Ever Been Packing and Gotten Into a Romantic Situation??

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I'm with El Tejon on this

Preacher gone yet?probably lurking and taking names--again

Oleg and Runt post a pic and not ask for wisecracks--and we can't notify the admin or his asst...I'm feeling controlled;)
I met a lady one night and we went to a bar for a little dancing. Unfortunately my open top Jeep somewhat precluded ditching my PDW. During the course of the evening she gave me a hug and felt "it" carried SOB. She decided that I was some sort of "hitman" or something and was intrigued to the point I showed her my badge and ID.

That one didn't go far, she preferred the bad boys to good guys:scrutiny:
Chicks dig guns!

A young lady slipped an arm around my waist in a bar one night and asked "What the hell is that."

"Oh that, its a gun."

"Wow! Cool! Will you show it to me later?"

"Sure... oh you mean the gun?" :D

I have my CCW in Arizona. Went on a date with a woman that I didn't know was against firearms. My fanny pack with my Glock 30 was sitting on the table, she went to move it realized how heavy it was, asked me what was in it. WELL, after informing her of my CCW and that I carried a firearm, she went really quite. We finished dinner, the temperature had dropped about 50 degree's. I dropped her off at her house and by the time I got home I had the Dear John email. I learned an important lesson, from then on I informed every woman I dated that I was a firearms enthusiast and carried on at all times. Never another problem. Good luck!
Oh yeah. She slipped her arm around me and felt it.
"Whats that?'
"My gun."
"Cool. can I shoot it?"

And we're living happily ever after....:neener:

Eventually I showed her my pistols and rifles...:D
As I carried a firearm every day on my day, mid, night job, all of the woman I dated knew that I was always armed. I married a gal who didn't know much about firearms but didn't care if I carried. Of course I took her out shooting and she was hooked. Se promptly made me build her a .45 auto, which I did. Saw a Browning high power that she thought was a cute gun and got that. Now she wants her own rifle and shotgun. I'm not complaining. It's good to know she can protect herself (don't piss her off, you should see what she does to beer cans at 30 yards). She is now an NRA member, has a CCW and wants to help me build her rifle. The only problem is that there is now less money for my guns and ammo. Ah, what the heck, it's worth it.:D
Well Slam My Lid & Call Me TACKELBERRY!

Reading this thread keeps getting me flashbacks of Officer Ugene Tackleberry and His cop GF in the bedroom scene from one of the "Police Acadamy" comedy romps:neener: Lord only knows how many hideout guns they had between em:D SCENE: The lights go out - KAPOW!!!** "Oh GENE!" = ROTFLMAO! :p

Actually, I dated a cop for a while, when she finally 'showed me _Her_ gun, it was an L frame S&W:eek:
At the time, I was packing a PPK;)
She thought mine was "Cute":what:
Finishing Para2. Post

Mae West to Cary Grant
"Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me."
Yes, my PPK in it's IWB holster fell with the loosening of my belt, on her foot as Murphy would have it. And she only said that if it went off, it would have shot me in the nuts, and she would have been sad. And she continued where she left off... I didnt marry her, but married a anti-gun girl.
I tend not to get "romantic" with women that I haven't gotten to know well enough to tell how they might react to such things. Politics is a passion of mine and if a girl doesn't have an opinion along with the ability to discuss it rationally, well, she'd better be REAL darn good looking!

I've gone on first dates with a Glock 20 concealed discreetly under my clothing. At 6'7", there's enough room to hide such things. It never flashed, and by the time it may have become an issue that evening, she was too distracted to notice.

The most I've ever gotten was:

Q. "Why do you need to carry a gun?"
A. "Because I love people."

That answer tends to short circuit the soccer mom reflex. :)

Either they trust you or they don't. Any girl who would cut contact with you over gun ownership isn't someone you want to spend the rest of your life with, anyway.

The current SO says that until she met me, she thought only insane lunatics or cops carried guns around. My response:

"How did meeting me change your opinion?"
Unfortunately, I cannot carry because I live in California. However, when my gf found out that I had guns she asked me "Will you take me shooting sometime?" I knew that she was a keeper and we are living happily ever after :D
I had the exact opposite response. Your not getting a gun. 6 guns later she is happily shooting a Ruger MKII standard that I got her. Somehow she eats up 500 rounds of .22 in a range session. Good thing I dont have a speed loader. :)

ex fiance once huged me and found that I can Hide my .45 on my persons and not be seen , but she was a person who wanted to shoot and thought about getting a ccw (hoosier girl got to love them , ) the only question was, why do I carry even if illegal at times , answer "my life was threatened once and I don't fool around when it comes to my life" . I wish she would have stayed it would have been fun to play where did we conceal it ..:D
dated a canadian girl until she found out I carried and freaked out, I didn't bother calling her again, nor did I really want her to call me either. ended up finding a girl from the backwoods of northern MN and lived happily ever after, she bought me my first rifle and chipped in on 90% of my firearms.
Reaction to gun ownership/carrying is a nice lithmus test for controlling/hoplophobic behaviors. I admit to being prejudiced against women who don't either carry a weapon or know unarmed fighting techniques, as I know so many who are able to fend for themselves. Observing runt, Kaylee and Tam (and now others, like Sheslinger), gave me a pretty good baseline on by which to evaluate others.
ummm.....no. But then, purses are good for ditching things in on a trip to the bathroom. ;)

I dunno.. y'all have spoiled me. I was kinda dissappointed in the last feller I went out with... he wasn't carrying anything. Things like that'll make a girl think you don't care about her welfare or somethin..... :(

I'm with the guys that let them know beforehand that I carry. I made it clear to my wife that I had guns and carried them regularly.

I'll tell y'all this much: The first day I let her shoot my weapon is also the first day she shot my gun;)

She had never had a Southern Gentleman nor a handgun in her hands before, I guess it was too much for her to bear because our fifth anniversary is coming up in a few weeks. :D
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