I've been struggling with this same decision. For hunting deer or non-predator large game, I think a revolvers is fine.. 45acp would definitely not be my choice.
I've come to the conclusion that if I have to stop a charging bear,, I'd rather have 15rds of 10mm in a G40 or G20 than 6rds of 44mag. I might miss 3 or 4 out of six from a revolver at a charging bear , but I don't see me missing more than that with a Glock. I did a little research of people who actually do use g20's and G40's for bear, so I didn't just pull my decision out of thin air. I can empty a magnum revolver in a washing machine at 30yds in 5 to 6 seconds. I can put 10 to 12 rds from a Glock 45acp in the same amount of time. In the process of buying a G20, so I'm gonna hedge my bet that I've got a better chance with 5 to 6 or more rds hitting the bear instead of 3 or 4.
Can’t find fault in your reasoning. Having never been in that situation (bear or enormous animal assault) I can only armchair postulate, but the mechanical operation of a pistol *may* be a wink link compared to a revolver.
Hear me out… may, under stress, limp wrist that 10mm, and hoo-boy that may be a problem, whereas a revolver won’t suffer that problem. Same problem if the bear is on top of you…it could be jammed with blood and gore and said bear may still have enough oomph to bite down on your melon. Just a thought. I think I’ll stick to my revolver for a purely self-defense platform in dangerous places, per my aforementioned logic.
Now if I was to hunt over a bait pile, a 10mm is worth thinking about.