Fall - South PA possible THR meet

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Hey P95 is your daughter gonna be there?
Afraid not!!! But I know what you mean! ;) But then I am biased anyways!
We loose an hour on 10-26-03 that's the day that Daylight savings time ends
Correction I think ..... we ''get the hour back'' .... so in fact get an hour more to sleep ....... maybe!!

Check PM again dude ......
We will have to see what can be arranged. A weekend of camping and shooting may be good for the soul.
Don't forget guys ..... as I mentioned earlier in thread ...... if you can come or at least see it as possible ... PM me with your email addy .. which I'll test and then put you on the mailing list for later when we get nearer the time.

I have the range rented for weekend but in fact ... would reckon that the Saturday is mainly for longer travellers ... who want to arrive and camp out, ready for shoot on Sunday.

I am hoping to coerce my spouse ... at least ... into helping out - so we have food available most of Sunday .... Saturday evening? .... well, probably best to pick up a take-out on way along.

I'll be giving out more details and a GIF map later on. But read earlier posts and you'll see pretty much where it is located.
Whats This ?? !! A shoot in my back yard and I'm just noticing this ! Ah well I have a good excuse , been workin on my truck darn near 2 weeks. Now she has a fresh coat of paint and can resume her totin me to shootin spots. P95 I hope the weather holds for this , sounds great! Never shot there but I know right where it is. Case
Hey Case!!!!!!!!!!!

Hot damn ..... a neighbor!!

Well ... no excuses for you dude! :) As I said above . reminder ....... PM me will ya . anyone who is on for this who hasn't already .... I want an email mailing list made up for later .. OK?
Looking foward to it!

I was just informed the wife will be away with my mother that weekend buying Baskets :confused: some where in Ohio.

All that means is that I can bring plenty of guns and will be on time! :D
If I can get there I'll be there.

But I probably won't be able to get use of the car for the whole weekend to go blasting with strangers off the internet. and it would be a rather long haul for me.
It is still Sunday, Oct 26th right? If so I do plan to be there. Probably be camping the night before, though I won't be able to leave Baltimore until after the sabbath is over (I'll be leaving approx. 8:30 PM so I guess I'll get there between 10:30 and 11 PM).
Yeah Mike ... Sunday Oct 26 ..... been that all along!! I have booked range for the weekend in fact .... which allows for anyone coming along later in day on Saturday, so they can camp out and be there for Sunday morning.

I doubt we'll have exactly a crowd but am hopeful for a sufficient number to make it a great day, both socially and shooting-wise. As mentioned early on ...... the club room has ''facilities'' ... and I have coerced my dear wife to come along and cook us up some basic fare.

The difficulty might be .... for me, deciding not so much which guns to bring but which to leave behind!!:p I will try and bring stuff which others would most like to see or try ....... this can be worked out later.
I knew October 26 was being bandied about, but wasn't sure if that was a hard date or not.


It's on my calendar.

I'll probably travel fairly light, but will include at least my new Remington 81, maybe my SKS, my No 1 MK III, and an assortment of handguns.
Great Mike .... be good if you can make it .... am hoping tho we don't get too premature a sniff of winter by then!!

What you plan to bring sounds good ...... oh and .. PM me your email addy will ya ... so I can add you to list for later notification of details etc. I'll send you a test one when received.

I'll make up and send out a GIF file with local directions nearer the time.

Chris P95
Well ..... now just under 5 weeks guys. So, any other takers?? - North MD, South and West PA ..... East and South OH ....... would be good to swell numbers tad more.

I'll try and give a weekly reminder cos sure not everyone who might be able to make it will have seen the thread yet.
MAN...... i'd like to hit one of these shoots with ya'll, but 250 mi is a loooong haul... We need to get something together closer to ohio

Yep ... sure is rather a haul ....... appreciate that. Sorta trip that maybe is easier to consider in high summer.

However, will be hoping we can still have a good time even if numbers a tad limited.

So far, my email list is ten but not all are ''certains'' yet ... nevertheless, we have a working nucleus and hope for just a few more.
I did mean to add, to all likely to come along .... be good if you can bring a target frame ...... just so we have enough.

I'll try and make up another one or two .... and if time allows - weld up a reactive target similar to one I described in a thread on that subject recently.
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