Attended CCW class yesterday

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I advise people to find a lawyer NOW -- before you need one. You don't need the best lawyer in town, or even an expert trial lawyer. You just need SOME lawyer. Your neighbor or that guy from church would be fine. Get his or her card, and make sure it has an after-hours number on it (mobile, answering service, home, etc.). Spend five minutes discussing what to do if you are ever involved in a shooting. Then jot down a simple sentence on the back of the card, and keep it with your permit or in your wallet or some other place where you are certain to have it if you ever need it. If you are involved in a shooting, all you will need to do is retrieve the card and look at the back of it. Exactly what to say is right there, and you know exactly who to call at what number. He or she may not be the person who will ultimately represent you, but he/she will find that person for you and make sure you're protected in the interim.

On the back of the card I carry are the words, "I know you need to hear from me what happened. I'll be happy to talk to you with my lawyer present. My lawyer has advised me not to answer any questions until he arrives."
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