Brady Campaign Facebook page.

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I'd prefer that the 'David Silver' story stay up there. It will only further illustrate their ignorance. It's like Al Gore showing clips from the movie "The Day After Tomorrow" to propagate his ideology; revealing the deception of their argument. And one day, they will use it as a shining example of their movement, and maybe even tell his story at some Congressional hearing or public rally. That's be awesome! They could change their name to the Brady/Silver Campaign.
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Just so y'all know, you have "like" the page in order to post there. Of the 7,000-plus who like the Brady page, many are pro-2A types who clicked on "like" in order to be able to post there.

They seem to remove most pro-gun posts pretty regularly, but there's a steady stream of contributions by those who support the RKBA. My take on it is that it's fine to express disagreement and even to tweak them a bit, but I'd urge that the tone of our "dissenting opinions" should remain polite.
MisterMike said:
My take on it is that it's fine to express disagreement and even to tweak them a bit, but I'd urge that the tone of our "dissenting opinions" should remain polite.

That is true. For the two or three days that our posts will remain on their page we would want to appear to be rational, polite, upstanding citizens. It's funny, though, how many of the anti-s sound like foaming at the mouth lunatics.

I don't know of one pro-gun page that completely censors the posts of the "other side" like the Brady Campaign does. Geez, if they deal only in facts and have nothing to hide, why would they feel the need to shut us out?
Awww, Cmon!!! What are you trying to do with that facebook page??? I'm trying to eat breakfast! Do you want me to throw up?
This makes me laugh very very hard, because the moderator has a FULL TIME job just deleting all the cogent comments (i.e. from us pro-gunners) - keep give'n hell, boys! :D

P.S. Wait a sec - I'm a member of FB, but cannot seem to be able to post on their wall or respond to comments - why is that? Anyone know how to 'contribute' there - what to click on?
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i joined. :)

... lets see how it goes.

Of course it s all a plot to
take your guns away ...

... and givem all to me. :)
It's like Al Gore showing clips from the movie "The Day After Tomorrow" to propagate his ideology;

I liked the images they showed with hurricanes all over the planet. You know, the one they photoshopped and forgot that the things twirl the other way South of our planet's beltline.......

As for Brady, yeah, like other similar organizations, dissenting opinions, no matter how rational, are not tolerated.
If you want to tear up their page, you need to click the "Like" grey box at the top middle of the page. You better get in as much as you can as quickly as possible because they already banned me since last night.
Here's a great post on there:
" From IANSA--Chinese state security police seize guns! This is the way it should be . . . keeps everything nice and peaceful. Hail, Chairman Mao!"
HAHA! I love it!....

Check out this screen capture. Read what happened to "David Silver" and the responses. David Silver was a Character on the 90's TV show "90210".... What he experienced was an episode of the show. LOL and they are taking it as truth. hahaha... i don't know why i remember that ship or that episode but i do. Heck, i was only 9 in 1991.

Watch the Youtube Video of the scene

Darwin has a way of weeding out the dip****s.
.S. Wait a sec - I'm a member of FB, but cannot seem to be able to post on their wall or respond to comments - why is that? Anyone know how to 'contribute' there - what to click on?

Seems you have to be a fan, then you can comment. I refuse!
I guarantee they will leave you counted as someone who "likes" the page, but will delete your comments in five minutes... really worth it?
Did anyone notice that they got an interview at a high school?! :barf:
Do any of our Pro RKBA groups get such an audience? Oh how I wish I would have had the chance to sit in on something like this when I was in high blood just boils thinking about it :fire::cuss:...
Kalashnikovkid said:
Did anyone notice that they got an interview at a high school?!
Do any of our Pro RKBA groups get such an audience? Oh how I wish I would have had the chance to sit in on something like this when I was in high blood just boils thinking about it ...

Except that anytime a student expresses ANYTHING pro-gun at all the school reprimands, suspends or expels the student. At an interview at a high school the students would not be able to express anything pro-gun anyway without fear of reprisal.
Here's a great post on there:
" From IANSA--Chinese state security police seize guns! This is the way it should be . . . keeps everything nice and peaceful. Hail, Chairman Mao!"

Who would ever post something so offensive? ;) ;)

I think, though, that the Brady people have some good points about common sense gun laws. I told them as much in my last post:

COMMON SENSE GUN LAWS WORK! Why do the pro-2A gun nuts always claim that gun control doesn't work?

There are many, many instances in recent history where common sense laws, like registration, licensing, handgun laws, and prohibitions against private sales ("the gun show loophole") has helped to advance government policies:

-1911: Constantinople government disarms the Armenians (Gun control measures: permits required, government registration of weapons, ultimate ban);

-1929: Soviet Union establishes gun control, permitting Stalin to advance his progressive policies (Gun control measures: licensing of owners, ban on possession);

-1935: Chairman Mao establishes gun control, permitting enlightened policies to advance (Gun control measures: Permit system, leading to a ban on private ownership, ultimately death penalty for "counter-revolutionary criminals" in possession);

-1938: Germany establishes gun control, disarming troublesome Jews and Gypsies (Gun control measures: registration & licensing, then strict handgun laws, then ban on possession);

-1964: Guatemala disarms its citizens, with particular focus on the difficult Mayan population (Gun control measures: registration of guns & owners, high license fees, prohibition against carrying guns, then ban on guns, sharp tools, etc.);

-1970: Uganda establishes strict gun control, paving the way for Idi Amin to lead his people to a period of enlightened government (Gun control measures: registration of guns & owners, licenses to sell guns, warrantless searches, confiscation powers);

-1974: Cambodia imposes gun control, paving the way for the enlightened policies of the Khmer Rouge (Gun control measures: licenses for guns, owners, ammunition & transactions, photo ID with fingerprints required, quarterly inspection of license);

1994: Rwanda addresses the problematic Tutsi population with a comprehensive gun control scheme (Gun control measures: registration of guns, owners & ammunition, owners must justify need; concealable guns illegal, ultimately confiscation powers).

All of this shows that gun control works to help advance government policies. Yes, these countries may have had some incidental problems along the way, but COMMON SENSE GUN LAWS DO WORK!!!

Thank goodness that there will always be progressive-thinking leaders in some countries, folks like Joseph Stalin, Chairman Mao, and Idi Amin, who know better than to listen to the gun nuts.
Making good people helpless won't make bad people harmless.
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Tell us when they delete that...

Already done . . . and I'm apparently no longer a "friend." :uhoh::uhoh::uhoh:

In fact, if you were to look anything I posted there, you'd find that I've "been erased." :D

They also have two discussion boards on Facebook: One where only the Brady line is tolerated, and a second one for "debate," where they send anyone with a contrary view (of course, they don't actually engage in debate . . . it's just a handful of pro-2A types hanging around, waiting for something to happen). It's a microcosm of America as they'd like to see it.
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