Dog attack

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Deja Vu, All over again

Hey, Cosmoline, didn't we have this discussion last month? and the month before that, and the one before that?

Sorry, but with exception of Cosmoline and couple others (including ArmedBears VERY appropriate little cartoon.), the majority of people (not just the people on this board have no clues about dog behavior.

I'm not even gonna write my usual, as I don't feel like typing out (another) page worth of stuff. Search the archives.
Jump the wrought iron fence and call 911. Hopefully it takes less than 30 seconds to make the call and give the operator my location.
:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

You have never called 911 ever from your comment. It will take at least 5 minutes to convince the operator that the police are needed, they will ask you the same questions over and over, where are you? whats happening? describe the dog? describe yourself? how do you know its attacking? is anyone hurt? what are their injuries? etc. Then they will act as though you are making it up, and ask the same questions over again, at least two more times before they say they will send somone, that if they dont transfer your call to the department responsible for your area, and start the questioning over again.

Next they will want to keep you on the phone talking. It will then take the police at least an hour to arrive, cause dog calls are at the absolute bottom of their list.

If by some miracle an officer happens to be on the block and arrives immediately, they will probably shoot both dogs in the name of officer safety.

911 is for after you have saved your dog, and have to deal with the other dog's owner. Be sure you call the police right away afterwards, because if you dont the other dog owner will even if there dog attacked your dog off their property, even if they are 100% in the wrong.

I have had to rescue my dog from a dog 5 times its size, I used an ASP batton 26" model which I always carry when we walk, after an incident with a loose Rotweiler a few years ago. You'd be surprised how hard you have to hit a great dane IN THE HEAD with one of these to get its attention.
In the Army, I had one sergeant that bred pit bulls, and another sergeant that bred rottweilors. I watched them play, and in more than one situation, I watched the play become serious enough to become scary. There are dogs that both go red, AND are large and strong enough that you couldn't reach in and stop them.

Watching a dog for a friend, I would be hesitant to start shooting to defend it. But then I imagine my mother-in-law's fat beagle, which is basically my kids' dog, getting jumped, and there is no way I would sit and watch. I have told many people, the odds that I will ever pull to shoot another person are small, but the odds that I would have to put down a dog one day are significant.

There are MANY pit bulls near where I live.
You have never called 911 ever from your comment. It will take at least 5 minutes to convince the operator that the police are needed, they will ask you the same questions over and over, where are you? whats happening? describe the dog? describe yourself? how do you know its attacking? is anyone hurt?

I've never called 911? thanks for filling me in on those things that I've never done before in my life.

One time when I pressed the keys 9-1-1 on my phone it must have misdirected my call to the it's the "this must be a joke line." Because within a minute and half of making the call there were a half dozen cops in my neighborhood looking for a pack of stray dogs. Must have dreamed the whole thing, because Master Blaster says I never did it.
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