Dumbest rumor you've heard?

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whats happening in June......?

Aliens are landing at roswell to activate the FEMA camps and dictate the order of slavery to the Majestic 12 while a Vogon Destructor fleet surrounds earth to build a hyperspace by-pass.

Obi-wan and Luke begin their trip to Alderon at about that time too.
The FEMA camps are a myth.

No, they most certainly exist. What is in question is the PURPOSE.

There's no doubt they exist, they are well documented and not hidden at all.

The tin foil comes in when the exact purpose of the things enters the discussion. FEMA has had secured property in the US for decades now.

I grew up next to one. High fences, guard towers, signs everywhere.

It's purpose? To store travel trailers pre-staged to be relatively close to the Texas section of tornado alley. Literally thousands of small white travel trailers sat at this place waiting for some disaster to strike. Oh yes, a genuine FEMA camp right down the road from me the whole of my teenage years. Travel trailers. Boooooring.

Every time there was a tornado every guy with a commercial drivers license and a pickup truck would contract out to haul the things around West Texas.

So yes, FEMA camps exist, that's not anything up for debate at all. It's when you apply the tinfoil that it gets fun :)
Someone tried to convince me once that there really is a Glock 7.

I work and train with FEMA on a frequent basis through the state military. I have yet to see any single piece of equipment in anyway related to what is suggested above that would be used for anything other than aid. I suppose all the generators could be used to build electric chairs and torture devices and such. The water buffalos could be used to dissolve bodies in acid. The CONEX boxes and warehouses could be internment camps...wait a minute...I am on to something here. Perhaps all my decontamination training and CERFP STX's and FTX's are for processing prisoners and contaminating them rather than for handling mass casualty incidents. NAHHHHHH.
Just because it was so easy to clip it from above:

The Second Amendment of our Bill of Rights is my concealed weapons permit, period!
I seriously doubt the Ted ever said that as he knows the difference between our Bill of Rights and our Constitution.

Am I missing something?

I thought the Bill of Rights was the name given to the first 10 amendments?
From an employee at the range where i took my CHL course, " They keep your range score on file, so if you shoot a really high score the courts can prosecute you if you kill someone in self defense. They will say that you were a good enough shot to just wound them to stop the attack."

After we tallied up the score on our targets the instructor asked, " Did anyone fail? No, then please put your targets in the trash bin unless you want to keep 'em."

Just to be safe, I shredded, burned, and scattered the ashes of my target.:rolleyes:
It sure is. I'm not sure how wanting to ban them equates taking them.

Tinfoil hat scaremongering has created an illusion of him wanting to take every last one of our weapons. He doesn't have the balls to do it.
It sure is. I'm not sure how wanting to ban them equates taking them.

Tinfoil hat scaremongering has created an illusion of him wanting to take every last one of our weapons. He doesn't have the balls to do it.

He dearly wants to take them (as does every other anti). Balls are not required on his part because he certainly wouldn't be doing the dirty work...

All the antis are doing is just waiting for the right moment to jump. It's an easy job for them...just wait, wait, and wait, while in the meantime, spreading their propaganda and gaining as much control as they can. They've got plenty of time and plenty of allies such as the mainstream media and criminals to assist them.

Us progunners have to maintain constant vigil for their attacks, and that wears us down.
Wal-Mart last weekend. Due to the "shortage"...

"Obama has forced manufacturers to retool to only make ammo with a 3 month shelf life".
Feather weight guns are a joy to shoot.

Ruger only loads can only be shot in rugers as they would blow up other guns.

Just because it was so easy to clip it from above:

The Second Amendment of our Bill of Rights is my concealed weapons permit, period!

I seriously doubt the Ted ever said that as he knows the difference between our Bill of Rights and our Constitution.

The above youtube clip is the interview with Texas Monthly in which he does actually say it.

My issue is that after saying it he went out and had himself declared a "special constable" in Texas so that he can carry all over the US under LESA. Come on Ted either the 2a is your permit or it's not
My issue is that after saying it he went out and had himself declared a "special constable" in Texas so that he can carry all over the US under LESA. Come on Ted either the 2a is your permit or it's not

Here's the clip of him explaining this. I'm with you, it is a bit hypocritical to get himself "special" treatment.

But, he's a famous person speaking out for guns. That's not a long list unfortunately.

Obama won't raise taxes.

Obama won't try to reinstate an Automatic Weapons Ban.....

Thank God that the Dems thought about that last one and put a muzzle on our President (the ones that have to be re-elected next year that is).

King Ghidora: "Dumbest rumor ever was that 9/11 was an inside job and that all Jews knew about it ahead of time and weren't in the building. Also part of the same rumor was that the Pentagon wasn't hit with a plane but it was hit by a missle instead. And it was all a pretense for W to annex the middle east for the oil."

That one isn't related to a gun ban. But I am with you. I tolerate a lot of silly conspiracy theory talk around me, because I know that some of it has a kernel of truth to it and some very interesting things may be learned in such discussions, often having nothing whatever to do with the alleged conspiracy.

But I draw the line at the "911 Truthers."

Whenever someone starts that crap, I hold up my hand, and tell them that before I listen to another word of it, they're going to have to hear about the wonderful colleague and friend and secret crush whose flight diverted to the Pentagon right over my head. Hundreds of thousands of people were involved, immediately present or directly observed the events of 9/11/01, and all claims by the so-called "Truthers" are ridiculous and easily debunked.
I really just may lose it the next time I meet one of those scumbags.

Now that's a REAL 9/11 truth!

Hmmmm. I've heard that the military is increasing round production to umpteen gazillion rounds per year/month/day..whatever. This is why you can't buy primers anywhere.

Yet, people say it is "hoarding". It could be both. It could be neither. If someone came out and said "You can't buy primers because they're all being melted down and used to make iPods", I couldn't tell you if it was the truth or not.

But, until I see something that logically points to an actual cause, EVERYTHING I've seen is just a rumor.

Yet, it seems this is all we have to go on. Only because there is no concrete THING we can determine to be the cause. But, even though the concrete truth can't easily be determined, it has to be out there somewhere.

Unfortunately, whether we know it, or just make up rumors, neither will make primers more available.
Lots of pruning needed in this thread - keep it gun related or we'll have to shut this one down.
Buy <insert the random semi-auto gun here> now because it will be banned soon and worth twice as much in a year. Common rumor/sales pitch in the gun shops where I live.
That the Ammo/Semi-auto/Primer bubble will never burst. C'mon psychos, give it up already! I want to start reloading!!!!!!!!!!!!
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