Do you hide your holster when company is over?

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Anyhow, I was wondering, do you guys hide your carry stuff when people come over?

If by "carry stuff," you mean the stuff on my body, then yes, I put on concealment before I open the door.

Very few people will see my bedroom, where it is virtually impossible to hide my gun-related stuff. I can lock my guns up, sure, but it's just not possible to hide all of my stuff.

If you aren't comfortable with guns and gun stuff, you won't be comfortable in my house. I do close the safe door when company is over though.
If I hid my holster everything else in the house would give it away. I have a target with a smiley face shot, reloading equipment, if looking in the trash can a couple of empty boxes of ammo, a couple of surplus ammo cans (just about everywhere).This of course is out of the front rooms but my personal rooms. No I'm not married but Fiance knows I'll be puting up rustic and vintage ammo signs. The magazine holder is a replica of a winchester wood ammo box.
Where are the guns? there's only one out right now and it's the 22 revolver, but it's in a gun sock waiting it's turn to be cleaned tonight.
Don't hide who you are when dating.... dating is to learn if you and the other are capable of more.
You gotta be yourself man. If you're putting on a show now and decide to be yourself after you're married, you'll be miserable. Let the guns be shown! :cool:
Gun Room at the end of the hall. "Antique" repro black powder pistols on the coffee table, small cannon in the garage. If you missed them, you're not paying attention.
I hide nothing that has anything to do with guns, except the guns that are locked up in the safe. If I have one on me (90% probability) it remains on me, gun rags are out for anyone to read, usually there is a holster or 2 in the computer room, which is visited by just about everyone, especially the neighbors. Nobody has ever said anything off-color, or contraindicative.
Being in the gun industry it is hard to hide anything. Even at home there is usually several barrels and other parts floating around, a pile of gun magazines in the bathroom, and a few boxes of ammo on the table. On a good day there might even be 5-10 guns out in plain sight :eek:
Honesty, anyone that is wecome in my home already knows where I stand on guns. I open carry at home. So it's pretty much a non-issue.

Call me paranoid. I call it careful. If I don't know you weel enough that you assume I'm armed, I don't know you well enough to want you in my house.

It's true I have fewer friends than most. But the ones I do have are in all the way. Basically considered family.
In 1983 my house was burglarized by a friend who has asked to see my guns the night before. He was a trusted friend and I even paid the rent on the house he was living in for the previous three months. He left the state right after stealing 27 firearms (none were ever recovered). They were valued at $28,000 in in 1983. One was a Parker Brothers side-by-side 12 gauge that was carried across the prairie by an ancestor. I even had the original receipt from the 1800s.

I knew it was the friend because it rained that night and there were shoe prints all over the house. I photoed them alongside a ruler. When I went to see the guy the next day the door was open, the place was empty and there were the same shoe prints all over the house. I photoed those as well. The police shrugged it off and said there could be thousands of people with the same shoe print in the same size.

Since then no one but relatives or people who must come in my house for service or repairs are allowed inside.
My wife and I both shoot and I have pistol range off the back porch. There are usually knife and/or gun magazines in the downstairs bath.

So, No.

Matter of fact, I usually want to show off my daughter's purple AR15.
My adult friends already know I own guns and will most likely see one if they stop over. No big deal.
Strangers are another matter. They won't likely see the gun I'm carrying.
If kids are coming in for some reason, they won't find any guns.
If the cable TV guy is due; he won't find any guns, nor hint thereof.
I must admit that none of my neighbors know I own guns, since I transport rifles in guitar cases and pistols in plain plastic all-purpose cases.
It's not that I feel it necessary to hide, I just don't feel it necessary to advertise.
My wife had never even touched a BB gun before she met me. On our first time out officially together, I took her to the Log Cabin Shop to pick up some ML rifle components. She got used to guns. She even bought me a pistol our first Christmas together. I've held on to her for 27 years now.
Eventhough most people who know me know I carry, I don't display firearms in my home. I have a young son and all my firearms are locked up except the one(or two) I am carrying. I don't tell people what I own and I don't play show and tell(even with friends). The couple friends I shoot and hunt with are the only ones who know what I have(don't tell my wife).
I'm pretty particular about who I let in my house to begin with, but I hide nothing. If someone doesn't like it, they can leave. (Kind of along the same lines as when someone posts "Should I respect the wishes of the homeowner and not carry in their house?) My house, my rules.
I don't hide it, or anything related to shooting/hunting, but I don't go out of my way to overtly advertise, either. Sometimes my range bag or an ammo can is sitting by the back door. Sometimes a holster, some magazines or a box or two of ammo is on the table. I won;t scurry and hide things before I let someone in, but I can't leave things laying around too long, either. The wife gets perturbed. :uhoh:
Only time I put anything away is when children are going to be by. Other than that I leave most of my stuff out, save for my guns (since they are loaded and chambered). Then again it's all in a pile next to my bed so.
Hmm, I'm kinda surprised to hear that the rest of you don't keep your concealed carrying a secret from friends.

I mean my best friend knows that I took the class and what not, but not my "just friends."

I've never kept it a secret from aquaintances that I own guns( I even show them the hilarious video of my mom man-handling a .357mag) but I always thought we were supposed to keep the concealed part a secret.

Not saying yer wrong, just saying I'm surprised
I thought of this...

while reading this post, years ago my sons friend came to call for him. They were 8 or 9 at the time. While maiting he asked me if the NRA sign in the door light meant "that a robber would get shot if he came in here?" I agreed and silently said a prayer that anyone seeking to harm me or mine would get the same signal. Years have passed and I no longer have a "front doorlite" to decorate so I suffice with one on my truck and with the knowledge that my neighbors know my penchants and feel safer for them. Anyone granted entry can't help see the beautiful framed hunting print by Paco Young and the matching NRA commerative Wby. 300 mag embellished rifle below it. I have added a trigger lock since the grand nephews and nieces started to climb. The rest is hopefully a mystery to ALL:D
Yep, I hide the holster and the side arm unless a very few select family members are over.

My friends know I carry but I still CC when they're around. I don't bring up the subject of being armed unless they do first and then I try to quickly change the subject. Ultimately, someone asks for me to disarm for a show & tell, which I won't do and kind of take as being too forward and quite unwelcome. Kind of like asking me to show the print on my underwear or how much I paid for something I own.

As far as poking around, that doesn't happen no matter who is invited over. Those are grounds to end the evening early in my book.

I also agree with DAVIDSDIVAD in post #14. People that don't CCW don't recognize how uncool that is most of the time.
The thing is, I'm pretty sure that russia has a "no guns" policy, so I didn't think she'd be comfortable knowing I was a gun owner.

Hey, California has a lot of "no guns" policies, but not every Californian is an anti. Anyway, why hide it? If she hates guns that bad, why bother with her anyway? She will find out in the long run if you guys become a thing, so no point in hiding it.

Now with regular house guests, I hide all of my gun paraphernalia including magazines in the can... I just don't like to advertise the fact that I have lots of goodies in my home.

But if it is a girl you are interested in, don't hide it. If she can't handle your constitutional rights, she aint no good anyway.
i had this problem a few months back. my oldest daughter has severe autism, and she's supposed to get therapeutic support a few hours a week at home; they're called TSS staff. her last TSS moved out of the area, so we were ent a new one. i carry every hour that i'm awake, and everyone that's entered our home knows i have at least one handgun. when our new TSS arrived, i was carrying, as usual, and i's just come back from the range, so i also had my shotgun in a case. i put the shotgun up, but kept my pistol on. she didn't seem to perturbed by it, and she asked if i always carried. she then asked firearm questions in general. he seemed to be more curious than anything.

a week later, she called and let us know she wasn't coming over, because of illness. a few days later, she called and said she'd been transferred to another case. we called the agency and asked what was going on, and they told us that she asked to be transferred, because she was uncomfortable working in our home. she'd told her bosses that i had guns lying all around the house, and she didn't feel safe, and that she felt it was a dangerous environment for our kids to be exposed to!

needless to say, i flipped my lid. my wife and i explained the situation: the fact that the only gun she ever saw as the one i was carrying, that i keep all other guns double locked, and that the TSS was a big LIAR. i told them that if the gun made her uncomfortable, i respected that, but i don't respect someone lying about me, and my household. they assured me they'd find another TSS withiun a week, but asked if i minded putting my gun away while the TSS was in the home. i then pulled out a piece of paper i printed up, containing the definition of the word "hoplophobe," and stated that, yes, i did mind. when i'm in your building, i respect your rules. in my house, you will respect mine. i'll be damned if i let some medical agency force me to conceal in my own home.

so i guess my answer's no, i don't hide my stuff. if you don't like it, there's the door.
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