do punisher grips make your 1911 "nerdy"...?

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I'm calling the guy who makes my grips and telling him to forget LPI of checkering and let's worry about what cartoon super hero characters he can inlay!

I'm going to say "I'm not interested in being a better shot, but I really want to look more macho to people under 18."

Do what you want. It is your gun. Don't be surprised if you are at the range and some old guy finds it hard to suppress a giggle and never takes his eyes off of you.

Have you considered upgrading your sights or a trigger job?

My recommendation is you spend $10 on Slide Glide or Tetra Grease. The benefits will be far superior.

Spend the money you save to get a nerdy tattoo.

Short shameful confession: I kinda feel for this guy, because I have actually amused myself imagining what would happen if DC and Marvel licensed comic-book-related custom guns. "Whosoever holds this Deagle, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of THOR!"

...of course, I'm such a colossal dork that I've actually been tempted to have a gun engraved with the words, "+2 to hit."
just say no!

friends don't let friends do stuff like that.

Of all the cool things you could have on there and that is what you are picking.

make a better choice.
Think about what the reprobate's attorney will say about them at your civil trial after you shoot him.
yes, think about schitster lawyers in civil court......

though the law will be on your side, American juries are made made up of everyday citizens. and unfortunately that means each year juries are filled with folks more ignorant, ill-informed, gullable (just plain dumb), and more liberal than the past....

think about it, it was a jury of everyday folks who awarded millions to the lady who spilled her own coffee on her lap and sued mccdonalds because it was "too" hot.
Thanks loop - you're a true insult to adults who still enjoy sequential art and are closing in on their 40's, their 50's and above.

Such a slur against comic book readers is extremely low road, and proof of a limited cognitive ability. Get a shovel and go look for where your sense of wonder and imagination were buried when you grew into a miserable, wither-souled old crank.

Still, you have to decide - is this a range/barbecue gun, or is it a fighting pistol.

If it's for business, you put business grips on it. If it's for fun, then put the VIGILANTE symbol on them.

'Course, since the OP never said "this is going to be my carry gun" a lot of you need to yank the panties down out of your cracks and get some perspective before decrying nerd-grips.
As far as worrying about a jury goes, I would worry about the life of my family and my own first, and then worry about convincing a jury that the crackhead that broke into my house in the middle of the night, posed a threat to my family.
There's more than one way to protect your family, one is to keep everybody alive, the other is to have the bread winner home, not in jail.

A prosecuting attorney would just love to parade a gun in front of a jury with grips that had a killer or death theme to them; kind of goes to your state of mind, killing people. In court, the best show wins with a jury; I wouldn't want to be defending the killer message on my grips trying to convince the jury that a teddy bear bought those grips as an eccentric, joking jest.

Well since I posted this having only read the first few posts and have just now read the post before mine let me add:

'Course, since the OP never said "this is going to be my carry gun" a lot of you need to yank the panties down out of your cracks and get some perspective before decrying nerd-grips.

You dont want a jury seeing killer grips or you might be "yank the panties down out of your cracks" so your cell mate can have his way.

Sorry I couldn't help it.
Well-Armed Lamb--...of course, I'm such a colossal dork that I've actually been tempted to have a gun engraved with the words, "+2 to hit."

So your saying my "Holy Avenger Vorpal Glock +5" was a bad idea??? :uhoh:

"Hello Kitty" pink AK gets bashed for not being scary enough, scary skull is too scary. You just can't win with lawyers :banghead:

I am a huge Punisher fan, but the grips have been done to death, and my 1911 is my carry gun and I know that skull on them would look bad in court if I had to use her to save my life.
I'm betting dollars to donuts all those 'tactical pistol/rifle' classes folks love to take would get just as bashed in court as the grips on a pistol. After all, you're taking classes on how to better kill people. ;)
A good friend of mine has a RIA 1911 with a set of Punisher on it and it looks nice. He also has the emblem on his car, and wears a lot of Punisher T-Shirts.

I think some of you people need to take your own advice and grow up. I am a member of quite a few gun boards, and this board gets bashed more than any other due to all of the arm chair commandos with the better than thou syndrome. If you don't like it, that doesn't mean bash it. I respect the posts where people validate their views and say why it may not be a good idea, but do not say it will look like a toy or some other smart ass remark.

Its your gun, do what you like. Personally, If I could find Punisher grips for my PT-940, they would be on there right now. If you do end up having to defend yourself, hopefully your actions will be true enough to where it will not matter as to what kind of grips you have. If they are trying that hard to find something to make you out to be a bad guy, I would think your defense would be able to use that to your favor. If they are going over grips like that, then what about Hollow Points, or non factory sights or a trigger job etc. ?
I just noted a lot of folks crying "crucified in court" when no mention was made of this being a carry gun. Thus, we have the bunched panties syndrome.

After all, the guy could use a good pistol (he did say it was for a Taurus PT1911) for his carry piece.

All apologies to those resigned to carrying Taurus 1911's for their defense. ;)
I'm betting dollars to donuts all those 'tactical pistol/rifle' classes folks love to take would get just as bashed in court as the grips on a pistol. After all, you're taking classes on how to better kill people.
That's not true at all; classes on how to PROPERLY protect yourself/others makes you an educated user, not a killer. The classes dont teach killing they teach how to properly use a gun as it's supposed to be used.

Thinking about my reply here in terms of what you are saying; just think, a person like you could be on your jury; someone who thinks a class that teaches how to professionally use a gun for defense, as police are trained, is a class on how to indiscriminately kill people. See why you dont want killer themed grips on you carry gun?
loboloco said:
I don't need any body armor, but if any one does know where I can a black tshirt that says 'mall ninja' on just for sh*ts and giggles, please tell

Click on the first one with the black background for the black t's. The one in the middle with the white background has shirts, hats, mugs, etc. the one on the right should be ignored. : )

Picture from site:
Much thanks to Well-Armed Lamb and DougDubya. Lamb, for admitting he's as big a dork as I am, and Doug, for understanding THAT THIS IS NOT TO BE MY CARRY PISTOL.

If I want it to be, I'll swap the grips for something else, since I do agree that in the event that this pistol is used in SD, the first thing the opposing lawyer will do is point to the grips and say, "See, he's a vigilante. He's unstable" or some such other nonsense.

Also big thanks to wuchak for the link to the mall ninja t shirt website.
Loboloco ,
Thanks I love this thread .
Great to see how such a simple thing can piss off so many people .

Have them like I said , who cares let the old guys snicker at the range . I am one getting old guy that wont .

Thanks Man funny as Heck read , Bill
Get 'em. Your gun, your grips, nerdy or not. I collect guns, knives, and silver age comics. Guess I'm a nerd in all three catagories. (though anyone who thinks the Punisher comic is kid's stuff has never heard of Garth Ennis.)

Personally, I'd love some white grips with the black SHIELD eagle device, or some Steranko-era Nick Fury art. Maybe a basic WW2 G.I. 1911a1 with Jack Kirby art from the Howling Commandos days.
BTW, to most people, that's just a stylized skull on the grips. Comic book or no, it's a big skull.

Still, the OP asked whether this makes the 1911 "nerdy" and it most certainly does. I know an old guy with a graphic nude picture of Jessica Rabbit carved into the buttstock of a nice trap shotgun. If he asked whether that picture is "classy", I'd have to say "no." If he asked whether it's "risque", or might offend some kids' parents, I'd have to say, "yes." Personally, I think it's funny as hell. But if he asked those things, those would be the honest answers.:) Got nothing to do with what I like or don't like.

For those trying to euphemize around the reality that they're 50 and read comic books, dude, give it up. If you like comic books, that's your [strike]problem[/strike] business. Nobody's going to think more of comic books if you call them "sequential art". Same goes for porn, which can be some fine "sequential art" too.

Let's just say that, when ComiCon comes to town, I've learned to stay off the San Diego Trolley. Smell is stifling. That's pretty much the only exposure I've had to comics since I was a kid, other than Kevin Smith movies, which I like.
I think they would be cool as well, If its a show off gun. The last thing you want is for the grips to be slick on a ****ty day
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