Best Riot Rifle

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If you can justify shooting someone with a beanbag you can justify using real ammo. Beanbags are for cops.

exactly, how would you like to be hung out to dry afterwards for pointing a gun at someone in something less than a life-or-death situation (because if you really though it was life-or-death you'd use the most effective versitile shells, the fact that you took the time to use 'wounding' shells shows you weren't really in fear of your life)

Further, how does one counter a mob of 10, 50, or 200 people? One bullet for each? Of course not.

You shoot and kill the leading few and the rest will find an easier target. It is one thing to take on an easy mark, it is another thing to risk your life. Even a gang of 50, kill 3, and the other 47 will worry.

however, when you simply take 3 out of the fight with beanbags, the other 47 think "The worst that happens is I get hit with a beanbag, and that isn't all that likely with 47 others..." and so they just rush you.

Note, when police have used beanbags during a riot, watch the crowd. They get angry but they stop, and begin retreating. Now, look at footage of troops or police using real live ammunition on an unruly mob, the mob breaks and runs in panic.

A 1% chance of getting dazed with a beanbag is something to avoid but not devestatingly so

a 1% chance of getting shot with a real bullet and dying from it is an extremely pressing situation, and people flee at top speed from it.
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