Carrying in Church

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Good for the Bishop. Show those supposedly "tolerant" people that we are not easy prey for their intolerance.

The most violent and vehemently intolerant people here in the Prop. 8 protest were not the Anti-gay marriage side, btw. They were pretty well behaved while the Pro gay marriage crowd shouted all sorts of words unsuitable for a general audience and had to be held back because they were hurling rocks and threatening physical violence.
As far as the Pastor's authority I was speaking of his Biblical authority. It hadn't occurred to me he would have authority like a property owner as you say some states grant him. (I am a member of the Church of Christ and the minister is a employee of the church and its elders. So the only authority would be in the hands of the church elders.) In those cases I suppose your choices may be limited. Funny a secular law would delve into deciding who on religious property has the authority to make a decision like that.
As far as I know, there is no Biblical authority for a pastor to disarm me. As a matter of fact, the only one that can disarm someone has been God and Jesus who told his disciples to lay down their swords after one of them sliced off the ear of a Centurion who was intent on arresting Jesus.

Other than that, I recognize no authority to disarm me. If a property owner does not want me there with a gun, he loses a customer.
notorious - that particular scripture proves that Jesus allowed his disciples to be armed up until and even after HE was willing to lay down his life.
Exactly. I told my secretary the same thing when she was adhering to the turn the other cheek argument when I was arguing that Christianity has always allowed arms in the defense of the religion... and sometimes even in the offense of the religion such as the Crusades.

I told her Christ told people who did not have swords to sell their coats so they can buy swords and that the temple destroying episode showed that Jesus also had righteous anger and lashed out against those who sought to pervert our religion.

We are not to be a disarmed people under God, but a strong Christian people ready to defend the kingdom of God against those who seek to pervert it or destroy it.
I view carrying at church as a good thing, especially with the recent church shootings.

If I was asked to disarm, I probably would, no need to cause a fuss over it.
When I am asked to disarm, I ask if they want it in my car where nobody can keep an eye on it or do they want me to check it with them and have them take responsibility for it... usually to thundering silence because those who have no idea how to take responsibility for their own safety can't possibly think outside of the box when it comes to real responsibility.
as it was in the days of Noah

"Meekness" as Moses had is defined as keeping self control. It gives me great satisfaction knowing that almost all of the armed citizens I know of possess that meekness.

Notorious. You state the obvious, but often, the unstated {Politically Uncorrect} knowledge that it is not the law abiding, Bible believing, gun grabbing, church attending sort that are: hateful...violent...provocative...malcontent...abusive...

Did I forget anything?
I carry in church.
I did ask our Bishop with the full expectation that he would say "no" and I would have to find another church.
He wrote a letter for me to allow it after I asked.

His comment? "The United States of America is the greatest defender of religious freedom on this earth. I know you fought to defend that freedom and I would never deny you the right to defend yourself or your wonderful family." he did add; "Please be discrete for those who would be alarmed by a gun's presence."

I guess I'm just one of those fanatics "clinging to God and guns".
Completely religious post warning.

I came up in a Pentacostal church and now attend a non demoninational full gospel church.

I don't have Bible handy or I'd quote Scripture on this one but instead this is what I believe

I believe that I am in the church that God wants me in. I wouldn't leave my church W/ out a direct release from God.

I believe that A. God has placed the Pastor of my church in a position of spiritual authority over that church. As such he is acountable to God for what he teaches us and what he tells us.

I believe that my Pastor hear from God and if he came to me and said " Tom I believe that God has directed me to ask that you not carry in church" I would accept it as God's will unless I had a direct leading otherwise that I felt was from God

As an article of Faith I would rather be unarmed in church & in the will of God than armed and out of the will of God. I would trust God even looking down the barrel of a gun

The above is based on my personal belief system I'm not asking any one else to follow it. I will try to edit in the refferences later
Having been a misguided Roman Cathothlic watching in disgust as that church defended it's raping of children I realized that although God is always right, mans' church can be very wrong. I changed churches due to my belief in "right" as I believe God defines it and am glad I did not have to do so again.

Treo, I have the deepest respect for your beliefs, and I have first hand experience with the evils of "church" vs the goodness of God. I hope you understand and do not take my earlier post as anti-church or anti-christian, it was not meant as such.
Treo, I respect that completely. Very intelligent post and even if people disagree, they have to respect it. Too bad that is a concept most today cannot comprehend, how to actually respect different positions without getting postal all over it.

Everyone here should realize that, afterall, Moses was the President of the NRA. :)
Conceal is the key

As a pastor I don't have a problem with people CC in church. I would have a problem with open carry - not that I would personally have a problem with it but I thing it would be a distraction for others.
(But come to thing about it I have done a service at a Cowboy shoot - open carry would have gone unnoticed there)
If someone was carrying open in church and I asked them to put it in there pocket I would expect them to comply out of respect for others.
I now have even more respect for Moses! Although it's illegel to "carry" in church in this state, this thread has certainly given me more faith in mankind. If it were left up to our pastor, I think his response would be "Sure, then there will be two of us"!
Once again that is a case of the State infringing on a religious organizations rights by saying you can or can not carry on their property. That still strikes me as very strange.
Indeed; churches should be treated just like any other piece of private property, which is exactly what it is. Separation of church and state goes both ways.
Separation of church and state has nothing to do with how property is governed. After all, the church has to obey the tax code for 501(c)(3) purposes too, right?

Just remember, Congress shall make no law which establishes an official American church or make it so that 1 church is preferred over the other religions. That's all that the clause says.

Treo, you make me mighty proud to be a member of this site! I couldn't agree more. To paraphrase...."If God be for us, who can be against us?".

I'm sure that when this site originated, it wasn't intended to bring in religious beliefs but this has sure been refreshing........
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