An experiment un-censored expression.

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Being from Texas the only term I would be tempted to use is the longer term for B.S. but only when absolutely called for.

Maybe, if you are posting something that has profanity in the story or in a news article you could post in the title, Warning Profanity! like you would if you are giving away spoilers for a movie. Then people could stear away from something they don't want to see.
Veeery Eeenteresting.....

As Arte Johnson would hiss on the TV show, "Laugh-In"

An interesting experiment, Oleg, and one I hope proves the maturity of the general THR population.

As an aside, I Was There at Summerfest in Milwaukee when George Carlin did his bit about the "7 words You Can't Say on Television." Typical, vintage,excellent George Carlin presentation.The Milwaukee police came up to the sides of the stage, but like nice polite Wisconsin Midwestern Milwaukeeans, they waited for Mr. Carlin to finish before taking him away. Then they just walked him offstage, no fuss, no handcuffs, no big deal. Any way you care to look at that, it was impressive.
depicts - A little touchy there, aren't you? As for me, I didn't think your post was out of line. I even used the Carlin 7 as an example in one of my posts, and it wasn't related to your post except by coincidence. BigG's post came after many posts with humorous replies, so I don't see how you can be so sure yours was the "sophomoric attempt at humor" of which he was speaking.
Darn. I take pride in coming up with great euphamisms for dirty words, like Male Bovine Excrement, when someone's lying, for instance...
I think the value in trying this is that we'll quickly know who should be banned permanently.
Didn't know we had a filter, I have always tried to speak to my audience and this doesn't seem like the crowd for that kind of speach.
I don't see the purpose of one thread that some are saying will root out those that use bad language.
Especially when many have said here in this thread that it will lead to bans.
My reasons are that for every violator you find as a result of this thread there are many that will join or return after this thread is over, if life has taught me anything it is that there is a never ending supply of idiots. And I think there is a slim chance of finding any violators here at all after all the warnings of bans flying around.
If you want to find who is willing to violate the site rules then start a thread about a hot button topic (immigration maybe?) and remove the filter without fanfare.
Of course this is entrapment of a kind and not what I believe was the intention of O. Volk's post or this thread.
No entrapment intended.

Elsewhere, my friends and I just had a discussion which included all the "touchy" topics...and it happened with decorum and civility, despite the complete disagreement between the debaters. It can work.
Thanks Oleg. I can appreciate the freedom to know other posters better. A filter can have the effect of hiding personalities.

For example were someone to invite me to meet them for an afternoon of shooting. They might seem nice hiding behind that filter but do I really want to find out otherwise at the range?
There is a real world outside, away from monitors and TVs.

Just my take mind you, here is how I perceive things.

-Kids: We cannot shelter them, smother then and then one day they leave the nest and total culture shock that people use Curse words and what these words are. To me, that is NOT responsible parenting/guardianship.

How many have had kids at church exclaim "oh...the Preacher said hell or damnation" ? Context of how words are used. In my book, we adults have to share, teach, instruct and explain these real world things, like curse words to kids. I feel it is better to have the child trust the adult to know - no matter what, they can come to them and get answers. I would rather that occur than the child to get information, from another source, and especially one I did not approve of.

In Bellybuttonbang the child was allowed to say Hell Yeah! Why? This kid is being raised right, she is around farm hands and others that do use bad words. Sometimes kids just appear and the adults did not see a lady, or a kid show up. It happens. All these words she has been sat down and taught about, and I even mean the more explicit ones. The deal is, she does not say those words, she can say Hell Yeah to exclaim a positive, emotion. Be it having fun, excited about doing something very special to her, and similar context.


THR has viewers, again not all that view are members mind you.
Also keep in mind we have viewers and members from all over the world.
English is a hard language, i.e. pair, pare, pear.

Now I do not know all the customs, traditions and mores of these cultures, i.e. one culture it is taboo to touch the top of someone's head , another is one's sole of shoe is to not be pointed at another.

Here in the USA I drive on the right side of the road, in the UK they drive on the left. A kid sees cars on the left in a picture, a TV show, or movie, it is MY responsibility to explain at that childs level of development as to why. NOT never expose them to this difference in driving by shielding or hiding it from them.

There is a difference for instance in a story I am editing, where I have "Watch that Son of a..."bang" "bang" "bang" ( yes I used the ellipses in writing it).

MY context is the adrenal rush, of a training excerise and everyone is pumped, to watch a bank of surprise targets that may occur - not calling any particular person the result of a female dog. A kid needs to know this, a parent needs to teach the difference, just the same as why the preacher used the words "hell" and "damnation" in a sermon.

My point is, THR is not trying to be NetNannies, what we are is a High Profile Internet Gun Forum with high standards. We actually want to raise these standards even higher.

Tyranny, in the guise of other media, including Web Sites and Forums , cannot conduct a civil discussion amongst themselves, they really get bumfuzzled by THR , TFL and Sister sites because 1) We can articulate our viewpoints in a civil fashion, 2) We can back up with cites and references.

The books on my required reading list growing up and attending school are now banned in public schools due to Political Correctness.
Catcher in the Rye , Of Mice and Men, and Huck Finn are just some examples of what I was required to read and kids today are not.

My Sociology Professer was Black man, he worked hard and earned his PhD.
We had about 80+ students. Malcolm X hats, Confederate Flag hats, and name a gang "color" we had it scattered in whatever was "represented".

You folks need to grow up and know the definitions of what you use in language. What is a ******?

Class was quiet enough to hear a pin drop. One could hear blood pressures rising, emotions getting all riled up...

I am a Black man, some call it Afro American, I ain't a ****** I can assure of that!

He tossed a dictionary to a student on the front row, Look it up and read it aloud please, the student did.

You folks want to be *******, rednecks, spics ,nazis, wops and anything else you can think off, go ahead.

I give grades earned, no matter you think you are, or want to be.

IN the real world how do you want to be perceived, well if you don't like how you are being perceived , get your mouths off the government teat and change yourself.

Needless to say I really enjoyed that class, and we became good friends , not just student and PhD.

Speech is more than verbal , includes physical, body language, inflection, tone...many things that are difficult thru the medium of typed words on a forum.

Will I use the "Son of a..." in that story here on THR if I choose to share it? Yes I will.
I am not trying to get by filters , not trying to pull a fast one on Oleg, Staff and Mods.

That phrase is important in the context of mindset, awareness, adrenal glands just pumping as are heart rates.

Will I post a warning? Yep, makes sense to me to post one, just as one does with large files and dial up isp users is appreciated, spoilers to movie reviews, and the link contains really foul language in audio.


Now this post was not for the responsible members, it was for the new influx of members that need to ask themselves some hard questions. It is also for the members whom joined up to stirr up trouble and for those Tyranny Lurkers.

You want the truth? Mister you cannot handle the truth!
Perhaps somebody can take advantage of this to post some uncensored recipes for shītake mushroom dishes? :D
there's always the option of making it a user option, so those bothered by harsh language can use the filter, while those of us who don't mind can disable it. Then of course, deal with the occasional troublemaker.
Well, at a certain level, I don't really care. Whatever my personal inclinations and convictions are about the use of profanity in real life, I generally try to make my posts G-rated out of consideration for fellow forum members of diverse backgrounds and sensitivities. So, whether the filter is disabled or re-enabled, I'll probably continue to check in and post at THR, whether it becomes "salty" or not. In other words, I'll keep reading, and I won't get banned. So do what you like, and thanks for creating a fine website.

Having said that, while I don't think the policy described by Oleg is "entrapment", it does perhaps have overly-fluid "rules of engagement". So, if you don't want cursing on your website, either due to personal scruples or out of consideration for the sensibilities of your members who may have problems with profane language, put a filter in place. If you don't, don't. I'm afraid a "middle course" is bound to lead to strife and resentment worse than either "all" or "nothing".

In the final analysis, I'm almost equally irritated by those who cannot see past profane presentation and, alternatively, those who feel that profanity is always essential. I would urge both sides to "grow up" and tailor their remarks, as a matter of courtesy, insofar as it possible without compromising their meaning and significance, to the ears of their potential audience.:)

My personal favorite is Barbara Streisand. It works for Cartman. :) But seriously, I try not to swear too often in any written media. I may let a few choice pejoratives and Firefly colloquialisms slip, but I mean well.
Ah, I still swear in my mother tongue, English, so hopefully I can craftily wing it under the radar with "flacketts", "minge", bollocks"," John Thomas", "tadger" and, possibly, "arse". Please bear in mind you should read them with the proper accent though....
Well now that the filter’s off, I'll see if I can shock everyone by actually typing the seven words you can't say on T.V.

military, SUV, smoking, guns, childbirth, Originalist, marriage.

Sorry, that's the list of the Seven Modern Deadly Sins according to T.V.
My Bad.
Oleg said:
My plan is to crack down on the offending individuals, not on the forum members in general.
...followed by
Look at wikipedia -- they manage to conduct their affairs without much cussing. We ought to be able to do so also.
I've said it at least a dozen times before, and I'm sticking to my story.

This is one of the most interesting, informative & intelligent sites on the Internet.

Of course, Wikipedia has a bit of a different protocol for posting. Making a contribution to one of their pages requires a consensus interaction among numerous individuals who have contributed to the page.

Still, I accept the premise and motivation for Oleg's experiment,
and I'm watching from the shadows with interest...:cool:

Explicitives are accent words to get a point across. I think most here understand that.

Oh, and **** this **** **** ****. :D
If "#@!*#!@" was good enough for Sgt. Snorkle it is good enough for me. No need for actual bad words. Except when I am at work telling off lazy contractors. They only understand colorful words. :)
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I think it is a good idea; to what extent I do not know, but apparently such filters can cause other problems.

I am also very impressed that there are some extremely hot potato political and historical subjects that have been permitted to run the course of discussion on this forum.

LawDog Anybody who gets stupid with the salty language gets banned without a warning.

Solves that little problem quite nicely.


Then your no better than any other usless hack web forums or cheap .02 cent moderators out there LawDog.

I was banned from SigForum for disagreeing with the moderator on the "merits" of the movie Matrix Reloaded. Yes! banned for use on the sig forum for saying Reloaded Sucked.

You don't what to go down that road, your better than that LawDog.
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