begin let down. Maybe I'm just synical, but it comes from experience.
somewhere decided some word was offensive

It is mostly arbitrary, I agree. So are many other things which are important to people, including the honor of their relatives, deities and countries. We do try to avoid giving offense to our allies here needlessly.
I didn't even know there was a filter..

I never really noticed either. I actually dont approve of filters in general. Of course I dont think bad language improves the quality of a debate either. I just thought everyone was too grown up for it to be an issue, I guess we shall see if I am wrong about that.

somewhere decided some word was offensive

There is actually some interesting history to this. If you look at all the "proper" words for things you can see that they have a common origin. For example "urine" is French in origin. For a long time French was considered to be the language of the upper class in England and those words retains their upper-class cache, so to speek. Now, the alternative word being "piss" is Germanic in origin, which would mean they were words spoken by the lower class, and they also keep their connotations so many hundreds of years later. Most of the cuss words in English are adapted from perfectly acceptable German words. Originally those words were not dirty or lower class in and of themselves, but they were spoken by dirty and low class people. So even hundreds of years ago, if you wanted someone to think you were "civilized" you didnt use them. Not a whole lot has changed since then.
Okay - Gotta post this one

SM said:
I, like many others enjoy having fun. I like many others "express" myself out in the real world. Mature members are not going to make fun or snicker when the proper name of file is typed. Folks that frequent the Blackpowder Forum do not act like a bunch of daycare kids when reading about nipples.

NSTIW, at a large medieval-recreation event. I was wearing a slouch hat, with a vent pick in it for my matchlock and wheellock. A lady walked up to me, and said,

"Ah - I see that you do American Civil War stuff!".

"Yep, how could you tell?", sez I.

"You've got a nipple-pick in your hat."

Instant pin-drop silence, as everyone within earshot does a double-take...
The “C” Word


I can use the “C” word when referring to my least favorite Jr. Senator from New Yuck.:evil:
That is right the “C” word I'm free now and I am going to say it, It is blasphemous I know but I cant help myself HAHAHA!!!!
Ok Here goes you can't stop me now CLINTON !!!!!!!:what: :what:
AAAAHHHHH that feels better.
What?, What is that you say?, Clinton is not a Curse word?:scrutiny: :scrutiny: , well it is where I am from.:D :D :D

Seriously it is better not to curse, it helps to develop a better vocabulary for debating issues that are important to you.
Any moron can use the “F” word for every other word in a sentence, and you know what?, You will sound like an illiterate fool every time.

Love the trust Oleg hope we do not let you down,

Uh oh...I bwoke it...

I was just testing, honest...

S##h B###y

M#####l M###e

M###r D###y

I surmise this is just more than a glitch in the get-a-long. Some words non-filtered just come out wrong period.
well Ill keep from saying american cuss words. But ill be damed if I cant say "poppycock". When poppycock is outlawed, only the outlaws will say poppycock!:D
disorder may increase order

Being one who teaches a fairly new topic in math & science called "nonlinear dynamics", often called "chaos theory", I couldn't help but think of Oleg's experiment when I read this article about a recent set of studies about how complex systems behave.

Nonlinear dynamics is the study of complex systems composed of many interacting parts that can't be described by 'linear' relations {that is, forces do not produce proportional effects, and the dynamics are often highly unpredictable}.

Oleg's change (disabling the filters) would seem to reduce the amount of order to this system (THR) composed of many interacting parts (members). It would seem to invite the possibility of increased disorder.

Yet, the study in the article suggests that by introducing some disorder into a complex system, order often increases (counterintuitively).

Here are four paragraphs from the article that capture the essence of the argument:

According to a computational study conducted by a group of physicists at Washington University in St. Louis, one may create order by introducing disorder.

While working on their model — a network of interconnected pendulums, or "oscillators" — the researchers noticed that when driven by ordered forces the various pendulums behaved chaotically and swung out of sync like a group of intoxicated synchronized swimmers. This was unexpected — shouldn't synchronized forces yield synchronized pendulums?

But then came the real surprise: When they introduced disorder — forces were applied at random to each oscillator — the system became ordered and synchronized.

"The thing that is counterintuitive is that when you introduce disorder into the system — when the [forces on the pendulums] act at random — the chaos that was present before disappears and there is order," said Sebastian F. Brandt, Washington University physics graduate student in Arts & Science and lead author of the study which appeared in the January 2006 edition of Physical Review Letters.

I only made it to College Algebra, because they said that was as far as I had to go and being as math is my weak link - I did not argue.

I do not need Math to understand why introducing a bit of disorder causes order.

I have been living this theory all my life...:)

Being a Rebel as I am - order is kept in some areas.

Stop lights are to "filter traffic" and keep safe. When being tailed and not successful in losing the two cars in a different state, well it was late, little traffic, so I rolled to the red and took a hard left from the right lane where I saw a local LEO, he hit the blues, I told him why I did it and Order was restored to me. NO ticket, I stayed at the station for a bit, then escorted out to another way to my destination. APB sent for the other two cars. Order.

Seriously - your studies are interesting. It does seem as if everything is reduce to a math. I see this in the studies I have had, and life experiences.

This Experiment also reminds me of two works :

Civil Disobedience
- Thoreau

Atlas Shrugged - Ayn Rand
Context and Perception

Perhaps it's as simple as context and perception, yet I am reluctant to cite my examples lest they be ill-percieved and taken out of context...:eek:
sm said:
I have been living this theory all my life... :)
Funny you mention that, Steve.

My students and I say that to ourselves very often.

It seems this new math & science is far closer to what we've all experienced in our lives, much more intuitive than algebra & the linear sciences of the last 200 years (even if at times 'counterintuitive' from the perpective of rational discourse).

Ah, how science evolves.

And my sense is, THR is not far behind.
(Or, is it ahead of the game?)
I hope it works out.

I can see this experiment going awry in one big way: some members refrain from referring a firearms newbie to THR because of the salty language. I would think that such would be a failure of THR's mission:

Welcome to The High Road, an online discussion board dedicated to the discussion and advancement of responsible firearms ownership. It is the declared mission of this board to achieve and provide the highest quality of firearms discussion on the Internet, a standard set by the discussion board The Firing Line from 1998-2002.

FWIW, I am no stranger to salty language, having been known for cursing an above-average blue streak. I have worked to tone down my use of such language in recent years.
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