Brady Bunch on Facebook?

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Normand Pelissier: I'm in favor of overturning the Second Amendment if that's the reason we can't get rid of unnecessary guns in this country. All we ever hear from the NRA and their right-wing followers is SECOND AMENDMENT. I'll gladly give up my second amendment rights if that's going to keep me (and millions of others) from being killed by a firearm.

Well we're at it, lets just give up all our rights. Then we'll be safe from ourselves! :rolleyes:
There are indeed pro-gun fan groups on Facebook, and they have far more members than the Brady Bunch. I just became a fan of Gun Owners of America and the NRA.

NRA-24,982 supporters.

GOA-4,824 supporters.

Brady Bunch-2,974 supporters.
These Folks are clearly in touch with what is going on!

This is why arguing with them is so often frustrating. They really do believe what they have heard/been told, that NRA "wants to defend [using MG] for deer hunting" and similar claptrap.

They think that criminals are simly misguided and only need some one to show them the error of their ways (along with the corollary belief, that criminals obey all of the laws, except the ones they break).

These are Tenets, articles of Faith, and as firmly held. Arguing against such things makes you Apostate, if not Heretic, and liable for Burning.
Guns are tools - dangerous tools. Would you give a 4 year old a chainsaw to play with?

I caught that one, too. I couldn't figure out what point he was trying to make.

Does he think that gun owners give their 4-year-olds pistols to play with? Heck, maybe he does. Those people are in their own little world.

The best way to combat these people, is to take them and their children shooting.

Or if they won't go, take the fence sitters.

If fence sitters won't go, take the pro-gun folks who don't have a gun yet.
I went and looked at the site and I’m convinced it’s a waste of time. The moderator made it clear that they would delete any pro 2A comments ( except the ones that make us look like a bunch of inbred rednecks)
Arguing with antis over the internet (especially on a Brady bunch facebook page) is a waste of time. I've found that person-to-person discussions is much more beneficial.
"James W. Hunt I've donated and signed many sites to get guns regulated. I won't quit my activism until the IRA changes their senseless way of doing things that promote guns, particularly automatics!"

"These Folks are clearly in touch with what is going on! -2RCO "

He might actually have known and meant what he was saying and been referring to the Irish Republican Army terrorists.
Keep in mind that these people are not after the truth, they do not want to debate gun rights or anything approaching the principles our founding fathers so firmly believed in. They are zealots with a single agenda, the complete removal of firearms from our country. Nothing less is acceptable in their eyes. First, they want to register guns so that the criminals can't get guns. Then they want to ban assault rifles, or assault weapons as they call it. Next, they'll say that hunting is dangerous and we should only allow guns for target shooting. Then, you guessed it, target shooting is an activity that is only for the violent minded psychopath looking to fulfill murder fantasies and they will ban that as well. They know that none of their arguments are valid, they know that their "stages" of gun control won't work, but again, they're after the big prize, the total abolition of gun rights and ownership. With gun control, as with the AWB, crime wasn't reduced, and it won't be with any of their efforts. But when crime goes up after more of our rights are taken from us, they simply scream louder and demand more gun control. It's a downward sprial that only terminates when gun ownership is no longer allowed.

I liken these people to the terrorists that were involved in 911. Not that they are murderers, but in their strength of conviction. If you listen to their justification, it becomes clear that, in their feeble minds anyway, their actions are not only justified, but righteous. They are completely fixated on a goal, so fixated that right, wrong, common sense, and the truth are all mangled and distorted to the point that they will never see the truth, and will never stop. Look how far they have come in a short 50 years. I wonder what the next 50 years will have in store for gun rights and ownership.
There are indeed pro-gun fan groups on Facebook, and they have far more members than the Brady Bunch. I just became a fan of Gun Owners of America and the NRA.

NRA-24,982 supporters.

GOA-4,824 supporters.

Brady Bunch-2,974 supporters.
You must be looking at the wrong NRA group, it has over 86k members!
If you have a facebook, invite all your friends, it can't hurt.
I'll gladly give up my second amendment rights if that's going to keep me (and millions of others) from being killed by a firearm.

What about there 1st amendment rights?

This one I did like

Guns are tools - dangerous tools. Would you give a 4 year old a chainsaw to play with?
its cool. criminals will look at that wall and find where these people are and target them. I mean, why not? They don't have guns right? :rolleyes:
"if he had a gun, other people would have been hurt too"
Man, I bet that guy WISHES he had one.
Wow, some of those folks are just unbelievably backwards:

Yesterday, May 10h was Mother's Day. I don't believe that has occured in 11 years together, the day my only child, Jacob, was shot through the heart with a hollow point bullet, by his next door neighbor, who he did not know. He was only coming over to tell the man some neighborhood kids had pulled up some pot plants from the neighbor's backyard. The Judge decided the man had just been robbed (Yeah, of pot!) and didn't know my son. He let the man go! If pot was sold in State controlled liquor stores, there would be no reason for this man to own a gun and protect his illegal crop! Jacob would be 37 now. A grown man, the nicest man one could ever know.
Seems that FaceBook needs to clean up their "groups" ..

found 10 groups named NRA one with the spelling of "National Rifle Assosiation"

Second Amendment dyslexics UNTIE!
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I don't even bother looking at stuff like this anymore. It just ticks me off.

The vast majority of the American people are nothing more than sheep looking for someone to take care of them: "The American Sheeple".

They differ little from the ancient Roman Mob, and adore smooth-talking politicians who provide them with 'Bread and Circuses'.

The "sheeple" are stupid, short-sighted, and incredibly hypocritical. There's no point arguing with them because they are not bound by the constraints of logic, and have a natural immunity to charges of hypocrisy. The worst of them are elitists who regard those who disagree with them as ignorant, racist troglodites who deserve no rights whatsoever.

They are eager to conjure "constitutional rights" out of thin air when it suits their agenda, but flagarantly disregard those mentioned verbatim in the Bill of Rights.

American society is in decline and the "American Sheeple" are running headlong into its demise.

...but of course, I'm preaching to the choir.
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