Citizen stops kidnapping, shoots double-murder suspect four times.

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I’ve been watching this breaking story as well. But I was waiting to post it until after it was confirmed that either Dr. or Mrs. Peebles had a CCW license.

It doesn’t state in the original article either had a license. The “Ohioans For Concealed Carry†made a false claim by adding the three periods and adding, “by CCW Licensee†following KTUL’s actual headline. The actual headline wasn’t abbreviated, so their headline is clearly fictitious.

I’ve tried searching for more up-to-date information on this story without a lot of success. I’m looking for positive news stories as well that can help with Wisconsin’s CCW battle. The story from the Associated Press hasn’t offered any additional information as of yet either.

If anyone finds an update, please post it. Thanks!
Yay for the good Dr. and his wife!!

Boo for the bad guy.

Boo for the Ohions for Concealed Carry! Is it not enough that Peebles and his wife endured what they did and came out victorious? Why must a story about a hero be embellished? It is bad enough when the bad guys lie and outright horrible when the supposed good guys do as well. That serves no good purpose and if anything does damage to the RKBA cause.
Double Naught Spy: I have to agree with you. With or without a CCW license, they should have all people acknowledging the wisdom of concealed carry.

Hopefully “Ohioans For Concealed Carry†has more information that hasn’t been made public yet. We don’t need yet another Jessica Lynch story. All three deserve to be admired, but creating false stories only diminishes their accomplishments.
I'd like to extend an invitation to whomever would like to put their pens where their mouths are. I would love to post a guest editorial regarding the rights of gunowners and how it applies to the Eizember capture.

Please submit your article to [email protected]

PLease include your name and town.
Johnny: The message to your paper you requested:

Please thank Doctor and Mrs Peebles for their courageous actions. The rest of the world should be as brave and prepared to act. I pray that neither myself or a loved one ends up in a situation that they did.

I will remember their brave actions should that happen though.

Milwaukee, WI
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Once Again

I must admit that I am actually glad that someone had been shot! Sometimes in the movies they make the bad guy so bad you are just praying he will wind up dead. This is real life folks and I am 100% that this bg was shot. The only thing I am sad about is that the good doctor did not have a better gun. Could you imagine if he had a .357 or a .40?? I don't think this guy would have been driving very far.
The Oklahoma City's newspaper The Daily Oklahoman reported that the gun was a 22 magnum. I didn't see in their article if the good Dr had a CCW.
I still haven’t found anything in print about the Doc or his wife having a CCW permit. However, on the Today show this morning, they were interviewed. During the interview something was stated about Arkansas allowing a concealed weapon in your car, but they didn’t say much else.

Anyone here from Arkansas?
Harley Davidson remarked:
Great story! I remember seeing that guy on "America's Most Wanted" just 2 weeks ago!
Hmm, it'll be interesting to see if AMW does a follow-up on this, and if so, how they treat it. Will they mention that a citizen used a GUN to protect himself from the criminal? Or will they emphasize how dangerous guns can be? (Note to those who don't know: John Walsh is an anti.)

According to my dad, Katie Couric interviewed the doctor on the Today show a day or two ago, and tried to make a point that the doctor could have been terribly hurt or even killed by the bad man after the doc drew his gun, and doesn't that just go to show how dangerous it is to use a gun to defend yourself. The doc didn't buy it.
Here's the letter I submitted to Johnny:

The events surrounding the recent capture in Texas of double-murder suspect Scott Eizember should underscore a simple truth for all law-abiding citizens: The police simply cannot be everywhere at once, and your physical safety is completely and utterly up to you.

Eizember was shot by a mild-mannered doctor after he kidnapped the doctor and his wife and threatened to kill them. Eizember was only slightly wounded, but his wounds required medical attention and he was subsequently arrested and his rampage stopped. Had the doctor not had access to a firearm, it is quite likely that both he and his wife would have met a violent end.

Self-defense is the most basic of all of our rights. If we do not have the right to be safe and secure in our own person, then the rights to vote and speak freely are pretty meaningless. And, in my opinion, the most effective means for providing for a person's self-defense is with a firearm.

Some may choose a shotgun for defending their home against intruders. Others may opt for a concealed handgun carried on their person (or in their purse). Given the option, many would likely make both choices. But those choices need to be made available for the average, law-abiding people in our country. Violent people walk among us, and the only "language" they speak is that of force. And as history has shown us time and time again, the only way to successfully meet force is with a greater opposing force.

It really is that cut and dry.

There are people in this country who do not desire to possess firearms for their own defense. That is their absolute right. But they should not be allowed to impose that stance upon those who make the conscious choice to be ready to protect themselves and their family against violent criminals. As a husband and parent, I not only belive it is my right to be prepared for such a possibility but I look on it as my duty to my wife and children. It is, in my opinion, the responsible position to take.

Bob Locke
Greeley, Colorado
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