The message below was sent to all employees this week. I strongly object to the the second sentence (among other things). I realize that this is private property and they have the right to set the rules, and that I have the right to follow them, or seek employment elsewhere- but I STRONGLY object to what they are implying in the second sentence. I would like to reply to HR on this matter- in a calm and intelligent manner.- and would appreciate some feedback/suggestions from those on this board who are far better at word crafting than I.
I also object to the "no storage of weapons on the property, i.e. no weapons in your car, which effectively disarms employees for the entire day -making them vulnerable on the trip to and from work, and anywhere in between.
I will leave the company name out- for now. Ideas?
"Weapons Prohibited on ***** Property: The State of Ohio soon will enact a law allowing citizens to obtain permits to carry concealed weapons. However, ***** Laboratories is committed to maintaining an environment that is safe and free of violence for our employees and visitors. Therefore, the wearing, transporting, storage, presence or use of weapons on company property at any time is strictly prohibited. Weapons are defined as, but are not limited to, handguns, firearms, explosives, ammunition, and knives. Any employee who violates this policy is subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Should you be aware of any person who is suspected of bringing a weapon onto ***** property, please contact security at 000-0000. We appreciate your cooperation in keeping our premises safe and violence free. "
I also object to the "no storage of weapons on the property, i.e. no weapons in your car, which effectively disarms employees for the entire day -making them vulnerable on the trip to and from work, and anywhere in between.
I will leave the company name out- for now. Ideas?
"Weapons Prohibited on ***** Property: The State of Ohio soon will enact a law allowing citizens to obtain permits to carry concealed weapons. However, ***** Laboratories is committed to maintaining an environment that is safe and free of violence for our employees and visitors. Therefore, the wearing, transporting, storage, presence or use of weapons on company property at any time is strictly prohibited. Weapons are defined as, but are not limited to, handguns, firearms, explosives, ammunition, and knives. Any employee who violates this policy is subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Should you be aware of any person who is suspected of bringing a weapon onto ***** property, please contact security at 000-0000. We appreciate your cooperation in keeping our premises safe and violence free. "