Finally---an early morning range trip wit(h) my new toy

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Feb 14, 2007
NM- far south of I-40
Grandma and I collected our two oldest, 10 and 13 years old, great grand girls and headed to the range early this morning. It was mostly to let them shoot and me fire my new Heritage RR. Although this is in the handgun forum a Colt M4-4 and a Crickett managed to hitch hike along for the ride. The pistols were an SR22, MK III 22/45 lite, new RR, older bird's head RR, and my seriously modified GSG 1911-22. The SR 22 and The MK III were the big favorites with the girls and the two RR were second. The 10 year old fooled me and really liked the single actions and I gave her the honor of being the first to fire my new RR which got a big grin and she had to tell her mother immediately upon returning home. Both girls are pretty good shots. I had named the oldest "dead eye" a couple of years ago and I hung "dead shot" on the youngest this morning which got another big grin. This was mostly to allow the girls to get in some shooting before school starts next month but I did fire 21 shots. Six were from my new toy. It has four sticky chambers which are going to get polished tomorrow afternoon. The bird's head has a couple also that I have never got around to doing anything about so I will do both while set up.

The youngest does something that I have never seen anyone else do. She is a lefty. Writes, draws, and feeds herself left handed but she shoots right handed. There was nothing involved except her just doing it. It's completely natural with her. When she first did it I asked her if it might be better to shoot left handed as she is left handed and left eye dominant. She tried and said it didn't work right and it was plain to see it didn't.
Thanks for telling us about such a fun outing. I love stories about taking kids to the range. The happy look on their faces as they shoot for the first time then, later, as they improve is wonderful. Helping dear friends introduce their kids to firearms are cherished memories even ten and twenty years after.

Great story about your grand daughters ,I'm just a grand uncle . My youngest nieces baby boy will be familiar with firearms his dad and grandpa are hunters . My oldest niece is scared of guns doubt her kids will ever shoot a gun maybe my grand nephew when older. I'm also a lefty and shoot handguns right handed use right eye but I'm left eye dominate and shoot rifle left hand.
nice outing! the ruger sr22 is a wonderful “goldilocks” general purpose pistol. easy to feed, shoot, clean, enjoy. with the right holster can be a ccw. ten well-placed rounds of cci velocitors can deter such evil threats as are generally faced by normal civilians who are recoil-shy.
Great story about your grand daughters ,I'm just a grand uncle . My youngest nieces baby boy will be familiar with firearms his dad and grandpa are hunters . My oldest niece is scared of guns doubt her kids will ever shoot a gun maybe my grand nephew when older. I'm also a lefty and shoot handguns right handed use right eye but I'm left eye dominate and shoot rifle left hand.

GREAT grand daughters. :D My only grand daughter is almost 33 years old. :eek: These two are her oldest. Her youngest just turned two. I wonder if I will be around to teach her or if I will remember anything to teach her by the time she is old enough.
Grandma and I collected our two oldest, 10 and 13 years old, great grand girls and headed to the range early this morning. It was mostly to let them shoot and me fire my new Heritage RR. Although this is in the handgun forum a Colt M4-4 and a Crickett managed to hitch hike along for the ride. The pistols were an SR22, MK III 22/45 lite, new RR, older bird's head RR, and my seriously modified GSG 1911-22. The SR 22 and The MK III were the big favorites with the girls and the two RR were second. The 10 year old fooled me and really liked the single actions and I gave her the honor of being the first to fire my new RR which got a big grin and she had to tell her mother immediately upon returning home. Both girls are pretty good shots. I had named the oldest "dead eye" a couple of years ago and I hung "dead shot" on the youngest this morning which got another big grin. This was mostly to allow the girls to get in some shooting before school starts next month but I did fire 21 shots. Six were from my new toy. It has four sticky chambers which are going to get polished tomorrow afternoon. The bird's head has a couple also that I have never got around to doing anything about so I will do both while set up.

The youngest does something that I have never seen anyone else do. She is a lefty. Writes, draws, and feeds herself left handed but she shoots right handed. There was nothing involved except her just doing it. It's completely natural with her. When she first did it I asked her if it might be better to shoot left handed as she is left handed and left eye dominant. She tried and said it didn't work right and it was plain to see it didn't.
I'm similar to your grand child- left handed, but I shoot right handed, though I am right eye dominant
My daughter started life as lefty but changed into a righty. Of course that didn't change her left eye dominance. When she started trying to shoot it was obviously a big problem and I told her she had three choices. Give up learning to shoot, learn to shoot left handed using her left eye, or learning to use her right eye when shooting, her choice. She chose to learn using her right eye and managed to embarrass some of her older brother's friends by out shooting them. She got her CC permit a few years ago and had no problem at all qualifying.
The youngest does something that I have never seen anyone else do. She is a lefty. Writes, draws, and feeds herself left handed but she shoots right handed. There was nothing involved except her just doing it. It's completely natural with her. When she first did it I asked her if it might be better to shoot left handed as she is left handed and left eye dominant. She tried and said it didn't work right and it was plain to see it didn't.
My Dad was right handed but shot left handed. I asked him once "why?" His response was "My right arm is stronger for holding the rifle...all the left has to do is press the trigger." Makes sense.
i am left handed with writing , using a fork. fly casting , i reel with my left hand but cast spinning rods with my right and shoot rifles and handguns as a rightly but i am right eye dominant. maybe because i was taught to shoot a scoped air rifle as a righty when i was young. i can shoot comfortably with my left as strong hand supported by my "weak" right hand but not so good using the left by itself.
Sounds like you had a super day. I really enjoy shooting my RR. Never thought I wanted one until I saw it in the store and then I just had to walk out with it.

I know what you mean about heavily modified GSG 1911-22s. I did just about every modification possible to mine and it shoots great. Too great. My son decided he really wanted it so I gave it to him for Christmas. I haven't been able to find a replacement for it since.
That sounds like a great day. I sold it off some years back but I used to have a birdshead grip Rough Rider. They are a pretty neat little revolver. It is great you got to enjoy your great grandkids. It is interesting about how the girl shoots but if it works it works.
I am cross dominant. Right handed, left eyed. I shoot right handed but use my left eye for handgun, my right eye for rifle.
Thanks for the great story. I take my 2 grandchildren shooting when they make the 190 mile trip to my house. I take their mom, my daughter-in-law with us too. Thank can't shoot where they live, a no gun city. :cuss:
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