Film Crew Under Fire From Mexican Army

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Them thar Mexicans is a-comin', the Mexeecans are a-comin'! Shak, can you get an air strike on imgainary targets? :D

Good thing they "chased" and "shot at" a film crew. That's why there is so much footage released with the story.

Wow, just like all the other allegations we have rock solid video evidence! Just look at all this footage from a film crew no less where we see . . . . *crickets chirping*

I call not bearthread, but hysterical bearthread on this.
Shak, all in good fun! :D Look out, an illegal alien zombie behind you! :eek:

"Blind Hysteria, this is WrappedinFlag, I have a definite rumor of a target."

"This is Blind Hysteria 6 Actual, set threat level to Nativists Forever, hike up decibels and fire for effect." :D

I am certain that this was actually Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney along with a zombie bear from the UN and Bigfoot out in a hunting trip in a Haliburton vehicle. They saw the film crew and thought they they were there to shoot footage of Cheney's role in destroying the levee in New Orleans. Cheney became enraged and attacked even though they were not women, minorities or Democrats in sandals.
what was described as members of the Mexican Army

There's one thing here. I know it was a humvee with "maybe" a .50 cal (doesn't seem they got that close for visual ID), it doesn't seem that there was any solid identification that they were official army. BG's can own humvees.

Of course they could truly have been - and on special "business" guarding a drug trade route, that is though for the cartel. Anyway the story smells a little fishy...

It's all FUBAR.
Darn those Mexikan guys!

don't they know .50's are illegal in Kali? and film crews are your friends? Years ago before I retired, the Kali guard had a whole battalion of guys on the border "helping" several agencies. We once dropped some into an LZ off the ortega hwy that was sh*t in the middle of nowhere; one of the pilots later told me it was a very old historic route for smugglers. Later we flew the govenor over an area on the US side that was a staging point before the nights' game of cat & mouse started. It was just after dark & the place looked like a tailgate party -guys selling tacos (could see that close), playing soccer & just kickin back till they came north. Seems like nothing changes. This was at least 10 years ago.
VERY SUSPICIOUS!!! A "film crew" shot at by Mexican military and DID NOT TAKE ANY PICTURES?FILM??? VERY SUSPICIOUS!!! :scrutiny:

Good shooting and be safe.
'Scuse me, El Tejon, but are you implying that had you been there and been shot at, you'd have bravely taken out your camera and started shooting pictures of the guys shooting bullets? Doing this while also doing a balancing act in the back of a speeding pickup on rutted dirt roads?

All: Given our scornful comments, here, about various newsies, why would we expect camera-armed people to be all that brave?

The article mentioned speeds up to 55 mph on rutted dirt roads. Ever tried that? Hey, you'd need a wide-angled lens just to get the sky! Just staying on board the pickup would be a pretty good trick. I drive pretty fast on dirt roads, around here, sometimes. I really doubt I could reliably shoot a rifle and hit the ground while so driving to escape Bad Guys. And with the driver's brother shooting from the back of the pickup? Not much better...

I recall a number of threads here about similar events, except those being harassed or shot at were BP or NPS folks. I don't recall a lot of doubt as to the events' happening.

Hey Art,
I'm in the Television/Broadcast profession. I work with camera crews and I know how they think. These guys are always looking for their 15 min. of fame behind a camera. Don't think for a second that they wouldn't have mashed that red record button even if it was just to record the audio of the event. These guys eat, sleep constantly think what they can get on tape. Basically, they think of using the camera as much as we think of self defense when in an unfamiliar area. Even if they were on a "scouting mission" to see what and where to tape, they still would have some of their basic gear, usually a $30K+ digi beta camera just to check lighting shots/framing.
Remember the shootout in front of the LA courthouse where the attorney was dancing around the tree as he was being shot at? I know I would have been diving for cover from flying lead, but the news pukes kept taping. It's their mindset. If they don't think this way constantly, they're stuck with a life of video taping weddings and barmitzvahs.
Art, yes, that's exactly what I expect (if it was real and not just bear thread like it is). They have access to recording the alleged "event" and do not take advantage? Pure nonsense.

We have all seen incredible footage from Afghanistan and Iraq where cameras are going and trucks and Humvees (even SF tinkertoy vehicles) are going over 55 over rutted roads. Bullets flying everywhere, vehicles bouncing up and down and side to side, but plenty of footage there, yet here there is none?

What does this lead the jury to believe--that this "incident" is a complete and utter fabrication existing only in the mind of those who believe in Black UN helicopters, Bigfoot and the Mexican Army invading the U.S.

It is a story sold to those that are predisposed to believe something like this. The anger those have toward immigration is transformed into a form of personal vulnerability and guilt (usually these people live in Border States that were taken from Mexico) so that they more readily believe that the USA is being invaded by the Mexican Army.

Of course, if there is video, then let's see it. If this did happen, it is an outrage that must bring severe international consequences.
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