Anti-weapons policy for employment agencies?

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Mar 27, 2003
Okay City
Well, the job hunt continues for me... and today I was over at the Kelly Services employment agency to fill out some paperwork. While filling in the entire history of where I've lived, I take a short 5 min. break to walk around and read the various policies they have with employers/ employees, including OSHA stuff, etc.

Then, right smack dab in the middle of the bulletin board, is a notice stating that Kelly strictly prohibits the carry of weapons of any kind, open or concealed, with or without the person's knowledge. It acknowledged that many states have CCW laws, but also that it was the agency's legal right to restrict weapons in/ on their or their client's premises. Any violation results in severing the business relationship immediately.

Needless to say, I didn't bother to finish the forms. I wonder what would have happened if they realized I had a Swiss Army knife on my keychain and a Leatherman in my pocket...

Being only 19, such policies have no effect on me, but... Did I do the right thing, dropping an agency on a basis of their policy on weapons?

Just wondering... :( :confused:
You can use them as long as you need them and don't tell...or decide that they are much too irrational to deal with, and offensive to boot.
Actually, I used to work for Kelly's technical end... Was generally treated fairly (or as fairly as could be expected from what was essentially a body shop).

Dude, just about ANY job these days, with the exception of small-employer outfits owned by gun people, gun stores, etc., is going to have a "no weapons" policy.
By staying away, you're not hurting them, only yourself.

Since it makes no difference now, go ahead and work for them if they can find you some work.

Now, if you owned a business, I'd certainly discourage you from contracting with them...
When I was in VA and worked for Kelly in TN, they didn't know about my gun. It was concealed (The GA permit was good in TN). Plus, by the time I left, I was making them too much money so they may have "looked away" (I was recalled out for short jobs over all the others in my catagory). If I hadn't have had to leave, the company was going to hire me full time. The head honco had a AR of some type in his office as "decoration" and when he was interviewing me, I asked him if it fired. His reply, "Damn right it fires, what idiot would have a rifle that wouldn't fire?" We got off really well after that :D.

We've gone over this before. "No Weapons" is boilerplate. Expect to see it everywhere.

The last job I worked for a temp agency, in late 2000, was in a moderatly crappy and rundown area of downtown. I worked days. If I worked that same job _nights_, there would be no ****ing way I would have been without _something_, probably my beloved Mak.

Do what needs to be done, be prepared to pay the price if necessary. Standard disclaimers (YMMV, IANAL, etc.) apply.
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