Dems want Civil War; have "Fully Automatic Revolver"

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The DU board will bounce you in a second if they get the slightest whiff of elephant.

It's their fishbowl.

I have read it on occasions to gauge the enemy but have never felt the desire to post. Getting into a debate with them creatures is futile and a total waste of my time.
Read it. Going to take a shower and brush my teeth. I really feel sick to my stomach when I read how stupid some people can be. Yeah, Kerry is real all right. Real- what I don't know. Wish I could be more like my husband. He got a real laugh from reading.:rolleyes:
If you have ever wondered why the people do not directly elect the president or why they weren't originally supposed to elect Senators, there you have it. I'm sorry, these people shouldn't be allowed to vote on issues they know nothing about. If I don't know an issue, I don't vote on it. The truckload Uzi sale should be cool though!
These are truely nutty folks. I don't think a civil war is coming, but if it does, these Bozos dont stand a chance. Look at the prevelant feeling:

"I mean, think about all the assualt weapons that are going to flood our street once the AWB is killed by the NRA and republicans. Crazy gun killers are going to br buying uzi's and bazzookas out of every damn trunk on the street. Do we have to stoop to their level and do the same thing?

The thought of having to touch a gun makes my skin crawl to start with."

This gal's thoughts are highly supported on that board.

as for the other silliness, well, I am glad they are the opposition.
The DU mindset is to have .gov protect them from any and all possible harm from cradle to grave. They are arrested development mindless blissninnies of the highest order who do not deserve to call themselves Americans.
I think that a "civil war" with a bunch of limp wristed, gun hating, pacifistic, anarchists would be an easy win for our side! They wouldn't be organized, armed, or dangerous!!!:D

Signs make lousy weapons!:neener:


Geez, some of us are tryin' to listen for the ice cream truck over here! Show some manners! :scrutiny:

:D :D :D
How ironic: pacifists, liberals, and ignorant children actually sounding fired up about something. Next thing you know, one or two of them might just get off the couch and do something to help themselves.

Hey, it could happen....
Ooh, ice cream man! I want a creamsicle and a BL-22! (Yes, I know it's not an "assault" anything but I still want one.)

Seriously, after reading that thread *sigh*. Even on THR there are posts that make me roll my eyes but daaayuuum. :rolleyes:
If you guys keep posting these websites I'm gonna have a heart attack before I turn 20...
Don't actually click on the link...just get the highlights here! More amusement, less pain.;) I'll take an MP-5 popsicle...mmmm, yummy.:D Or a Kalashnikov creamsicle if it's all they got.:uhoh:
I'm sorry, these people shouldn't be allowed to vote on issues they know nothing about.
I totally disagree.

Every citizen has the right to vote. The abuses that would result from the government deciding who is knowledgeable enough to vote on an issue would topple our system. It's just a matter of time before the pendulum swings the other way and people who think differently than us are in control. Would you want them deciding you're not qualified to vote because your beliefs are different from theirs ? This is why we have a Constitution guaranteeing certain rights, to protect us from the tyranny of the majority as well as from tyranny of government.
I can see it now.
Next time an ice cream truck comes down the street, you guys are going to have a Pavlovian response and go running out to it. I just hope a 6 year old doesn't beat me to a nice FAL!
Can you imagine these guys in charge? Liberals are so funny when they pretend they understand an issue. It is all emotion and very little fact. If you think about it, that is what the assault weapon ban was all about. Even more reason why we shouldn't leave liberals in charge of things!
While THR was down, I took the liberty of registering there and was able to get two posts in before I was banned. And heck I'm no elephant either,
I just couldn't let a certain piece of bs go.

cheers, ab

ps: I hear the truck!
check this enlightened guy out from that DU thread:

::::::I refuse anymore to take one second of their guff. I got into a small tiff the other day at of all places the rifle range. I had some bozo tell me that Kerry was planning to take everyone's gun away. I told him he was an out an out LIAR just like the rest of the Republicans and demanded he give me one instance where Kerry has ever uttered any such thing. He started back pedaling and I followed after him and called him a coward just like the chickenhawks he backs. He could not get away from me quick enough. I've had it. I am going on the offensive and by God they better be able to back their ???? up or catch my wrath. I will not be polite and humble any longer.::::::::

thats rich
I just got banned at ...

I'm so depressed. :neener:

I did not go there to Troll mind ya, but to read and maybe understand the mindset that drives some people there. No joy though, the motivations make as much sense to me as ballet slippers on a cow. :confused:

action barbi: What got you banned? I posted that "I'm an idiot" for looking after myself and not expecting others to do it for me (re health care). Or maybe it was "I'm an idiot, I should have married money and gone into politics."


OOOO! I hear the Ice Cream truck! I need a Drumstick and chrome plated Solothurn, I gots some mosquitos to kill!
I dont think the ice cream truck comes around here anymore, its too late in the season. Can I buy one from the meter reader? He's about the closest we have that will come in September.

Hmm....all I can say is, Molon Labe

If they want to fight, we ought to let them start whatever they want. I mean, at least give them a sporting chance before we clean their plows but good. :evil:

Then again, all I would have to do is turn my dairy goat bucks loose on them and that would fix their wagons. Did I mention that the buck goats are in need of mating? Then again, that would be animal cruelty having them mate with liberal demopukes... :barf:

Anyway, nothing coming from the mouth or mind of a liberal surprises me anymore. They generally have an illness called "diarrhea of the mouth and brain" that has no cure, but many have a natural immunity to it.

I feel sorry for those intellectual midgets. That is what happens when you forget to put enough chlorine in the gene pool to kill off the little mutant buggers. :p
“I had some bozo tell me that Kerry was planning to take everyone’s gun away.…â€

Well, Kerry is not planning to take our guns away, but we all know that a President Kerry would sign any piece of gun-control legislation that reached his desk—much as President G. W. Bush would.

~G. Fink
action barbi: What got you banned? I posted that "I'm an idiot" for looking after myself and not expecting others to do it for me (re health care). Or maybe it was "I'm an idiot, I should have married money and gone into politics."

Someone started a thread on the DU that said the Republican Party was the party for whites, I disagreed. I've been active on the Liberal forums for some months now and never a problem. I did mention that she must have paid some serious money for the substance that caused such a rift in reality though.

I think on the DU, if you are not raving and foaming at the mouth
in terms of hating conservatives and in particular Bush, and are not ready to back the hate with a civil war, then you are just too right wing for their tastes.

and priv8tr: the reason they don't want people to have guns because they don't trust themselves? I mean, anyone that gets that angry, I'm not sure I want them to have guns anyway.

One of my liberal friends told me exactly that, especially when she drives
that she couldn't trust herself with a gun.

Oh well!

cheers, ab
My brother says that is the reason he won't own a handgun - he can't trust himself to not shoot someone in traffic. Its completly odd to me - i can't imagine shooting someone less they did something or threatened to do something to me. (aka - broke into my house (did something to me) or showed up at my front door w/ gun in hand (threatened to do something) - even then.... it would prolly be the first sign of one of us was going to lose our life over it before i'd act (decisively) <shrug> i don't understand people who's mindsets say they wouldn't be able to control if they pointed a gun at something and pulled the trigger..... its VOLUNTARY ... you'd have to decide to do it... are you that weak that you can't make those decisions?


Automatic revolvers.... have seen a semi on the history channel. Don't know how hard it would be to turn those into "fully auto" ... but since the magazine and other designs came out - that revolver didn't make it to the "next level" Forget its name now... but it WAS a semi automatic revolver....

I refuse anymore to take one second of their guff. I got into a small tiff the other day at of all places the rifle range. I had some bozo tell me that Kerry was planning to take everyone's gun away. I told him he was an out an out LIAR just like the rest of the Republicans and demanded he give me one instance where Kerry has ever uttered any such thing. He started back pedaling and I followed after him and called him a coward just like the chickenhawks he backs. He could not get away from me quick enough. I've had it. I am going on the offensive and by God they better be able to back their ???? up or catch my wrath. I will not be polite and humble any longer.

Kerry proposed a ban on any centerfire ammunition. I can come up w/ where i read that if i have to - but i DID read it in several places. That pretty much takes out "everyone's gun" less you consider everyone w/ a rimfire. As i recall - he was against anything semi-automatic too. So at that point yer at rimfire revolvers and bolt action rim-fires.... Never ran into any ammo that was rimfire and not a .22 ... so dunno - we are only allowed .22's in his opine?

as for "civil war" its no different than you guys who say vote from the rooftops.... its about as silly at any rate.

We were watching the protests and I said that if Bush steals another election, there would be civil war. I think that it would be nasty. And I'm liable to be one of the nastiest. Even though I'm normally a sweet Libra. But after these four years, I'm ready and willing to change.

oh pls. The protests just go to serve the fact that dems ain't as polished as republicans. I mean - they BOTH get a convention... didn't see a jackload of news coverage on the dem convention because republicans were breaking into the thing and causing trouble now did you? Bah SO tired of PEOPLE in general - let alone people who think they have the right to F)(* w/ other people just cause they disagree w/ em. Get a life - vote how you believe - but how can you .... PROTEST a convention of like minded people? OK OK OK - but if yer gonna protest... do it w/in the LAW stupid. You know - that thing you supposedly support... law... and order...


Bring it on. This very well armed and proud liberal is sick of the neocon
ROFLMAO - lovely he wants his new president to make his "very well armed" self less armed....


(pls excuse ANY and ALL spelling ... never claimed to be an english major)

EDIT - can't say i've really been political - but common sense says you don't support the people who won't support themselves. Far as i can see, thats what the dems seek to do, support those who won't support themselves. I can go w/ unemployment and even limited welfare... i can see how people think state healthcare is good - but just about NONE of them have lived in a state where that is the case (and from what i've seen - its not good) Welfare brings out the worst in people who seek to "use" the system (there are plenty of em) not gonna say that there are not people who have been on welfare/unemployment and didn't string themselves up by thier bootstraps - but THOSE are not the people who are wasting our tax dollars. Public health care is a joke - but so is the rampant suing of hospitals/docs etc that make a damn cutip used in a hospital cost six bucks.... I'll never understand people as a whole - since apparently they are so outside of reality that to see whats going on would be a "fantasy novel" to them.

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