Family member death/firearms transfer

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Jul 12, 2007
southern maine
Hi all, I lost a family member who is a collector and reloader like myself. I have to go to NY state to get some things that were left to me. I am wondering about handguns in NY state. Since they are registered to said owner, do I have to do forms in NY state to another FFL in my state of Maine and then have them transferred to me?
Not sure how to go about this. I know I can have the rifles without paperwork, but what about the handguns?
Thanks for your time, Bob
I don't see a concrete answer in there...

It's a moot point if the OP had the firearms(s) willed to him and the will was legally executed. In that case, I would expect that the transfer would have happened already. BUT, I don't think that is the case here.

I, like Salmoneye, don't see the solution in the referenced link if the New York resident "in possession" of the firearm(s) exceeded the 14 days allowed. Are the firearms themselves in NY State legal limbo if NY NO State FFL will allow them to be transferred out of the original owners name? Or worse, has the New York resident "in possession" already committed a crime by having possession of "unregistered firearms"?

I hope the answer to both of the above is NO, but maybe it's "talk to a lawyer time". Sooner or later, the names of the recently deceased will be ran against the list of license holders either by the state or by local police. That is what happened in Buffalo, NY not long ago.

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Is the executor an attorney or has he/she consulted a New York attorney? If not, that should be done. If there is a will, the executor is the person who needs to take whatever steps are necessary to transfer any of the decedent's property to the heirs. If there is no will, the immediate next of kin (wife, adult child, etc.) would need to do the same, but again, consult an attorney (the cost will be paid by the estate).

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