Do you hide your holster when company is over?

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I rent a home with three others who are relative strangers. Early in the lease I had a little show and tell, doing my best to demonstrate safe gun handling and explain some of my interests while hoping to acclimate anyone who could have been nervous. We all share a house and I didn't want to put myself on the defensive by hiding firearms or sneaking off the range. It's easy to say "It's my right!" and slam the door but it wouldn't be polite.

Also, the very large Danish axe on display should send a pretty clear message when the guns are out of sight :D
I put them away, I have a few friends who don't like guns, I would give up my guns before I gave up my friends, but I would not give them up because the asked me to.

I do it out of respect, if it makes my friends feel uncomfortable then I can spend 5 minutes putting them in the safe. I go out of my way to make a vegetarian meal at my BBQ's because a few friends don't eat meat, I make a killer veggie lasagna. They know I own guns, but I don't carry at home, no need to, they also know that I have a loaded 12 ga mossy behind the door.
Because I show them respect I have even taken a couple out to the range, and my progress was promptly ruined by some idiot range commandos carrying their 1911's in "tacticool" shoulder holsters wearing camo pants, camo hats, and shirts that say, "if it fly's it dies", blowing everything away in sight and screaming 2'nd amendment rights and how the libs were going to gas us all. Some people just shouldn't be allowed to leave their house.

Besides, I just don't like people messing with my guns. Accidents DO happen.
If I’m awake my holster and gun are on my person. They would have to peek to see it.

I don’t really care who knows. Right now there are several ammo cans and cleaning supplies on the living room floor from my last trip to the range. Anyone that doesn’t like it can leave. My house, my rules.
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