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Bill O'Reilly and The 2nd Amendment

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Jul 13, 2006
I know we have disscussed many public figure's positions on gun control,but not Bill O'Reilly.I was wondering do any of yall know his position on gun control.Ive watched the mans show for 5+ years and I dont thik he has ever really talked about guns at all.I know he said he supports gun control,but after katrina he supported gun ownership.So do any of yall know his position on the 2nd amendment.
Even if O'Reily was on our side, I'd prefer that he'd leave the fight to us.

Someone who willfully misleads people and cuts them off in midsentence with the press of a button is not someone whose help we need.
But he really lost all credibility with me when it came out that he was a raging pervert. I can't even hear the word 'falafel' without laughing hysterically.
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He talked all big on one show about what if someone broke into his home and how they would get whats coming to them...but then he is still an anti. I think he realizes a good chunk of his audience in pro-RKBA, so he stays off the subject as much as possible.

I used to like listening to him because he didn't just interview someone and let them spout off. But now he is the one spouting off.
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When guys talk about taking care of "the folk," I begin to have flashes of some other bully back in the '30s.

He is way too full of himself and too capricious in his positions.

I think he likes the smell of the mob and, of course, the sound of his own voice. He was born to save us--oh wait, that's somebody else...
Well, I guess I'll be the single voice of dissent... Hi everyone, my name is Phil and, I like Bill O'Reilly. Yeah he's obnoxious, cuts people off, seems to really like the sound of his voice, is arrogant, and may have objectionable views on gun control. (I can't do any research on that just yet because for some reason I'm having difficulty accessing most web sites this morning.) Now, I know this seems like ample reason to detest him, but I believe that for at least most of the important (to me anyway) issues he is one of the few individuals with enough horsepower to voice a non-Hollywood opinion. Besides, when the media, TV, movies, and now a majority of the Government is controlled by left to far left elitists what conservative media pundit stands a chance of success without at least some of the above listed techniques? (Limbaugh, Malkin, and Coulter included.)
I watch him sometimes. He used to be a semi-vocal anti, guns for hunting and nobody needs a AW type. Since Katrina he has said several times everyone needs a gun because Katrina showed him the government will not save you. How serious is he? Who knows.

Since Katrina he has said several times everyone needs a gun because Katrina showed him the government will not save you. How serious is he? Who knows.

I remember one time he alluded to the folks needing to protect themselves because the government won't, but I also recall it sounding like he stopped short of saying that means is a firearm. But I won't say you are wrong, I just notice when I hear him get close to a gun being the solution, he seems to stop and almost think before he speaks. Why is that I don't know.
I like him, he puts on far left people and lets them make fools of themselves, which isn't hard to do of course. And I heard him talk pro gun pretty strongly about a month ago. As far as Coulter goes, I agree with her views more than I do the far lefts views, by a long shot.
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America would be a lot better off if we could get rid of the following.

Al Frankestein (that's steen not stine)
Ann Coultergeist
Bill O'Really?
Randi Rhodes (doesn't that name sound like a pornstar)
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Actually, he was being interviewed recently and he was asked (since he is known to be pretty hard-headed) if he has changed his opinion about anything in the last 2 years. He said "guns". He said that he used to say that why would anyone need a "big gun" (whatever that is) and Katrina proved to him that government will not protect an average person and that you really do need a "big gun". He went on saying that he is a Second Amendment guy now and that he does not want Rosie telling him that he can't own guns.

It was truly a 180 degree turn for him.
Add one more voice of dissent. Bill O'Reilly is abrasive and opinionated, and I find I share many of the same opinions. He is not intimidated by the mass media, and his championing for the protection of children. I especially appreciate his going after judges who allow confessed child molesters off with a minimal sentencing so that they can receive "therapy". My guess is that if the question is ever raised directly, he will be a supporter of the 2nd Amendment.
O'Reilly's position on gun control will be determined the same way he settles all his other opinions - whatever he thinks will get him the best ratings.
I take it there aren't many Bill O'Reilly fans at THR.....

I watch Bill every night. He is one of the toughest interviewers on TV. I don't agree with all of his positions, but he does not let his guests dodge his questions.

I've also been listening to Rush for about 20 years. I think he is very entertaining. His clip of "Born Free" with machine gun fire in the background still makes me smile; even though I've heard it dozens of times. Creating the word "Feminazi" was also classic.

If I could pick only two guys to have a beer with, these two guys would be near the top of the list. I'd also like to play a round of golf with Rush.
yep rioshooter,playing golf with Rush would be great.Rush is a great man,an american hero, and should be president of th USA
If I could pick only two guys to have a beer with, these two guys would be near the top of the list. I'd also like to play a round of golf with Rush.

Or a shot of Oxycontin? And careful if Bill offers to let you use his [strike]loofah[/strike] falafel...
I'll dissent too... I like the guy. He stood against the San Fran. gun ban when it came up. He cited Katrina. Some woman came on in support of it and said, "why do you need a gun? why can't you just use a baseball bat?" and Bill yelled back at her, "because the criminal (or looter) would have a gun... criminals aren't going to pay attention to the ban."

Say what you will about the man, but he has done so much in the past couple years to protect children it's amazing. Remember that he was instrumental in getting Jessica's Law passed in many states. I don't agree with everything the man says, but he knows his stuff. And I just LOVE when he invites crazy liberals on his show so that they make asses of themselves on national TV.
I like him too.

I've seen him cut mics maybe two or three times and only when the person was BSing to the point where they were simply taking up the interview time with their rhetoric and not actually addressing questions.

Everyone of the Hollywood/left-wing bigwigs despise and hate him and over all I agree with his ideas. More than I can say for someone like Ann Culter.
Limbaugh I can listen to. O'Reilly I can't. I don't particularly like either of them, but at least Limbaugh always maintains his sense of humor no matter what topic he's discussing or how bombastic he becomes. O'Reilly, OTOH, is one of the most humorless and dull people I've ever heard on TV.

I believe Limbaugh stands for something. His rhetoric is based on strongly held principles. I don't always agree with him, but I do respect him.

O'Reilly doesn't stand for anything. He's just a populist talking head who tells his audience what they want to hear. If he worked for CNN, he'd be preaching liberalism and attacking conservatives.
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I like his show a lot

The reason so many do not like him is they can not have a logical debate.
For instance , he was debating a college student about a certain professor who was spouting that idiotic 9/11 truth excrement.
So he compared it to the reichstag fire ...the student was blank...he asked "you do know about the reichstag fire, you know Germany 1933 ?
The student was still completely in the dark!
So he said she needed to do a lot more home work before she could join the debate and she basically has a lot to learn.
He was Absolutely right, but he appeared to be rude.
He cut her off and ended the debate, a long boring history lesson does not make good TV and people involved in a debate about whether the 9/11 attack was the reichstag fire of our generation should have some clue about such events.

putting those miscreant judges in the spotlight of America after they let child rapist go free is a true public service.

I hope someday he will lend his talent to RKBA and I think if he could talk to some one like Sandra of the NRA he would.
But he really lost all credibility with me when it came out that he was a raging pervert.

???? I really don't think being a pervert should have anything to do with ones credibility. I honestly don't care if the president of the united states wears a dress in his free time. To me all that matters is that he does his job well. Which may or may not be said of O'reilly.
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