Border emergency declared in New Mexico

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"...should be tried fro treason." Then let me at 'em.

I don't know if Richardson is posturing or not, but we'll soon know, mehinks. He would be a breath of fresh air compared to Hitlary. I don't think he is as anti-liberty as she is.

My pro-liberty list is getting shorter by the second.

And the minute-men are going to put in an appearance somewhere up here in far northern NY. I think I'll join and get an inside look at what they are about.

We do have a lot of smugling around here. Both of people and cargo. There are a lot more border patrol units running around than I've ever seen. Used to be one sighting per summer. Now it's three or four a day plus spotting stake-outs.

We have an Indian Reservation straddling the border with Canada. If you're an Indian you can go to the island portion from either country with NO check at all. AND you can go to either country from the island with NO check at all. So. Load yourself into a resident's car, he drives you to the island, turns around and drives you to the other country. Makes a great little pin money operation for the folks. I know. I've used it. I used it to make a TV service call in Canada without having to hassle my equipment through the customs both ways.

Methinks somebody has been reading the polls and is positioning himself for a run at the White House in '08.

Richardson has plenty of chips in the Dems poker game to be a contender for the nomination. Governers typically stand a better chance of being elected President than Senators. He doesn't have the "half of the country rabidly hates him" situation to overcome that Hillary does.

Big change in position for a guy who a few months ago was advocating drivers licenses for illegal aliens so "NM could track them and help assimilate them into society."

Richardson was also treating illegal immigraton like the proverbial case of rape: Lie back and enjoy it.

I have a friend near Albuquerque who surmises that Richardson has been getting a lot of complaints from the border counties from residents who are sick and tired of finding illegal alien feces in their front yards.

1>Richardson is testing the water to see how the numbers play out.
2>Richardson is the cat's paw for national Democrats who are testing the water. Remember Ms. Clintoon said she is anti-illegal immigrant (sic). Democrats see the same polling information spinelessrepublicans see. They are well-aware of the chasm between the ruling class and taxpaying class on the issue of criminal immigration.
3>Richardson is taking heat and he has to respond because either he or his party will take a hit in the near future.

Regardless of the reason, criminal immigration is winding its way into mainstream political debate. I maintain we are looking at the outlines of a third party issue. The biggest loser with a third party will be spinelessrepublicans. Tancreto is rumored to be talking presidential bid. Gilcrest is running for congress. You'll know criminal immigration is mainstream when an incumbent (most likely spinelessrepublican) runs against current policy.

I think it good new that Richardson is acting. Whether or not it is meaninful action is beside the point. There is evidently pressure coming from somewhere and he is acting.
Longeyes Said: The Feds do what the guy in the White House tells them to do. Is there any doubt about Bush's position on border control? If the U.S. military, under current authority, gets involved, it will be to make sure American citizens don't get in the way of the master plan. I wish I didn't believe this, but I do. Bush has already shown that what ought to be a simple and straightforward excecution of the law isn't part of his agenda.
You said it brother. Great minds think alike.
Until he calls out the National Guard to secure the NM border, it's all just grandstanding and posturing.

I kept reading the article, expecting that the very next line or paragraph would tell me that he called out the NG. Then I got to where it said the "emergency" money will be used to hire additional law enforcement personnel. Huh? The money he's earmarking will be used up by the time a new crop of LEOs finish training. How do they get paid once they actually get deployed, and what do they do?

NM doesn't need a few more deputies in each county along the border, it needs a military presence along the border whose job function has nothing to do with parking tickets, fender bender investigations, radar traffic patrol and the like. I don't even know if NM has any NG at the moment or if they're all over in the sand box, but THAT's what is needed. Armed military patrols, checkpoints, observation posts, and roadblocks.
This is my first post on this website. I've been fairly active lately on the Rohrbaugh Forum, having recently purchased an R9S.

Over the course of my adult life, I've gone from politically liberal to pretty conservative as I approach Medicare age.
Never contributed to political parties, either. Okay, I did pay my NRA dues, but that was about it. Starting with the 2000 presidential campaign, I started contributing to the Republican party (State & National) to protect our 2nd ammendment rights.

This year, however, I've returned solicitations from the National party with a note saying "I'm not contributing another dime until the Bush administration does something positive to close our borders to illegal immigrants & terrorists. When I see positive action I will again contribute."

I haven't received any positive responses - yet. Being a strong believer in the "Money talks, B.S. walks" school of life, I'm still hopeful people like me will make a difference.

Sluggo in Michigan
Until he calls out the National Guard to secure the NM border

The NG will only follow the Gov's orders until the CIC (Pres Bush) tells them to do something else. Ultimately they are a Federal force, not State.

If Bush tells them to stand down from the border, that's what they do. Or, they could find themselves pounding sand in some faraway place.

Hey Sloggo, welcome!

I did the same thing with the Republican National Congressional Committee. Made donations in the past, this year told them to get lost until I see some action to control our borders.

Also wrote to my Senators & Congresscritter telling them that this is my number one issue...that I'm paying attention AND I VOTE!
The NM National Guard went from Air Defense Artillery to Field Artillery.

Not much Infantry.

I agree, Richardson is looking at 2008, and the rest of his party is waiting to see the reaction.

I suspect if Border Patrol, or ICE, or whatever they will be called next week were allowed to do their job the problem would not be of this magnitude.
I said about 6 months ago that Richardson was going to run in 2008, and just about everyone here said no way, no chance.

I hope some of ya'll have changed your opinions after this stunt.

Border security will be an easy issue for the Democrats to use to appeal to moderates and even some conservatives. Richardson would be a great choice for the Democrats to run... he isn't far out in left field like Kerry, knows enough to keep his mouth shut about gun control, and is from a state that went Republican in 2004.

He and Hillary will be the Democratic ticket in 2008, I am just not sure which will be Pres and which will be VP... he better watch his backside though if Hillary ends up as VP.
I have many legal immigrant co-workers who are REALLY pissed about the current border situation. They had to jump through all the hoops and these peope are getting a free ride. They HATE it.
This year told them to get lost until I see some action to control our borders.
What's the matter? You haven't heard about the National ID Card? That's what the Federal Government is doing to solve the illegal alien problem. Aren't you grateful? Next you will be required to "show your papers" to cross a bridge or buy gas. Won't that make you feel secure?
I have many legal immigrant co-workers who are REALLY pissed about the current border situation. They had to jump through all the hoops and these peope are getting a free ride. They HATE it.

As well they should.

Legal immigrants have always been one of America's greatest strengths. Illegal aliens are parasites.
Hawkeye, Nat'l ID won't do any good until our elected representatives find the backbone to accomplish mass deportations of those who don't qualify for the card.
For repeat offending illegal aliens, I've always been an advocate of administering to them a series of harmless, but very painful, electric shocks, and then dropping them off at the boarder with a sandwich, a canteen and a compass, followed by a slow loud count to 100, after which, if they are not by then out of sight, they would be made to dance the hard way. I think that would work.
Works for me!

I'm thinkin' the ACLU & Amnesty International would probably throw a hissyfit (and deploy a battalion of lawyers) over it, though.

Somebody earlier said that the NM Nat'l Gd is a field artillery unit......OK, fine; let them conduct continuous live fire exercises parallel to the border with Mexico until the $750K Gov Richardson has in his emergency fund is used up. Then we'll scrounge up some more dough.

THAT would send a message!
Bush got what he wanted already. A bunch of nitwits in this country reelected him.
IT'S OFFICIAL! The left finally admits GWB won the election!
August 13th should be a national holiday :p
If Bush tells them to stand down from the border, that's what they do. Or, they could find themselves pounding sand in some faraway place.
It's not quite that simple.

They belong to the state unless and until the Feds federalize them. Bush can't just up and tell them to stand down ... but he could conveniently arrange to have them activated and deployed overseas.
What about the Unorganized Militia? Bush would have to draft them to send them over seas.
Why does this have to be about a run for the White House?
Could it be that the border counties have finally put enough pressure on the Governor to get him to act? They are part of his state, afterall.
Governor Bill is no dummy. The recent media coverage of the NM Minutemen chapter and their plans to monitor the border has certainly given the Governor food for thought. Does he want to be seen as proactive, or part of the problem?
There is most certainly an element of PR in his actions, but isn't he just doing what a good Governor should do?

An earlier poster labelled the Governor as "ultra-liberal". I don't see it that way. New Mexico has among the most relaxed gun laws in the country ( F rating from the Brady Bunch). I (redneck, Republican, gun owner) have no problem with him or his actions. If he decides to go national, more power to him.
isn't he just doing what a good Governor should do?

Not really. I agree if there was an emergency on the border the NM national guard should be mobilized. I believe all he has done is increase funding, and while this might help eventually it doesn't do much in the short term.

I agree Richardson is not an ultra liberal. He is one of the more conservative members of the Democratic Paty. I would be willing to vote for him fir president over several prominent Republicans, McCain being one.
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