Do you feel that THR is over-moderated?

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Mar 27, 2005
Well, what say you? I've been noticing that calling a spade a spade can easily get you labelled a 'basher'.
Dang it, I was a sec too late.


But to answer the question, I think 99% of the time is right on target.

BUT you'd also get more responses and honest ones with a private poll. :D
Actually, I applaude the efforts of the moderators. Their efforts give THR a great deal of credibility outside of our community as a level-headed, and well-run board.

While the mission of THR can be a constraint at times (I've refrained from posting some threads), it makes THR a point of light in the ocean of Internet Noise.

After all, NO ONE is forcing anyone to post here. It's their baby, and they get to rock it any way they see fit.

-- John
I once had a poll asking how many guns people own deleted. When I complained to the mod who did it he said if I didn't like it he could delete my account as well. So I'll say YES.
They ask for civility, yes, but they also pull threads faster than Betsy Ross on speed. Yes, it is Oleg's house, and we should be polite, but the pervasive feeling of "If you don't like it, go somewhere else." gets tiring. Sooner or later, some will leave, but others I'm sure will take their place, so no change will happen.
Absolutely not. It's refreshing to be on a gun forum where p--ing matches aren't constantly breaking out.

Personally, I'm a pro-gun Democrat. I know I'm in the minority here, and that's OK. I'm civil with others, and I expect the same in return. On other forums (that will go unnamed), all I had to do was mention something that might go against what most other members are thinking, then a big flame war would break out.

I'm glad we keep things civil around here.
No. This forum is a refreshing change from most of the other gun forums. I know that everything post on this site has some sort of substance and is worth the read.

There are times when a thread gets locked that I think Dang I wish that stayed open but Oh Well. If you think being a Mod is easy try doing it.
I for one like the way the Moderators handle things here.
yes I do and that's exactly why I've posted here way more than any other forum. I enjoy it very much.

Bazooka Joe, that was hilarious. :D
but they also pull threads faster than Betsy Ross on speed.

And that's a good thing, IMO. Much better for a mod to whack a thread in infancy than let it get going into a long discussion before removing it.
"If you don't like it, go somewhere else." gets tiring

Only because you don't like the hand you've been dealt. Go join another game and see if you like your cards better. The beauty of it is that you can have another choice and another and another and another and so forth. If you think this place is over-moderated, work to change it within the rules or go start your own forum. It is much easier to bellyache than it is to create, that is what you are really saying.
Yes. The mods are growing too big for their jackboots. Oleg storms around the forum, converting random threads to Russian. Correia can be found maliciously persecuting people for even dreaming of the S&W lock. All the while, Jeff White can be found threatening to club various members over the head with his nightstick if they are ever found carrying a gun in his state. Justin and Art play a drinking game where one locks a thread, and the other unlocks it. They take a drink each time it's done, until one of them falls over.

I would say more, but Justin would just edit it all out. :p
Nope. This is a free forum, let's make sure that it always stays open and free.

There have been enough postings of biased, racist, illegal, wrong, stupid and outright dangerous suggestions on THR over the years, I'm glad we have the Mods we have. Let's not forget that they are volunteers and aren't making any money on this.
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