Buying reloads on the web

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Dec 11, 2009
I've run across some reloading websites, and would like to order (they have a boat load of .380) but am concerned im gonna get a crappy load and have a ka-boom. Im looking at a site called Anyone use them or can recommend where i can get some .380 hardball?
IMO buying someone else's reloads anywhere (gun shows, net, gun store) is a bad idea. Does the reloader have experience? Was he/she drinking while charging your loads? Does he have liability fact is he even liable if your gun blows up? You have know idea who loaded them or if they are proficient and reliable. I will not even let my friends shoot my reloads due to laibility issues. Someone selling reloads on the web is out soley to make money. Your safety is not even an issue with these folks. Bad idea...don't do it.

Someone selling reloads on the web is out soley to make money. Your safety is not even an issue with these folks. Bad idea...don't do it.

Yeah, we shouldn't buy generic brand baked beans at the store either! You don't know who made them, if they are licensed, or how they cook them. Your saftey is not an issue with those folks, they'll poison you just for fun. If you don't cook your own baked beans, don't eat them. Capitalism is a sham to get all of us!

No_Agenda you are going to read some of the most ridiculous and what I predict to be, quite frankly, shortsighted comments from people on this subject. This has come up in thread after thread and it never changes. Two principles you need to keep in mind whenever you buy any product.

1) Like someone who bakes beans for a living, someone selling ammunition has an incredibly STRONG interest in making sure their product doesn't hurt you. If they hurt you they will go out of business and probably end up in court and or jail. This isn't Captain Planet, businesses don't exist to hurt you on purpose.

2) Buyer beware, do you own research and determine your level of confidence in the seller before buying. You do this for every product you buy, ammo is a commodity and no different

If you think ammo is somehow different because it can blow-up your gun, stop and think about the number of potentially deadly items you buy everyday with complete aplomb. Exploding batteries, tainted food, bad shots, etc...

I've seen their ammo on gunbroker and they have a website. Go give them a call and ask them some pointed questions before you buy.

1) How long have you been in business?
2) Do you have an FFL?
3) Do you carry liability insurance?
4) What is your return policy?
5) What machinery does your company use?
6) What safeguards do you have in place for checking powder
7) How is your ammunition tested?
8) Do you use canister powders or OEM powder?

There are plenty more but if they hesitate on any of those, you may want to consider your purchase a little more carefully. Anyone manufacturing ammunition should be able to speak at length on those questions.
I'll post my response I put on TFL so others here may see it.

freakshow10mm on TFL thread said:
I'm sure they have liability insurance.

I've never heard of them but I'm sure it's fine. If you're worried, call them and talk to them a bit. Feel them out. If they sound shady or give you "one liners", steer clear. Always beware of a "licensed" manufacturer or reloader that doesn't have their name on the box. If they aren't willing to put their name on it, that means you can't prove it's theirs and they won't stand by their work.

This outfit seems legit, but like I said, call them.

These are red flags to look for:

* No name on the ammo box.
* No lot number on the box.
* Just doesn't "feel" right.
* Zero or limited (ie email only) contact info on website.
* Address is a PO Box only, no street address.

BTW, I load .380 FMJ and my new .380 FMJ ammo is $350/case, packed in 10 boxes with 100rds loose pack in each box. They are dumping 1,000 rounds in a plastic bag, dropping it in a box, and sending it on its way. How they care for the products by packaging methods also comes to mind. Their prices seem really high to me. Also look at the .380 pic in the "Protection Series" link. Different head stamps. For plinking/practice ammo that's fine. For defense work, I would never carry mixed stamp ammo.

I load my own ammo for defense too and it's all the same headstamp. Remanufactured defense ammo is fine, as if no brass flaws show up after one firing, it will hold up again. New brass hasn't "proven" itself yet, we just take it for granted because it's new.

So my opinion, both as a handloader and as a commercial ammo manufacturer (new and reloads):

Plinkers should be fine. I'd pass on their defense ammo. Price is high, still with the market conditions you can do better. If you feel comfortable paying that price I back you 100% with your decision and that's fine if you agree the price is worth that.

It's supply and demand economics here. He has it for X price; pay it or shop around.
Historian said:
Someone selling reloads on the web is out soley to make money. Your safety is not even an issue with these folks.
Wow you have no clue what you are talking about.

I take safety very seriously. My ammunition is inspected during every stage of the process several times.

When we take in brass, we visually inspect the brass for major flaws. Any denting, scratches, or serious cosmetic blemishes gets tossed in the scrap bucket. Then we polish it. After that it is inspected again by hand. We toss any case that has flaws as well as substandard headstamps. We only load Federal, CCI, Blazer, Remington, Starline, and Lake City headstamp brass. Others are tossed in the scrap bin.

The brass is then loaded by hand on Dillon progressive presses and the entire operation is inspected as the machines are loading. When it's loaded it gets taken to the inspection tables. We have lighted magnifying glasses set up at each station. I have a "cartoon double take" policy. If you even think about having to look at a round again to make sure, toss it in the reject bin.

Once inspected we polish the ammunition. When finished, it's inspected once again. If approved, it gets sent down the table to packaging, where it's inspected once again, given a lot number, and set on the shelf for shipping.

Each lot is segregated and we don't mix lots or components in the same lot. When one variable changes, the lot number changes and the new lot starts. If there are rounds of one lot that do not make a full box (100rds/box), we hold it until a matching lot configuration is produced, then add it with that lot. If 4 weeks go by without a matching lot being produced, we remove the partial lot from the stock area and use that ammo for LE demonstrations or just go out and shoot it.

I am in business to make money but certainly not at the expense of someone's safety. To think otherwise is completely ignorant.
I don't trust or shoot anything reloaded by others.
It is less expensive in the long run to invest in your own equipment and produce your own QUALITY product.
Plus reloading is addictive............Once you start you won't want to stop!
the only ammo that i would buy off line that is "reloaded" ammo is Georgia arms ammo. handgun ammo that is there .223 has been known to be over charged and have screwed a few rifles up in a few courses. However i have shot, and know plenty of people that have shot boat loads of thier handgun ammo without issue.

i haven't bought any ammo lately i have been reloading for a while.
+1 to Deavis on his post. I bought many boxes of reloaded .38 ammo during my first year of shooting. I trust a licensed reloader more than I trust food vendors at a carnival.

freakshow, that's a good "red flag" list.
+1 to Georgia Arms. I shoot their ammo on a regular basis when I cant get reloading components.

Thanks for the replies guys I have been looking into reloading and have seriously wanted to get into it. The only thing holding me back is the the supply of reloading supplies isnt much better than factory ammo.
No_agenda, where are you located? Maybe one of us can help you find supplies and get started loading. It will end your worries about having ammo available. If you are anywhere close I'd be happy to help.
No Agenda, check out Los Ranchos on 4th street and Osuna in Albuquerque for powder and primers. Also Sportsman's had some presses in stock if you go as soon as they open Friday they also have powder and primers . If you need help PM I live in the NW area of town maybe we could meet up somewhere. For the record I have bought reloaded ammo but not from Joe Reloader I buy reloaded ammo from Ultramax, Tactical Ammunition and Georgia Arms. They have all dome me well and for some cartridges it is actually just as cost effective to purchase remanufactured ammo over loading it up yourself.
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