Bill O'Reilly and The 2nd Amendment

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I like O'Reilly and Limbaugh but prefer O'Reilly because he can take on opinionated hotheads in face to face debate. I don't agree with all he says and don't feel I need to. Glad he saw the light on guns.
I really don't think being a pervert should have anything to do with ones credibility.

Well, I dunno if I can agree with that, given this particular perverts job is going on television and demonizing anyone who doesn't agree with him. I also think it's funny that he can talk about EVERYTHING on earth, other than his own perverse fascination with his secretary, and all things loofah... When it comes to that, Bill Orally simply reverts to:

"No comment."

Figures... besides, dude wrote a KIDS book! Now I have no problem with someone being a perv in their own free time. I have no problem with a perv being a perv with other consenting adults. I do, however, have a problem with a perv who harasses his co-workers and subordinates... I also notice little flags going off in my head when said pervert writes a childrens' book... And he talks about sex in the book, IIRC. A pervert giving kids sex advice?

That just ain't cool if you ask me.
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