Dogs - What Kind Do You Prefer?

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For 13 years I had rottwielers

and never a problem 120 lb of fun. they can be a bit over protective through. So after I put my last girl down (due to severe illness) I changed breeds - i WENT TO SAINT BERNARD RESCUE AND ADOPTED A BEAUTFUL FEMALE SAINT. these dogd are for the most part very mellow and still of a size to be reconnonded with (120-200 LB for a big male) My megan weighs in at about 125lb. More likely to head butt you than bite when she growls she does get your attention. I also have a rescued Pitbull that just appeared in my year one fine cold Jan morning 3 years ago a puppy under a year old she took to me and my other dogs well. Holds her own with the bigger dogs even through she only weighs in at 50lb. See pic below
Without a doubt, the most fierce dog I've ever had is my pug. I keep a PB&J sandwich by the door, and if a BG breaks in I shove it down his pants. Then he's nothing but pug meat.
Raised Rottweilers and Dobermans for years. Love both breeds. However, if you decide to get either, be careful. Both breeds have suffered from popularity. People who shouldn't be allowed to breed themselves have bred many substandard specimens of each breed. Unless you are very familiar with either breed, buy from a reputable, established professional breeder. Really, that goes for any popular breed.

I had a Doberman that would hold point on birds. That sounds strange until you see one with unclipped ears and tail. There's a lot of hound in that breed's background. She took off after a deer one day. The deer would bound over a fence and she would bound over it close behind and closing. The deer just made it to some thick scrub.

I got a good belly laugh out of your post. Thanks for the chuckle:D

I had a Shepard that was an incredible companion. The most obediant and the smartest dog I ever had. He was a German German Shepard (not a typo) as opposed to an American German Shepard. He had incredible blood lines back to some of the top dogs ever produced by the German Shuntzhund system.

We'd walk through the woods and if a squirrel would run in front of us Harley would bolt, but if I just said stop - he would. If I said heel - he would. If I said eat em, someone was in big trouble. He would walk through a crowd with me, no leash, bumping his shoulder into my knee. He loved kids and tolerated all kinds of kid treatment. At 120 pounds of pure muscle he was an exceptionally large Shepard.

I trained him to get between me and any stranger at the door until I gave him the signal. Then he'd go lay down. He'd walk behind me in the woods or in front of me if I told him to. He would heel with me and if I tensed my leg, he would growl.

I will get another one when I move to my next house. They have to have a little room to run and you have to exercise em. Now that I am back in the Rockies I am going to have a blast with my next one.

If you have the space and the time, a serious German Blood line Shepard is an incredible animal.
That sounds strange until you see one with unclipped ears and tail. There's a lot of hound in that breed's background.

I did not crop any of my Dobies ears either, I think that could put a dent in a dogs psyci...once had a "fawn" colored one with long ears and tail, kinda looked like a Wiemerimer.
Man, all these dogs really look great. You can't go wrong with any dog (as long as you treat it half decent).

Phoenix, great lookin boxer. I found one once and got to spend half a day with it until I found the owner, strong, big and super friendly. I also gotta say Shih Tzus are cool too. Ours (he passed away a couple years ago) would just want to sit at your feet and be with ya. Pitbulls are really nice too (I mean personality wise). The few I've been around have been total teddy bears.

I guess you can tell I'm pretty much a dog person, love 'em all. If I had to pick one though it would be weiner dogs. Ours is a total wuss, but overall the breed is really intense. They were bred to go IN badger holes. You have to respect that. My in-law's doxie will run german shepherd size dogs out of their yard on a regular basis. To quote an old NPR bit:

"Nothin' will go through a sack of live rats faster than a dachshund."
My Shih-Tzus are household pets and they just like to sit at your feet and be near you as Dill said. I keep mine clipped so they're more doggie looking than the classic dustmop variety. A very rugged little breed, if you ask me. :)
weiner dog on TV

Have you seen the new sprint cell phone commerical? A rancher has a corral full of weiner dogs seems he ordered 200 Oxen and they sent 200 doxen instead<vbg> You have just got to see the "stampeed" its a real laugh! and the two weiner dogs sitting in the yoke to puill the wagon are cool too. Great commerical.
I've wanted a black Lab for years.

I had a beautiful li'l American Eskimo that I loved dearly. She made a great alarm, was always affectionate to those she knew (and liked), and obedient and eager to please.

Derek Z was kind enough to take her when I joined the Army.
I have two mutts. Orey (short for Oreo) is a Black Lab/Chow/??? mix. She's about 80 lbs, black, with a white stripe down the center of her face, painted tail and paws. Got big brown lab eyes. She had a curled-over Chow tail for a few weeks as a puppy, but you can't really find any Chow features now. She bays like a beagle. Nobody messes with her. Unfortunately, she's dumber than a bag of hammers, but she's very loveable.

The other one, Ginger, is much smaller than Oreo but about twice as fast. Maybe 30-40 lbs of pure muscle. She's supposed to be a Black Lab/Red Heeler mix, but she looks and acts as much like a fox as a heeler. Almost the same markings as Oreo but she's a bright sandy red. She's a thief.

Unfortunately, they're both idiots who can't stay inside the couple-thousand-dollar fence I built for them, so they're feeling a bit confined at present because they only get to go out one at a time chained to the back door. I hate doing that to them, but I can't get them trained to stay in the fence no matter what I do.

I thought I had it figured out and they hadn't been out for weeks, and then one day I got a call from the dog catcher. By rights she could have fined us $150 each time this happened, so I'm treading lightly.

They are great with the kids, though, and I was worried about that since we had two six-year-olds move in all of a sudden. Oreo keeps trying to sleep with the boys at night, but until I can train her not to chew their toys to bits I have to keep chasing her out.
We used to have a shep/Lab mix that would wipe its feet before coming in the house, and stand in the corner nose to wall when bad! Gotta pic around here somewhere, If'n I can find it I'll post it!

When the kids were little and in trouble, we'd yell at em and make em stand in the corner...The dog seen this and when he'd get yelled at for being bad, he'd just go to the corner...:D
I agree that Dobermans are great. Byron, I had a red Doberman female (also uncut and uncropped) who once caught and killed a small deer and proudely drug it, still warm, up into the yard to display to her people. She's gone to dog heaven now, but I still have two Dobers and probably always will.

Chinese Shar-Peis rock. Get one of the "bone mouth" variety (like on the right in the picture), not the cutesy "meat mouth" dogs that you see on greeting cards. Actually, the "meat mouths" aren't bad dogs or anything... but the "bone mouths" were bred as Imperial guard dogs, and their behavior really shows it. Very alert, protective dogs... not in the least bit vicious, but if they decide something needs to die (e.g. wild animals that enter your yard), then look out. My parents had a runty female tear a gutter off the house to get at a squirrel. Good girl! :D

It's always fun to watch one just stare at visitors and follow them around to make sure they don't step out of line. I grew up with one that looked like 70 lbs of black death on wheels, really creeped people out.


You've got to watch out for bad breeding out there since they were "in" in the 1980s, but good examples of the breed can live a LONG time. Ven, AKA black death on wheels, lived to 16 or something before he got cancer. The runty female is getting old and hasn't slowed down a bit... just a wrinkled knot of jaw muscles and big teeth. :cool:
Here's Jack-the-wonder-dog to lend some dignity to this uncivilized discussion:


Gotta be an Eskie. I'm spoiled. Neighbors have one of the same breed, and they're a little quirky but have a lot of plusses.
Howdy Howdy, I grew up raising and training aussie shepards, but the first time I saw a heeler I WAS IN LOVE Been raising and training them for 24 yrs now. I do love my heelers.
Now this is cool!!!

I have 3 dogs they keep watch over me and my family night and day.
I have one German Sheperd, one Chinese Chow (MEAN DOG) and a German Spitz well atleast he barks at the sign of trouble

that is the ugliest dog I have ever seen. He must be reallllllly sweet.

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