AWB: no difference between Bush and Kerry?

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Since I live in Oregon, which is always in play. I'm deaf to the Libertarians this year, though I gave them a vote for governor in 2002. They may as well be Ralph Nader this election cycle regarding federal offices.
HBK: Therefore, put that with all the other issues on which I agree with him (abortion, tax cuts, etc.) as well as the good he could do with judicial appointments (evidenced by appointments he's already made) he's getting my vote.
Well, if Bush is the candidate who best fits your ideology and wishes, then you absolutely should vote for him. :) For some reason, it seemed like you were saying you'd vote LP except that you were afraid of Kerry winning.
Cactus: Before relying on polls, remember one thing: DEWEY WINS!
Myth: Reliance on polls caused papers to run the Dewey Wins headlines.

Truth: Failure to poll enough caused it.

What happened is that the papers (and pollsters) relied on a weeks old poll -- they failed to poll right up until Election Day, wrongly assuming that public sentiment could not shift. Since that mistake, they do more polls (daily now), and the vast majority correctly predict the winners -- and the rest at least fall within the margin of error (thus my earlier advice about margins of error).

Indeed, this mistake of relying on old polls is exactly what I was alluding to when I wrote, "Well, an educated third-party voter should assume nothing. He watches the polls up to election day, and if his state is in play, he strategizes his vote accordingly."

Incidentally, Gallup, the pollster relied on for the Dewey headlines, has predicted the results correctly of every presidential election since then.
275,000,000 people in America & we can't find anyone better to run for president????
Sure we can. Look at who the Libertarians are running for office. ;)

It will take a hell of a lot of convincing for me to throw my vote away for Bush. I can rarely be convinced to vote for someone who refuses to live up to their oath of protecting the Constitution of the United States.:mad:
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