Election Dilemma

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I did finally find out why he decided to vote to keep the DC gun ban in place. During a debate with Socas (the Democrat) this issue came up, and Wolf stated that:

- he supports DC "home rule". In other words, he's willing not only to ignore the Second Amendment, but the Constitution as well, where DC is defined as a Federal territory, and

- he believes that, given DC's high crime rate, the ban is a good idea.

Remember the Tiahrt Amendment that blocked NICS from keeping data on approved, legitimate purchasers more than 24 hours? It originally removed a whole host of restrictions on FFLs that had been put in place by Brady including some of the storefront requirements and other rules that had been put in place during the Clinton Administration as part of a plan to actively reduce the number of FFLs.

Rep. Frank Wolf is the Republican who removed those additional protections from fellow Republican Tiahrt's bill in committee. In this election you can not vote for him because:

1) He won't support your gun rights in any form even as a Republican
2) He isn't necessary to retain Republican control of the House

As for sending a message, I don't really think the polls are a good place to send any message besides "Your performance has been totally unsatisfactory". Oftentimes, the main parties can't even figure out what the message you were sending was. I'd just vote for someone else here on the principle that turnover will keep them from acquiring too much power that they can later put to negative use.
Let's not lose sight of the fact that we don't really know who we're talking about, at least not confirmed by the original poster. Mention of Wolf was your own speculation or hypothetical.

I'd just vote for someone else here on the principle that turnover will keep them from acquiring too much power that they can later put to negative use.
Let's not lose sight of the fact that we don't really know who we're talking about, at least not confirmed by the original poster.
Actually, if you look at the post near the bottom of the first page you will find:
Good Guess Bart!

If the Republican in question is Frank Wolf, I would definitely follow Pax's suggestion as he is no friend to us.
It would seem that Frank Wolf is definitely the elected official being discussed, and he is DEFINITELY anti-gun.
Well here's the good news: the GOP majority in the House doesn't appear to be much at risk this year, so letting the Dem into this seat won't hurt anything.

When that's the case, punishing RINOs is a good thing. I'd outright vote for the Dem.

In the US Senate, voting straight GOP is absolutely critical unless the Dem is "Zell Miller class" *and* the GOPer is a turd.
If the Republican in question is Frank Wolf, I would definitely follow Pax's suggestion as he is no friend to us.

It would seem that Frank Wolf is definitely the elected official being discussed, and he is DEFINITELY anti-gun.

I still read that as another guess, not that it's a big deal, but let's not say vote against the GOP when we're talking about the wrong person.
Bartolomew Roberts put forth the statement:
If the Republican in question is Frank Wolf, I would definitely follow Pax's suggestion as he is no friend to us.
Bubbles (who started the thread) quoted that statement in a reply post with the header:
Good Guess Bart!
I hope there isn't any further doubt as to which elected official is being discussed.

And among GOP elected officials who don't deserve the vote of pro-gun folks, Frank Wolf is close to the top of the list. I lived in Virginia for several years and was chairman of the GOP in the city of Portsmouth for a while. I know who and what he is, and, as I stated, he is NO friend of ours.
Got it! This would have been easier if Bubbles had been forthcoming from the start. Even identifying his subscriber location would have been helpful.
Remember the Tiahrt Amendment that blocked NICS from keeping data on approved, legitimate purchasers more than 24 hours? It originally removed a whole host of restrictions on FFLs that had been put in place by Brady including some of the storefront requirements and other rules that had been put in place during the Clinton Administration as part of a plan to actively reduce the number of FFLs.

Rep. Frank Wolf is the Republican who removed those additional protections from fellow Republican Tiahrt's bill in committee.

I should have remembered that.

Now I just have to decide - do I vote for Socas, or write in 'No Gun Control' since the Republican Party tracks the numbers for votes cast per precinct...
Vote 3rd party. If say the Libs or other 3rd party steal enough votes then maybe the "big two" will at least start to change their platforms to conform more closely with those values.
Here is My choice for US Senator:


Fingerhut is the State Senator from the Shaker Heights area of Greater Cleveland, and he did all he could do to oppose CCW in Ohio, complete with Brady Bunch/VPC scare quotes.

If you open up your "Funk & Wagnalls" to RINO, there is the pic of DeWine, Voinovich, and Guv Booby Daft.

My next vote for Guv Booby [term limits out in 2006] will be for 5th alternate 3rd shift sewer worker....in Baghdad
Voinovich isn't much of a choice; but in this case he is still the better choice. The Senate hangs by a thread right now with Republicans having only a 1-vote lead.

While some Senate Republicans (like Voinovich) are no friends of ours, they do serve one important purpose - they vote to keep pro-RKBA Republicans like Bill Frist in charge of the Senate Judiciary committee. The Democrat will vote for the likes of Leahy, Kennedy, Feinstein and Schumer. That is a big enough difference that given a choice between two losers, I would still go with the RINO in the Senate.
While some Senate Republicans (like Voinovich) are no friends of ours, they do serve one important purpose - they vote to keep pro-RKBA Republicans like Bill Frist in charge of the Senate Judiciary committee.

Not to mention there's that whole USSC appointee issue during the next four years...

At least I don't have to vote on a RINO Senator for a while...
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